
I woke up today to Scuttle yelling "Ariel! Ariel! Wake up! I just heard the news! Congratulatios! We did it kiddo!"
"What are you talking about?" asked Sebastian.
He told me that Eric was getting married this afternoon! We did it! I was so happy and so excited I ran downstairs to see Eric but... but... he was with someone else. A girl. She sounded... just like me.
He marrying her! Not me. Her! I ran away, and started crying. They're getting married on a boat, right before sunset. Sunset on the third day. Why is this happening to me?
Later on I sat on the pier and watched the boat float away from me. On that boat was Eric. My only love. I did everything for him... everything for nothing.
Scuttle came hurrying to me to try and tell me something!
"Ariel! Ariel. I was flying, I wa - of course I was flying - An' - I s- I saw that the watch - the witch was watchin' a mirror, and she was singin' with a stolen set o' pipes! Do you hear what I'm tellin' you? THE PRINCE IS MARRYING THE SEA WITCH IN DISGUISE!"
"Are you sure about this?" asked Sebastian
"Have I ever been wrong? I mean when it's important!"
The sun was setting. It was the third day.
"Ariel, grab on to that. Flounder, get her to that boat as fast as your fins can carry you!"
I felt defeated, but I did was Sebastian told me to. I held onto a barrel while Flounder pulled me through the water towards the ship.
Once we got there it seemed like it was too late. They were about to finish the wedding ceremony.
Just then, Scuttle and his friends started attacking Ursala in disguise! Her necklace fell and my voice went back into my body!
"Ariel? You're the one! The one I've been looking for!" "Oh Eric, I tried to tell you!"
"You're too late!" shouted Ursala
Ursala turned back into the sea witch and my legs turned back into a fin. I was so devestated. Ursala grabbed be and dragged me into the water.
Once we were in the water I saw my daddy!
"Ursala STOP!" "Why, King Triton! How are you?" "Let her go." "Not a chance, Triton. She's mine. We made a deal."
"I'm so sorry, daddy, I didn't mean to." I tried to plead to my father.
Daddy tried to blast away the paper with my signature with his trident, but it didn't work.
"You see? The contract's legal, binding and completely unbreakable - even for YOU. Of course, I always was a girl with an eye for a bargain. The daughter of the great sea king is a very precious commodity. But - I might be willing to make an exchange for someone even better. . . Now, do we have a deal?"
I couldn't believe it, daddy signed the paper over my name! All the sudden he turned into a lifeless creature.
"Oh daddy. I'm so so sorry."
Ursala took daddy's crown and trident.
"Finally, I'm the ruler of all the ocean-"
Just then Eric threw a spear at Ursala and cut her arm!
"Eric! Look out!"
Ursala tried to kill him with the trident, but I pushed her and she zapped her two eels instead.
"My babies!" Ursala cried
Eric and I went up to the shore so he could breathe.
"Look out!" Eric cried.
Ursala made a whirlpool and I fell into it. I couldn't believe it. I was trapped. The whirlpool made all the sunken ships start to move again, and one started floating above the water. Eric climbed into it, and with a little bravery, drove the ship right into Ursala!
Ursala gasped, and then vanished. Daddy returned to normal. I was freed. I was so happy.
Eric climbed his way onto the shore... I climbed a rock and looked at him. He saved my life. He saved my father's life.
ariel is the best · Tue Feb 20, 2007 @ 11:17pm · 0 Comments |