Smoke rained down from the sky
As if to say the tears of a goddess ran dry..
leaving behind emptiness and woe
to waft around the streets below..
Troubled teens left and right
Heartfelt citizens in their parent's sight
but out on the road they show the truth
the ugly side that gears for a fight!
Look out look out!
Innocent ones on the go..
Look out! There you shouldn't go!
Don't go Don't go!
Someone help! Help these souls unaware
but beware, beware savior, beware!
The lying souls will not run so soon!
Innocent ones..or will their doom!
"NO!" Bolting upright, Jack breathed in heavily while loweringh is skull into his hands. For a moment he sat there in silence, a cold wind flew past moving past his hair which fell in front of his empty sockets like a curtain. In his dream all had flooded back to him, as it did the same way when he first remembered his death.
Behind him a sudden chill crawled up his spine, like a spider scurrying across a wall.
" ..You know..normally, I'm a well tempered person..even considered a nut-ball by my friends and clan members..but I'm sorry you have to come at such a rotten time. Can we reschedule?" Slowly turning his skull around, Jack let forth a sarcastic grin that sent his stitched up mouth upon his pale face.
Floating out from the shadows, Tak and Chrono emerged with their white eyes resting upon Jack in an eerie silence.
" Poor us, eh Tak?" Chrono said with a slight smile. Next to him Tak nodded in reply, his stoic expression remaining.
"Why so silent Tak?"
"...No reason, we should get on with what we came to do." With that said Tak finally smiled at the young soul before them.
"Jack is it? ...You do know why we've come yes?"
"Yea...and to tell ya the truth...I don't give a rat's patootie. " Crossing his arms along his chest, Jack's expression hardend with a growing hatred rising within his bones. " You make me sick go now before I go all 'skeleton Kung-fu' on your asses."
"HA, what a funny boy you are...But before you get too full of yourself let me remind you that even if the detectives over here, that wont stop us from acheiving our goal. We outrank those boys." Feeling satisfied, Tak's smile brightened..soon they would get rid of Jack's soul and be on their way....
"Tak, you make us sound like big-shots..or bullies even." Chrono said with a laugh, his hand lightly pressing against his pale lips.
"Thats right kid! We're bullies! Got a problem with that?!.."
"The man who killed your mother Jack..he was nothing more than a bully, and a murderer! "
"I. SAID. GO. NOW!" Jack roared, his hands reached behind him and pulled his hood over his skull. " GO. OR FACE MY WRATH! " Jumping forward, his empty sockets were filled with furry, all his hatred rose inside him!
"Wha-" Tak and Chrono stepped back suprised, he was lunging for them, they could feel the intensity of his anger flowing through the air!
"YAAAAA!!! -!" Stopping short, jack fell in front of the Keepers' feet, a loud fart escaped him as the silence deepend.
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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Sakura lady of death
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Community Member
Why does that last part not surprise me at all? xDDD