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I 0WN J00!!111jn231
I'm starting to actually use this thing more often! :00
Here's a monstrous list of some surveys :]
I love defining myself but I can't find the right words so I take surveys. Go me. c:

Name: Becca
Birthday: December 26th
Birthplace: Indianapolis, IN
Current Location: Virginia Beach
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'0
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: German, Scandinavian, Irish
The Shoes You Wore Today: Didn't wear any :]
Your Weakness: my social anxiety D;
Your Fears: Heights, Falling, Drowning...
Your Perfect Pizza: Pizza with a bunch of cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get into Salem High
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: OMG
Thoughts First Waking Up: I hate waking up from good dreams D:
Your Best Physical Feature: Haha. Your funny.
Your Bedtime: 9 ish 10 ish
Your Most Missed Memory: My aunt D:
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King: Burger King
Single or Group Dates: Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both :3
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee
Do you Smoke: Used to
Do you Swear: Hell yes!
Do you Sing: Yeah :] but I suck
Do you Shower Daily: Yup
Have you Been in Love: Yeah
Do you want to go to College: Yup
Do you want to get Married: Ewno.
Do you belive in yourself: Nope
Do you get Motion Sickness: no
Do you think you are Attractive: Nope
Are you a Health Freak: no
Do you get along with your Parents: Yup
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes
Do you play an Instrument: No
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no
In the past month have you Smoked: no
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: no
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: no
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no
In the past month have you been on Stage: no
In the past month have you been Dumped: no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no
Ever been Drunk: Nope
Ever been called a Tease: no
Ever been Beaten up: Yeah
Ever Shoplifted: no
How do you want to Die: I want to die from one of my fears drowning, falling..ext.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Anime and Manga artist
What country would you most like to Visit: Japan/Ireland
In a Boy/Girl..
Favorite Eye Color: Any color
Favorite Hair Color: Brunette
Short or Long Hair: Medium or long
Height: Taller
Weight: Medium
Best Clothing Style: Like I care c:
Number of Drugs I have taken: 1
Number of CDs I own: Do Playstation games count? >_>
Number of Piercings: 0
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Nothing
Three things that scare me:
1: Being made fun of :/
2: Too much attention
3: Losing my friends
Three people who make me laugh:
1: Ricky
2: Melissa
3: Sammy
Three Things I love:
1: Laughing
2: Being lazy
3: Chilling with my friends
Three Things I hate:
1: Fighting
2: Stupid people
3: People who take things too seriously
Three things I don't understand:
1: People
2: Math
3: Why people are stupid
Three things on my desk:
1: Phone
2: Speakers
3: Trash
Three things I'm doing right now:
1: Breathing
2: Sitting
3: Existing
Three things I want to do before I die:
1: Go to Japan
2: Meet Melissa
3: Look good in tights :/
Three things I can do:
1: Sit
2: Breath
3: Exist
Three ways to describe my personality:
1: Funny
2: Annoying
3: Loud
Three things I can't do:
1: go into McDonalds by myself ]:
2: recite the Bible in Hebrew
3: Lick my elbow
What's the most comfortable thing you own?: My Spongebob PJ pants.
Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?: No
How long does it take for you to take a shower?: Haha, like 40 minutes. :]
Have you ever stolen a sign from a street?: No
What was the last thing you were thinking about?: Umm...what the answer was for the question above
If you could change your MIDDLE name, what would it be?: Don't want to, I like my middle name. :]
Is the moon out right now?: Yeah
What's the heaviest thing you own, besides a car?: um.........My computer monitor.
Do you live on your own?: No
Who's car were you in last?: My moms
What's your relationship status?: Hahahahahha. Single.
Who was the last person to ever kiss you?: Casey ]:
When was the last time you held hands with someone?: UMM...wow...uh...I don't know.
Do you have a crush/like someone right now?: mmmmm....kinda. :]
Have you ever wished upon a star for a certain someone?: Not since I was a kid.
What was the weirdest moment with you and your bf/gf?: Um...can't remember.
Is love even real to you?: Only in my dreams. xD
Warm up near a fire or cuddle under the stars?: Both
Who is the person you regret being/doing something with the most?: I don't
Most romantic flowers or chocolate?: both
If single... are you lookin around?: Single, kinda lost on what I want to do.
If taken... are you happy?: no
Do you like being around a large group of friends, or two best friends?: Two best friends.
What's one of your weird quirks that nobody really understands?: Um...The cement glue in art class smells sooooooo good @____@
Ever thought about why grass is green?: I don't think so xD Sure doesn't taste good.
Can you build a detailed sand castle?: Yes! I love to do that. :]
Ever bit someone else's tongue?: No xD
Have you ever tackled someone to the ground?: Hm...nope
What's one of your favorite possessions?: My computer
Do you like to sleep?: God yes.
Is your bed comfortable?: Yup. Twin size, it doesn't have to be big to be comfortable. :]
What's the most awkward thing that happened to you in public this month?: When my real dad flew in to see us and now he's living temporarily with my step dad and us. :/
Who's the last person that freaked you out?: Um...my mom
Who was the last person to compliment you?: Matt
What's in your purse/backpack/other(pockets, wallet...)?: Um...I have a wallet some odd IDs from school but thats it
Do you feel like life will be easier when you're older, or harder?: Harder, but I'll love every minute of it.
How come macaroni and cheese is so good?: Cause, it makes a balanced mix of cheesey goodness and carbs. :]
Is pink the new black?: What, are you colorblind? And anyways, black isn't even a color. :/
What thought made you cry last?: Ugh...when my mom and sister got into a fight. :/

