Gaia Online
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
The Gateway to Internet Hell An average gaiafagGaia Online is a message board/Social Network/MMORPG/Chat room/anything else you can think of that caters to those who enjoy anime, video games, and shitty online role-playing. The main draw is that you get to buy items in a grossly over-inflated fake economy in order to dress up your anime style avatar. The time it takes you to earn the gold for a simple shirt can be used to balance your checkbook, buy a real shirt for yourself, and find a message board that isn't complete crap. Although Gaia seems utterly useless, its drones can be quite useful. In 2003, the GNAA did a load-test of Last Measure by making hundreds of Gaia accounts and posting "I'm giving away all my gold and clothes! Click here for info!", with the link being to a Last Measure mirror with ?u=Gaia. jesuitx monitored the progress, and reported that over a period of approximately 4 hours, Last Measure had been accessed 60,000 times.
Contents [hide]
1 Facts about Gaia Online
2 Forums
3 Plot... Sort Of
4 Contents
5 Lulz we get out of stupid Gaiafags
5.1 When animu kids hotlink
6 Oh Shi-
7 Gaia Suicide Incident(s)
8 See Also
9 External Links
[edit]Facts about Gaia Online
The think tank that is Gaia Online.Gaia online has a forum called the General Discussion, referred to as the 'GD'. This is like the /b/ of gaia. Except that it's PG-13 and posting a picture of a naked hot chick is considered trolling (kids these days...). The GD is basically a 12 year olds FYAD, where all things are behind 5 years; especially humor and insults.
This is the largest English forum-based community on the internet. This proves that anyone who believes that quantity = quality is a complete idiot. It is also possibly the largest concentrated amount of stupid on the internet.
Was at one point known as Go-Gaia, but refused to take its own advice and stayed.
There are about 119 active administrators and moderators and an average of 20,000 members online at any given time. Trolls can and do get away with murder here.
The site runs on over 95 servers. However, it will always move slower than molasses and there will always be at least one section of the site that is not working correctly.
Whenever a new feature is introduced, another feature always crashes.
The majority of users are either in elementary or middle school.
Due to the undeveloped brains of the average user, it is easy to pull off a scam in the Marketplace.
The writers for the website killed Santa Claus.
Multiple threads extolling the virtues of ***** rights, why swords are always better than guns, who would win a fight between Master Chief and Kirby, why the government and the jews did 9-11 and "RATE MY AVITAR!1!!!!LOLOL"
God probably has an account here and is laughing his a** off, when he isn't raping 13 year old users.
There are 1440 users that spelled the word Sephiroth correctly in their screen name, and at least 100 who spelled it wrong.
Has a large visual chatroom called Towns, where there is a sit/stand feature that is mainly used to create the illusion of humping, blowjobs, and p***y eating.
The Writing Forum is only good for reading shitty Inuyasha fan fiction, shitty original fiction that is a rip-off of Inuyasha, and bad emo poetry that escaped from LiveJournal.
99.999999999% of the artists on the site draw in the stereotypical Anime style since they're too dumb to think of their own. 98% of that number couldn't draw a decent picture to save their lives.
Most of the people have no damn clue what they're talking about half the time.
A mansion will always be destroyed around Halloween. ( Seems as though aliens have taken the place of zombies.)
If you hate Anime and/or role-playing, this is what Hell will look like.
It has been described as the opposite of /b/ in that /b/ is filled with intellectuals pretending to be retards, while Gaia is filled with retards pretending to be intellectual. /b/ users also embrace their derogatory nickname of '/b/tards', whereas Gaia users take more than slight offense to the term 'Gaiafag'.
Most users have played Runescape
Announcements: no one really gives a s**t what happens here. Life will go on regardless.
Welcome to Gaia: full of underage girls trying to sell their n00ds without actually becoming a proper member and being swallowed up by the Chatterbox. It also means that they can sell to newbies who don't know the rules.
General Discussion: porn trolls and lots of threads on sex for 12-15 year olds, meaning that people here are just spewing s**t about something they don't know about. Prommies come into play here like Sith Lord Ali and MikeyPwn. Normal users suck their giant e-penises for popularity and boob signs.
Extended Discussion: basically the definition of tl;dr. After five years, they are still arguing whether you can catch teh ghey or not.
