I just wanted to know if ya liked it....
heart = donated/bought
Item List:
Alien Probe heart
Android Damage Prosthetics
Bouncy Antennae
Charred Tundra Boots heart
Clown Nose heart heart
Doll Ears
Drop Gorgeous Onyx Skull Hairpin
Drop Gorgeous Oynx Skull Earrings
Fox Ears heart blaugh heart
Fox Tail wahmbulance
HIPster Red Tint Shades
Holly Jolly Collar
Holly Jolly Socks heart
Labu Necklace heart
Marshmallow Snowman
MoMo the Monkey
Morgana's Gloves
Nitemare Claws
Prisoner's Shackles
Rebellion Face Mask
Red Beanie heart
Red Leather Belt
Ruby Plaid Classroom Skirt heart
Soot Face Explode heart
That 70s Red Shirt heart
Estimated Total: 97,125 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 13 April 2007)
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