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Vivi's Journal
O gawsh.. randomness! WHOO! yeah.. my journal is boring. U.U
Another quiz.. shutup lol. <.<;;
What would you do if..

1. I died:

2. I kissed you:

3. I lived next door to you:

4. You found out I was married:

5. I stole something:

6. I was hospitalized:

7. I refused to leave my home:

8. I got into a fight while you were there:


9. Personality:


12. Help me hide a body?:

13. Keep a secret if I told you one?:

14. Hold my hand?:

15. Take a bullet for me?:

16. Try to solve my problems?:

17. Love me?:

18. Date me?:


19. Lied to make me feel better?:

20. Wanted to kiss me?:

21. Wanted to kill me?:

22. Broke my heart?:

23. Kept something important from me?:

24. Thought I was unbearably annoying?:


25. Are we friends?:

26. When and how did we meet?:

27. Describe me in three words:

28. What was your first impression?:

29. Do you still think that way about me now?:

30. What reminds you of me?:

31. If you could give me anything, what would it be?:

32. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?:

33. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you??

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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 16, 2007 @ 10:04pm
1. I died: I would kill myself sad

2. I kissed you: >w<

3. I lived next door to you: O: cool new neighbor!

4. You found out I was married: lol you better not be

5. I stole something: help you steal it ^-^ lol jk I would make you give it back.

6. I was hospitalized: I would visit you ^-^

7. I refused to leave my home: hmm Im not sure sad

8. I got into a fight while you were there: Kick the persons a** who faught with you


9. Personality: AWSOME mrgreen


12. Help me hide a body?: lol....no sweatdrop

13. Keep a secret if I told you one?: yup

14. Hold my hand?: yup ^^

15. Take a bullet for me?: I would do that for any of my friends 3nodding

16. Try to solve my problems?: of course I would

17. Love me?: yup heart

18. Date me?: uh huh ^^ heart


19. Lied to make me feel better?: nope

20. Wanted to kiss me?: yup ^^

21. Wanted to kill me?: lol no >.<

22. Broke my heart?: I think I have before....

23. Kept something important from me?: sorta...

24. Thought I was unbearably annoying?: nope ^-^


25. Are we friends?: yup ^^

26. When and how did we meet?:lol ward's profile ^-^ll

27. Describe me in three words: I LURVE YOU ^-^

28. What was your first impression?: lol i dont remember >.<

29. Do you still think that way about me now?: ummm >.<

30. What reminds you of me?: hmm the color purple ^-^

31. If you could give me anything, what would it be?: lol MAH SHIRT!! O:

32. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: yup

33. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you?? maaybe ninja

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 16, 2007 @ 10:15pm
1. I died: O_O T-T PRAY ALOT and be real sad 2. I kissed you: probably blush and be all "VIVI WTF??? O_Oll" 3. I lived next door to you: LOL WELL that;'d be awesome 4. You found out I was married: KUDDOS, but damn ur young 5. I stole something: talk to u about how it is wrong and pray w/ u for forgivness 6. I was hospitalized: pray alot and visit u when i could 7. I refused to leave my home: I'd be a bit worried and sad 8. I got into a fight while you were there: help resolve it and get u away from whoever u were fighting w/ WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY 9. Personality: AWESOME XD WOULD YOU 12. Help me hide a body?: O_Oll....well..*taps scythe to chin* hmm..maybe but reality no, i couldnt do that it's too against God 13. Keep a secret if I told you one?: i have havent i? x3 14. Hold my hand?: er if u needed me to for some reason sure 15. Take a bullet for me?: YEAH seriously i would, i'd take a bullet for all of u guys 16. Try to solve my problems?: OF CORSE!!! 17. Love me?: YES!! well as a friend XD 18. Date me?: ughh..i dont think so no offence, AND LETS JUST MAKE THE NEXT QUESTION "IF ED SEES THIS HE'LL THINK THING AND WANT TO KILL ME" >.> *taps foot* HAVE YOU EVER 19. Lied to make me feel better?: Umm...Yes the uvi thing, i knew he didnt really mean it..and i'm sorry 20. Wanted to kiss me?: O_o...see answer 18 -_-ll LOL XD 21. Wanted to kill me?: WHA- NO!! DX 22. Broke my heart?: ..have i? :( 23. Kept something important from me?: umm most important...was the whole ykw deal i told ya last night 24. Thought I was unbearably annoying?: LOL well....not umbearably, but when i am in horid moods i dont like being around fun ppl ehe :sweat: AND MORE 25. Are we friends?: YOU TELL ME FOO 26. When and how did we meet?: UVI AND IN SOME HOUSE 27. Describe me in three words: U MOTHER FU**ER XD jk ughh PURPLE, VIOLET *GAY VOICE* FUSCHIIAAAA 28. What was your first impression?: u know lol all YAY WORLD XD 29. Do you still think that way about me now?: NO DAMNIT 30. What reminds you of me?: purple and kh 31. If you could give me anything, what would it be?: A umm PLUSHIE ^_^ 32. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: yup 33. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you?? yup