What's the time there?: 7:31 P.M.
What time did you go to bed last night?: Around 2
What time did you wake up this morning/ afternoon?: 9 A.M.
Where did you sleep?: my bed
Do you always go to bed when you're tired or crash wherever you are?: I sleep only in my bed :/
Could you sleep with the TV on?: No
If so, what show is often on when you doze off?: I unno, some random a** show.
Do you wake up to turn off the TV or does someone else?: Someone else
Do you have a recurring dream?: I don't think so
If so, what is it about?: ...
Are your dreams vivid or vague?: ...
Do you ever search up your dreams' meanings?: Yes
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 4
What's your favorite bedtime snack?: I don't know, anything that looks good and I don't have to prepare.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: No
If so, how many?: none
What are their names and what kinds do you have?: ...
Do you sleep talk?: Sometimes the last time I know of is when I supposedly sat straight up in my sleep and started slurring words that started with D
Do you sleep walk?: No
Do you wake up hungry or thirsty?: yeah
Where is your room located in your house?: What, are you trying to stalk me?
Do you have your own room?: Mhm
Do you sleep with a night light?: No, but sometimes I'm too lazy to turn the light off D;
Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom?: No
If so, do you often run into objects and hurt yourself?: No
Do you snore?: No, thank god. xD
Do you toss and turn?: GOD YES. I'm very picky about how I sleep. :/
Do you sleep on your back, stomach, right, or left side?: Left and right side
Do you sleep stretched up or curled up in a ball?: Both
When is your bedtime?: 9-10
What time do you set your alarm for?: 6:10
Are you a morning person?: No D:
How do you react when a family member comes to wake you?: I'm usually REALLY pissy :/
How do you react when a friend comes or calls to wake you?: Depends, if they try to poke or jab me or take my covers I'd yell at them.
Do you do sleepovers?: Sure
If so, do you share your bed, sleep out in the living room on blankets, etc: Whatever the guest wants
Do you drool?: haha probably
When you wake up, what are your first thoughts?: How I hate to wake up from good dreams D:
When you wake up, what's the very first thing you do?: Lie there for a few seconds thinking then I get up and get dressed.
Are you a heavy sleeper?: I think so
What could rouse you from your sleep?: Talk to me long enough or pour cold water on me, but then I'd prolly not ever talk to you again and you'd get a bloody nose D:
Do you ever turn on music to fall asleep by?: Yes, all the time. :]
Do you get tucked in?: No xD
What's a nightmare that you remember?: Um...Can't remember
What's a good dream that you remember?: HAHAHAHA every night is a good dream. c:
How many hours of sleep do you need?: Like 35342986735968 hours
What do you do when you get less than the required amount of time?: I'm really pissed but too tired to do anything about it. D:
Do you believe too much sleep is counter-productive?: Whats that mean? o_O
What puts you to sleep?: Music, quiet, the dark.
Do you own a twin sized, double, queen, or king sized bed?: Twin sized
How many pillows?: 4
What do your sheets look like?: Spongebob. ;]
Do you sleep under one sheet or a lot of covers?: I just use my cover, sheets are annoying because they always end up not even covering me up because I move so much. </3
Do you have the fan on high or low in the summer?: Don't have a fan in my room
Do you count sheep?: No xD
Are you an insomniac?: I....Dont think so. o_o
Have you tried the Serta mattresses?: No
What do you at least think of the commercials?: Um..They're ok?
What is your alarm clock like?: Um...it tells the time. c:

