In a way, I've become kinda passive about life. Everyday, it's the same exact way of life: the same exact drama, the same exact classes...Same everything. I kinda wish something exciting would happen, sometimes. Like when I'm riding the bus home, sometimes I wonder how odd it would be if we just miss that turn and barrel straight over the lip of the road, down the hill and crash. I wonder if we'd go up in flames or if we'd all get out unsathed and with a story to tell later. I bet that sounds pretty out of the ordinary, doesn't it? But I wish it. Everyday, I find myself thinking about when my Ryu-kun will be coming to stay nearby my home, when I will finally meet him person-to-person. We've seen each other on web cam and we've talked over the phone, and we've been planning his retreat to my home town for weeks, now. I've slipped up on mailing his gift. I've been trying to draw and color him a really nice picture to go with it, but I keep scraping them. But I'm mailing it, mark my words I am! Drama's the same. Sissy thinks she's emo, other sissy is still mooching off my dad, the step-dad's ex-wife is still pissing and moaning about money and being overall hellish. In other words, life is the same, if not getting steadily worse, as far as family goes. I fear the future, somewhat, almost as much as I fear to cry. But thank the GODS for my friends on AIM and Gaia, as well as in real life. I don't know what I'd do without them. ^^ They seem to like talking to me, still, can you believe that? xd I've had seven AIM windows up and active at one time, so I must be loved tremendously. ^^ Makes me feel good to know that all those people care about me enough to ask me how I am and give me a virtual hug when ever I sign on. Okay,m gotta wrap this up: I have to take half of my 330$ plus and deposit it into my savings account for collage and whatnot. Now if I can just get a little more gold for my dream avies...XD Yeah, right. Caio, lovies! -Wonnykins
Wonnykins · Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 08:05pm · 2 Comments |