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 09:31pm
Another quiz.. shutup lol. <.<;; What would you do if.. 1. I died: id cry for the rest f mah life T_T and id prob get an anxiety attack again which triggers an asthma attack which wuld lead me to the hospital which...*keeps going* 2. I kissed you: *GAG* *THROWS UP* EWWWWW I AINT LIKE DAT *puts restraining order* 500 FT AND NO LESS >O 3. I lived next door to you: YAYNESS SHOPPPINNNGGGGG ^^ id so totally hangout with ya! 4. You found out I was married: O_O...DUDE WTf i WAS SUPPOSED TO BE UR DAMNFLOWER GIRL DAMNIT WHO THE HELL TOOK MAH SPOT *takes out chainsaw* GARAWWWLLL 5. I stole something:ask u Y THE HELL DIDNT U GET ME ONE >O...nah jk XDD id ask y u did it help u out and try and help ya return it 6. I was hospitalized: i be right by ya in spirit and in person ((if we were livin near eachother)) and pray for ya 7. I refused to leave my home: IM CHAINING U WITH ME AND IM GETTIN THE TRACTOR *ties chain around u and attaches to tractorr* OKAY FLOOR IT!! ^^ id also be super sad and ask y and try to figure out the prb ^^ 8. I got into a fight while you were there: :O VIVEH ID SO TOTALLY BACK U UP GURL ID BE RIGHT NEXT TO YA SHOUTIN "GET EM VIVI!!! UR RIGHT NO NOW UR LEFT!" XDD >D i wont let neone fight with u WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY 9. Personality: tis rockin man i love how ur so upbeat and u always noe how to make me SMILE :D WOULD YOU 12. Help me hide a body?:<<....AGAIN VIVI JEEZ THIS IS LIKE THE 43948398 BODY GOLLY FINE WELL HIDE THIS ONE UNDER THE TREE and blame ward XD ((but seriously id pass out XDD in real life id be liek go tell sumone or sumthin id be too guilty)) 13. Keep a secret if I told you one?: pshaw i kept all da secrets u told me 14. Hold my hand?: ^^ SO TOTALLY ur like mah wittle sissy! now we must cross the road HOLD HANDS AND LOOK BOTH WAYS I SAID BOTH WAYS DAMNIT *car comes at us* THEY cAN wAIT >O *walks slowly across street* 15. Take a bullet for me?: YES ALWAYS i will jump infront of nethin to protect mah friends better me than yall 16. Try to solve my problems?:always try to! always will 17. Love me?: ^^ AS A FRIEND!! and sister 18. Date me?: ew no no offence but sista u aint wat im lookin for and ur a gal i go for guy >D HAVE YOU EVER 19. Lied to make me feel better?: hmmmm *thinks* i dunno not lied i dont think so maybe about how u look JK XDD i kinda did for the uvi thingie too....in a way 20. Wanted to kiss me?: ewwwwww NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER *keeps going* 21. Wanted to kill me?:<<.....>>......<<....no........ XDDD jk ofcoarse not maybe ShAKE YA cuz of ya u noe 22. Broke my heart?: nope 23. Kept something important from me?:yes...but i told u 24. Thought I was unbearably annoying?: haha no not that never AND MORE 25. Are we friends?: pshaw were like BEST FRIENDS 26. When and how did we meet?: ward introduced us TANKIS WARD 27. Describe me in three words: fun kute greattobearoundwith <---one word -_- 28. What was your first impression?: i hope we can be friends she seems like a kule kat 29. Do you still think that way about me now?:YEPSTERS but now im liek I HOPE WE REMAIN FRIENDSYS! 30. What reminds you of me?: POORRPLLEEE ^^ violins...violas... XD 31. If you could give me anything, what would it be?: NETHIN U WANT ^^ 32. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: hmmmm i did once but i told u 33. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you?? sure wen i get bak remind me though