A survey that you will remember
The Last Person You...
thought about?: Melissa
Looked at?: Um....my dad
said I love you to?: mel mel and stephapaloosa. :]
hugged?: My dad
kissed?: umm.....dunno
hurt?: Uh...no one hopefully
Shared a secret with?: Can't remember
watched a movie with?: Can't remember
couldn't stop thinking about?: A friend of mine. ]:
In your family...
Who makes you laugh?: My mom/sister
Who makes you cry?: no one
Who is strict?: My dad
Who is laid back: Me
Who makes you think?: mom
Who will do anything for you?: My little brother
Have you ever...
been skinnydipping?: No
Made a friend mad?: Hell yeah
gotten a detention?: No
gotten expelled?: No
threw popcorn in a movie theatre?: Yeah xD
been on stage?: Yeah
seen a famous person?: No
been pantsed by a friend?: No xD
lost your voice?: No
You are...
best at?: Making people laugh
worst at?: Um...being normal? xD
profession?: Popping my wrist out of place
best friend?: Ricky
Favorite movie star?: don't think I have one D:
idol?: My friends
hair color?: Brown
favorite movie?: Date movie
have you ever been in LOVE?: Nope
favorite color?: Lime green
have you ever done a bad impersonation of Arnold Schwarzenegger: haha. yes.
best memory?: Um...Any time I'm with my friends :]
worst memory?: When my sisters bus flipped
favorite band?: Dir en Grey
can you do the worm?: Haha. No. D:
Can-Did-Do-Does-Have's-Last's-What's-Who's survey
Can you wiggle your nose?: yes
Can you touch your toes?: Mhm
Can you do a cart wheel?: No xD
Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?: ******** that, I just eat the cherry. :/
Can you bust a move?: ...No....I'm a white girl with no rhythm D:
Can you blow a bubble?: Yeah
Can you wiggle your ears?: Yes :]
Did you ever get into a fist fight in school?: Yes, but didn't get caught. :]
Did you ever run away from home?: eh...not really
Did you ever want to be a doctor?: ewno
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: No
Do you know how to swim?: Mhm
Do you like roller coasters?: GOD NO
Do you own a bike?: Nope, I've only owned one in my whole life xD
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: No :/
Does hair loss run in your family at all?: I don't think so
Does your car get good gas mileage?: uh...sure?
Does your family have family picnics?: No
Have you ever been on a plane?: yes
Have you ever asked someone out?: yeah
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: yep
Have you ever been to the Ocean?: live by it. :]
Have you ever painted your nails?: Ugh, yes. D;
Last person you hung out with?: Umm....can't remember because I haven't left the house in 2 weeks.
Last thing someone said to you?: "yeah"
Last time you slept in all morning?:yesterday
Last thing you said out loud?: "god, that TV is loud"
What are you listening to?: Dir en Grey
What is the weather outside?: Dark, nighttime
What radio station do you listen to?: 96.1
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Um....dunno, it's been awhile
What was the last thing you bought?: Um...can't remember
What was the last thing you had to drink?: Some mountain dew
What was the last tv show you watched?: uhh....Spongebob Squarepants
Who was the last person you IM'ed?: Stephapaloosa and Mel-Mel :] <333 ILU GUYS
Who was the last person you took pictures of?: Sammy <3
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: Stephapaloosa and Mel-Mel
Measure Your Fears - Would You, Wouldn't You, You Did
Pet a snake: Did
Spend a week in an empty room: Yeah
Ride in a hot-air balloon: wouldn't
Sky dive: wouldn't
Sing in front of a huge audience: Did
scuba dive: Did
Sit in the front seat of a roller coaster: Wouldn't
Deliver a baby: Would
Swim across the Amazon River: Would
Change careers: Wouldn't
Disappear for a long period of time: Did
Walk through the forest alone at night: Wouldn't
Join a space mission: Wouldn't
Tell everyone what you honestly think of them: Would
Call off your wedding: Would
Walk naked through New York City for 10 minutes during rush hour: Wouldn't
Walk up to Mike Tyson and call him a girl: Would
Disarm a bomb: Wouldn't
CLean the outside windows of a skyscraper: Wouldn't
Draw a mustache on the Mona Lisa with a permanent marker: Would
Go on tour with Elvis: Would
Go swimming during a thunder storm: Would
Preform surgury on your best friend: Would, but I already know they wouldn't trust me. :]

