February 04/07 Gaia Mountains 11:51 am I was slowly making my way to the marketplace to do some shopping when I heard a high pitch whine. I followed the noise untill I came across a big bag full of something. I picked up the bag and shook it. It felt like money so I turned around and went to my friends photocopy shop.
Same Day Photocopy Shop 12:31 pm You may wonder "You just found about 12,000 gold why are you at a photocopy shop why not out shopping?". Well I couldnt accept this money knowing someone had lost it. So I made 400 signs about the lost money and I could use my Jr.Cupid magic to help seperate the lyers from the owner. I hope someone comes to claim it soon.
Same Day My Chambers 3:52 pm
I have 2 people here to claim the money. Apparently cupid hit everyone else in my eyes as she wasnt wearing her glasses. The first person is a mysterious man wearing a black cloak. I havent seen his face. Then there is Amy. I dispise Amy! We went to Jr.Cupid middle school. She got expelled and turned in a nimph (they are bad). I am getting the test ready and they will be coming back tomorrow.
PixieOfLove · Sun Feb 04, 2007 @ 04:56pm · 1 Comments |