Rose's POV
Upon seeing whom Dragon referred to as Lord Avondale, Rose was a little taken aback. As far as she knew, he was dead. Infamous, but dead. She tried not to choke when Nogard mentioned having tried to kill him. Rose never did fully trust Nogard, but geez!
She watched somewhat silently as Nissa escorted Lord Avondale past them to the brig. About that same time, Taran and ANTIE-D caught up to Rose.
Taran's eyes grew wide as he watched the person being taken away. That couldn't be.... Taran dismissed the thought, and spoke to Rose.
"Why did you run off so quickly!" he asked hushedly.
"I had to talk to Dragon." Rose answered. "About... someone who needs a ride." But as she spoke, Rose heard Dragon issuing orders to open the bay, while being argued with by Shal. She didn't understand what was going on quite yet. But the something about some unknown person in the brig had Rose worried. However, she was unable to get a word in before the doors started to open.
Se'rox's POV
Se'rox bowed to the small boy.
"Pleased to meet you, young Xink." she answered his greeting.
Se'rox also wondered, as Xink did, who Xangord thought was in that portal, also. She very much disliked one thing about portals; because they didn't quite touch the ground, she was unable to "see" inside them. Hence, she could never "see" who was inside one, nor where it led. She sincerely hoped that cold metal bit was not as telling as she felt it might be. But hope was small in a nobody. Very small indeed.
She had felt the coming of more people, but she only recognized two. She took a step or two casually back away from the light just before she felt the door start to move. When it did, Se'rox had moved a bit further out of the light, and next to a few dusty barrels and metal crates. She leaned against them, one foot touching the barrel, and the other solidly on the floor. She was ready for anything, now.
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