commentCommented on: Sun Mar 18, 2007 @ 04:54pm
What would you do if.. 1. I died: I would sob for a few weeks. And hope to see you again someday. Remember the little talk we had when I was almost in this situation.^^ lol Neighbors in Heaven. :] Afterall everyone dies for a reason. 2. I kissed you: Be all, "*sarcastic grossed out vioce*Okay! That was unexpected!" or "EWWW! Violet what the heck?!" ,but I'm like 100% sure that will NEVER happen. 3. I lived next door to you: I'd visit you everyday. lol Well not everyday, but you catch my drift. 4. You found out I was married: "Aww! To wh- wait a... what the, you're married?!" 5. I stole something: Who did you steal it from? It was not [b]I[/b] was it? << >> lol I'd make you return it, and if you didn't... I'd make you return it...by draging you to where/who you took it from. 6. I was hospitalized: I'd pray that you would heal from your suffering. 7. I refused to leave my home: I'd question your reason. 8. I got into a fight while you were there: I would break it up. Even if that means I take a few blows stopping it. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY 9. Personality: CRAAAAAAAAAAAZY! In the good way. WOULD YOU 12. Help me hide a body?: Dead: No. ,Yourself from going to the dentist: Yes. 13. Keep a secret if I told you one?: Yus. 14. Hold my hand?: Uh... I don't think so. 15. Take a bullet for me?: For anyone I loved. (not relationship wise) 16. Try to solve my problems?: Yep. 17. Love me?: As a friend.^^ 18. Date me?: You and I both know neither of us would even think about it. HAVE YOU EVER 19. Lied to make me feel better?: No. 20. Wanted to kiss me?: No gosh darn it! 21. Wanted to kill me?: Hmmm...lol no. 22. Broke my heart?: Have I? ): 23. Kept something important from me?: I don't think so. 24. Thought I was unbearably annoying?: Not unbearably lol. But I teand to get moody sometimes and randomness doesn't really help me feel to peachy all the time. ^^;; AND MORE 25. Are we -[i]best[/i]- friends?: Hee-Hee I added best. Xp Yurp. 26. When and how did we meet?: June 5, 2006 on FAC. You saw my avatar and figured that I liked 'Naruto'. 27. Describe me in three words: A good friend. 28. What was your first impression?: "OMG! She's kinda like me!" 29. Do you still think that way about me now?: In a way. 30. What reminds you of me?: My playstation, my Violet colored pencil and a couple of other things that I can't think of now. 31. If you could give me anything, what would it be?: The love of a friend. 32. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: so-so. 33. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you?? : I guess so.

Scorpio Baby
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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Mar 21, 2007 @ 03:01am
Another quiz.. shutup lol. <.<;;
What would you do if..

1. I died:

2. I kissed you:

3. I lived next door to you:

4. You found out I was married:

5. I stole something:

6. I was hospitalized:

7. I refused to leave my home:

8. I got into a fight while you were there:


9. Personality:


12. Help me hide a body?:

13. Keep a secret if I told you one?:

14. Hold my hand?:

15. Take a bullet for me?:

16. Try to solve my problems?:

17. Love me?:

18. Date me?:


19. Lied to make me feel better?:

20. Wanted to kiss me?:

21. Wanted to kill me?:

22. Broke my heart?:

23. Kept something important from me?:

24. Thought I was unbearably annoying?:


25. Are we friends?:

26. When and how did we meet?:

27. Describe me in three words:

28. What was your first impression?:

29. Do you still think that way about me now?:

30. What reminds you of me?:

31. If you could give me anything, what would it be?:

32. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?:

33. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you??
(i would have done it...but like...it's like doing hw...I'm just trying to get the 5th comment...<<>> wink )

commentCommented on: Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 07:54pm
What would you do if.. 1. I died: omg! i don't even wanna think about that! T_T 2. I kissed you: O___o;; 3. I lived next door to you: how fun!! 4. You found out I was married: hmm...congrats....wait...... WHAT???!!!!???? 5. I stole something: good work! :twisted: ... :sweat: yeah right. you'd better return that! and if you stole it from me, with interest. :XD 6. I was hospitalized: what'd you do this time? :shock: lol. visit you, bring you flowers.... but no sweets because you have to stay in bed, can't have you jumping around. xD 7. I refused to leave my home: huh?? why not?? i love going outside!! lots of sweets! xD 8. I got into a fight while you were there: try to break up the fight. no violence or profanity! keep it g rated. x3 WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY 9. Personality: hehe. funny! x) WOULD YOU 12. Help me hide a body?: O.o woah. if it's a dead body, prob not. if it's a live body, i like playing hide and seek. ^^ 13. Keep a secret if I told you one?: definitely =3 14. Hold my hand?: lol. depends. are you scared? aww it's okay. ^^ 15. Take a bullet for me?: i'll have to say i would. 16. Try to solve my problems?: if i can. 17. Love me?: like friend 18. Date me?: um...sorry but no....that would be awkward dating another girl... HAVE YOU EVER 19. Lied to make me feel better?: mm...i don't think so 20. Wanted to kiss me?: nope 21. Wanted to kill me?: hehehe... :twisted: jk.no. 22. Broke my heart?: i hope not! =o 23. Kept something important from me?: nopies 24. Thought I was unbearably annoying?: of course not! AND MORE 25. Are we friends?: I believe so! ^^ 26. When and how did we meet?: um... sorry i don't remember those kinds of things. 27. Describe me in three words: hilarious, nice, different (in a good way of course) 28. What was your first impression?: can't remember....^^;; 29. Do you still think that way about me now?: dunno 30. What reminds you of me?: any purple-ish color 31. If you could give me anything, what would it be?: something affordable. :sweat: 32. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: mmm...nope. 33. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you?? sure. why not. haven't posted in my journal for a while.

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