Site Feedback: where elitists go to b***h about how Gaia was so much better in the old days when you would be getting database errors on every other page. The 'Petitions' subforum is full of Narutards whining to try to get Gaia to break copywrite laws.
Gino and Sasha's Lesbian Kiss[edit]Plot... Sort Of
Gaia Online also features a back-story and characters that are used to coax you into parting with your fake money or paying for some stupid game or feature. (Updates to the story usually occur around the holidays since the writers can't write anything that's not holiday related.) Some of the characters are:
Johnny Gambino: Fat as hell, rich, and a Republican. He will die 5 years from now from lung cancer from smoking the same cigar everyday assuming they bring him back after killing him off. The place is like a bad soap opera. Enjoys indulging in pederasty.
Gino Gambino: Johnny's whiny emo son who had a v****a at one point (and probably still does). Also died in some p***y attempt to get fan-girls by saving Sasha. It worked too; he now has a fan-thread filled with 16 year old girls. Thousands of them. Literally. His eyebrows are made of twinkies and can consume souls.
Anna Corinne and Marie Von Helson: Retarded clones of the Olsen Twins who are forced to share one brain. They had a building fall on them.
Ian: A lot of the fangirls want to ******** him.
Sasha: Valley girl that's getting banged by Ian. Once shared a lesbian kiss with Gino.
Agatha: The crazy cat lady who was lured out of her house to run the jewelry store.
Vanessa: Runs a salon. Her boobs are fake.
Edmund: A descendant of Napoleon who sells Japanese schoolgirl outfits. He needs to get laid.
Moria: Shops at Hot Topic
Ruby: Stuck in the 1800s, also the least important person on the site. Except Peyo, her daughter who is always cringing in the hat shoppe.
Old Man Logan: That crazy fisherman that lives by the lake that swears that he's seen the generic sea monster that's in every lake.
Cindy Donovinh: Some nosy b***h that probably uses her microphone as a sex toy.
Jack: The Spirit of The Lamest Halloween Ever. He gives out pairs of pants if you earn enough items by spamming the message boards. Also killed Santa.
LabTechs: Zombies
ElfTechs: World of Warcraft cosplayers and Christmas LabTechs.
Grunny: Green bunnies that have been injected with rabies. Basically, they are sad Alien rip-offs.
Rina the hostess of Towns.
Aliens From Shangri-La; put robotic penises in your a**. There are at least 100 of them.
Ron Bruise Jumps on couches, puts his robotic p***s in your a**.
More stupid s**t Even more stupid s**t[edit]Contents
The site at any given time may contain:
16 year old girls
Plushies (Lots of plushies)
Fanfic lesbians
Complete fags
The various types of attention whores
s**t nobody cares about
Hot Topic "punks"
Bad roleplayers
Your retarded little brother
A total of 6 normal, intelligent people
Hell, pick something you don't like. You will probably find it here.
Lulz we get out of stupid Gaiafags
When animu kids hotlink
The original linked image.This was pretty epic. I was checking through the logs and was scrolling down the list of sites who had linked to us, or hotlinked our s**t. I get halfway down the list and see a gaia thread, so I check it out, expecting it to just be a link to my internet famous "MMORPGs in a NUTSHELL" flash or something, but it's an image linked. So, I start thinking of how awesome it would be to get the user b& by replacing the image with something very nsfw. I do that and here's the results.
Note: It was like 3:30am and I pretty much did this before going to sleep, so I missed a lot of pages. I got these 3, remember to hit back after reading them, because majority of the links are still in tact and you wont be able to click the next page buttons.
Gaia Suicide Incident(s)
On Gaia you can claim you are about to off yourself, hello attention whores!!! Many people will actually believe you, but as soon as one person accuses you of being an attention whore, scream you did it for the lulz and procede to accumulate Fifty Hitler Posts and IT'S LOGIC b***h! O rly?posts, the mods are ******** so don't worry, you can always go back and tell them you chickened out or were caught by your drunken step-father who stopped you from commiting the ultimate act of lulz. This works best with a friend who can do stuff for you while you claim you didn't want him to do that and further accumulate lulz. This actually works anywhere except for ED, since the internet is full of self-richeous furries who need something to tell themselves that they are actually not sick ********]
I'm Amazed at the thought put into this and all the stario typing. However, I couldn't help but laugh my ******** a** off. (images removed due to lazyness and copypasta)