Interview with Daisuke
Interviewer: Hello Daisuke, how are ya!
Daisuke: Huh? where'd you come from? gonk
Interviewer: Um, sir you set up this interview, you told us to show up at 7 o'clock.
Daisuke: Yeah, so why are you here now?
Interviewer: It's 7 sir.
Daisuke: Huh? *looks at watch* you're right, so how's about you start now?
Interviewer: So, let's see, we'll start with the first question: Where were you born?
Daisuke: You stalker!!! *chokes him* how did you know I was born in Manchester Jamaica!!!
Interviewer: *gags* sir, let--go please!!!
Daisuke: *lets go*
Interviewer: Um, thank you for the answer sir.
Daisuke: What? I didn't answer your question...
Interviewer: Ok, next question... How old are you?
Daisuke: I'll be 18 in april, *glares* that's not one of the questions!
Interviewer: Yes it is...
Daisuke: Let me see that card. *snatches, and reads* Heh, you're right...
Interviewer: Okay then, on to the next question: What's your favorite color?
Daisuke: Death!!! huh? oh, I thought you said something else...
Interviewer: ...
Daisuke: My favorite color is Indigo. *nods*
Interviewer: Ok, so next question: Do you have a significant other? A lover?
Daisuke: Whoa! *kicks him in the face* Yeah, I do, why are you asking me that?
Interviewer: OW! *falls to the ground*
Daisuke: Um, you okay? what happened to you?
Interviewer: YOU KICKED ME!!! scream
Daisuke: That's just silly. *helps him back into his chair*
Interviewer: Ugh, Thank you sir.
Daisuke: No problem! *nods*
Interviewer: Well, okay next question: What do you like in a girl?
Daisuke: Huh? Well, I tend to like a girl with brains, at least a slight sense of style, someone who'll like me for me, you know, umm a sense of humor, they have to have a cute smile, 4laugh they have to actually smile. I like teh smiley... HEY! DID I SAY YOU COULD TOUCH THAT?!?
Interviewer: Oops, sorry sir...
Daisuke: *ahem* well, where was I?
Interviewer: Ah it doesn't matter, next question:
Daisuke: Wait!
Interviewer: Who did you look up to in your life?
Daisuke: My brother, I look up to him because he taught me to keep my cool under pressure, to stay as kind as I'm told I am. He's helped me survive, and without him, I would've been gone long ago.
Interviewer: Ok, so got any hobbies?
Daisuke: Well, I started boxing when I was 12, and been doing that ever since, I've also started kickboxing just last year, I'm pretty good with both, and I like to draw, paint, write, and if I'm not doing any of that, just sitting around, relaxing.
Interviewer: What do you do the most?
Daisuke: I probably draw the most, I'm not too much into boxing anymore, and kickboxing is good, but I'm not as good in that as I am in boxing.
Interviewer: I see you draw with an anime style, so what's your favorite anime?
Daisuke: That's a tough one, but I'd have to say DNAngel.
Interviewer: Any reason why?
Daisuke: Well, aside from all of his phantom theif work as Dark, Niwa-kun is just another person as we all are, you know? All he wants is to live normally, and find someone that he loves, and be with that person. I remember when he confessed his love for Risa, and she denied him, and he felt so unloved, and rejected. I felt bad for him, and I related to that, because it has happened to me as well, and I'm sure it's happened to everyone.
Interviewer: Yes, that makes sense. Daisuke, sir, it was nice having this interview with you today, and I will be leaving now.
Daisuke: No problem, have a good day.
Interviewer: You too. *walks out*
Daisuke: *sigh*
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