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Ipseity, Collection of Poems and thoughts
Here I will post poems that I've written and grown to adore and my thoughts on deep subjects
Our Pains Crossing Paths
My first self proclaimed good poem, this work concerns an individual I loved at the time - and still do. Its a little rough around the edges, like most of my work, but I love the poem's visual imagery and creative provocations. I wrote it out of anger and self-pity for losing their love, using this poem to insult them to fill the void they left.

Our Pains Crossing Paths

In giving my heart,
I trusted - believed;
But quickly was lost when
Your nature, I perceived -
From the depths of your soul,
Desires to hurt were conceived.
And with all of your might,
You huffed and you heaved.

And now I look to you
With a downcast gaze
As each of your morals
Set abruptly ablaze.
And while I watch you struggle
To wander out from this maze,
You scream and you plead;
But they don't even phase.

All the while, our memories dance
Across the ballroom floor
Until they reach that familiar plane,
Where, they appear to exist - no more.
Yet forever they will linger,
Locked behind that door.
A door with no said lock or key -
A door with mysterious lore.

And here, there meets
A lover's end;
There's no more room
To make amends.
And as I turn to walk away,
You prepare your final rend
And sigh in shame
Of such a disastrous sin.

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  • 02/11/07 to 02/04/07 (1)
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