[Dr. Captain Crunch]
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[Dr. Captain Crunch]
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  • User Comments: [3] [add]
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 11:24pm
    HAHA i know stuff about you and damn becca why so long??????? scream

    commentCommented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 01:56am
    Cause it's like 4 surveys in all. :]

    [Dr. Captain Crunch]
    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Wed May 30, 2007 @ 11:35pm
    well since you didnt post the questionair thingy on yours ill do it for you

    What would you do if...
    [x] I committed suicide: crythen drag so lazy a** outta hell and kill you my self!!!!
    [x] I said I liked you: already knew that!!! lol i LOVE YOU TOO BECCA!!!!!
    [x] I kissed you: where?
    [x] I lived next door to you: be worried you try and rape me in my sleep!!! lol jk
    [x] I started smoking: uhh you already do
    [x] I stole something: start laughing cause its probly something dirty like a porn magazine or something else!!
    [x] I was hospitalized: cry and come visit you everyday till you got sick of me
    [x] I ran away from home: let you sleep at my house
    [x] I got into a fight and you weren't there: get ready to kick some major a**

    What do you think about my:

    [x] Personality: pereveted yet funny
    [x] Eyes: uhh brown i think?
    [x] Face:uhhh you have nice skin....?
    [x] Hair: long yet always in a ponytail and its brown!!!!
    [x] Clothes: baggy and hardly andy jeans
    yes around adults other than dr denny


    [x] Who are you?: my spanish lover!!!! no one of my bffffffsssss
    [x] Are we friends?: hellz yes at least i hope we are!!!!
    [x] When and how did we meet?: i started talking to you on the first day of school in science class casue you looked lonely
    [x] How have I affected you?: made me scared to wear a skirt! jk jk
    [x] What do you think of me?: your a funny pervert and likes to be playful and YOUR ART WORK KICKS a**!!!!!
    [x] What's the fondest memory you have of me?: when we first met and became good friends after that
    [x] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?: uhhh probably till you go to salem cause then ill never see you again IM SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [x] Do you love me?: YES YOUR MY SPANISH LOVER!!!
    [x] Have I ever hurt you?: nope
    [x] Would you hug me?: yes
    [x] Would you kiss me?: where?
    [x] Would you ******** me?: uhhh probably not but kirsten might!!!!
    [x] Would you marry me?: if i were in vegas and drunk hehe jk jk
    [x] Emotionally, what stands out?: your personality
    [x] Do you wish I was cooler?: i thought we already were cool?
    [x] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?: 474837483479182374893274893274893.....it goes on forever
    [x] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.: FRANKIE!!!!!!! cause thats already your nickname and you look like a frankie
    [x] Am I loveable?: VERY
    [x] How long have you known me?: almost the whole school year
    [x] Describe me in one word.: Perverted
    [x] What was your first impression?: awkward
    [x] Do you still think that way about me now?: changed for the good
    [x] What do you think my weakness is?: your neck!!!! muwhahahahahah
    [x] Do you think I'll get married?: no you dont like kids!!!! and well maybe you might
    [x] What about me makes you happy?: your jokes and yor personality
    [x] What about me makes you sad?: hmmmm your shortness....idk
    [x] What reminds you of me?: Dir en Grey
    [x] What's something you would change about me?: your pervertness blaugh
    [x] How well do you know me?: uhhh pretty well
    [x] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: yeah about danni im so sorry
    [x] Do you think I would kill someone?: yeah crystal
    [x] Are we close?: pretty
    [x] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?: i already did!!!
    I LOVE YOU BECCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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