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My thoughts on Yaoi..(I don't like rabid Yaoigirls) GD
The Demigod
AAAAH OMG A WALL OF TEXT!!!1 If you aren't going to read it, or worse, post something that complains about how long this is because you're an illiterate idiot who can't find anything better to say in an intelligent debate thread, then leave, now. Anyone who ignores this and posts something like "TL;DR" WILL be reported.

Yaoi. What does this word mean? Well, if you did your homework, it stands for, and I quote: YAma nashi (no climax), Ochi nashi (no point) and Imi nashi (no meaning). It can also be traced to the Japanese phrase YAmete, Oshiri ga Itai - "Stop it! My butt hurts!". But, when we hear the word Yaoi, we immedietly think of rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth fangirls who giggle like children, and gather around a picture of two gay anime charecters screaming "BUTTSEX!!!" and "KAWAII BISHIES!!!".

The rabid Yaoi fangirls of this site as well as many others have completely overrun the bandwidth of the memberships. In every forum I go into, whether it be Barton Town, Anime, Art, or GD, I see something along the lines of "HAWT LAHARLXMID-BOSS BUTTSEX LOLOLOLOLOLOLXDDDDDDD". Mind you, I didn't go in there. But the fact remains, is that it's there. It's taking up space, and inviting more fangirls to do add to it, and possibly spread out. It's like leaving a dead body in your living room - it takes up space, pollutes the air around it, and causes everything around it to die either physically or mentally. Eventually it decomposes, but the mental image remains, scarring everyone and everything, and leaving a horrid stench behind.

Yaoi fangirls, are, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the worst kinds of fans there are, in any genre. Yes, they're worse than Yuri fanboys. Yes, they're worse than het fans. And yes, in some cases, I have seen Yaoi fangirls that make furries look like Einstein. I have seen videos and heard stories about what happens if you go to an anime con and you're either a guy or cosplaying as someone popular, you can expect a swarm of raving, insane fangirls to scream at you to make out with your male traveling partner while having those abominable Yaoi paddles waved in your face. You may be thinking "Why, Demi, why? What did we ever do to you?" But if you continue reading, you'll easily see what you have done to not only me, but to anime fans everywhere, and even to your own kind. Before I continue, I'll sum it up into what is so flawed about fangirls in general.

You write about/draw them because they're "SO EFFIN HAWT". Yeah. We know there are hot people in this world. There are so many "hot" people on earth that we can't even keep track of them all. But, why would you write an entire (shitty) story about how two hot guys (some of these guys aren't even from anime/mangas) ******** eachother? How is that doing them a service? If I were Daniel Radcliff and I saw a story that involved me being anally penetrated by Snape, I would hunt down the author and murder him/her.

Not to mention, you completely ignore canon. After all, who cares what people like J.K. Rowling and the creators of famous anime series' think? If two guys are hot, then they simply MUST ******** eachother. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Even if there was a blatant female love interest like Kagome, many fangirls write her out of the story and make InuYasha and Sesshomaru rape the living hell out of eachother, completely ignoring the entire purpose of the anime in order to get off. How. ********. Pathetic.

JAPANEEZ IS TEH BESTEST LANGIE-WIDGE EVARR. Yeah? So go learn it. Stop typing Japanglish gibberish and go do something productive, like taking Japanese classes or actually talk to a Japanese person, instead of raping their language with words like "KAWAII!!" and "DESUDESUDESUDESUDESU". Even saying things like "O POOKIE-CHAN U R SO0O0O KAWAII BUTTSECKS PLX." is an insult to Japanese culture. And guess what? 90% of the people who use this retarded internet language are *drumroll* Yaoi Fangirls. That's right. 13 year old virgins who enjoy fapping to animated, feminine men ravaging each others' assholes. See a pattern?

Attrocious fanfics, and even lamer reviews. The fanfics I've read had nothing to do with romance, and worse yet, look as if they were written by illiterate two-year olds. I couldn't count the number of typos and internet acronyms and (shockingly) even some emotes. For example, I saw this, which was pointed out to me by an anonymous fan of yaoi to help my thread:
Some Illiterate Fangirl
so then naruto saw sasuke and made a =O face and ran up and strted kising him on da lips. they put da tung in saskes mouf and den made sum moneing sounds and win it was ovr naruto was all ^_^ and den had secks.

I'm not going to go on for obvious reasons. I skimmed the rest of the fanfic, and just when I thought I had seen enough eye-burning garbage, I saw the reviews:
An Even More Illiterate Fangirl
OMG that wuz AWSUM!!! SasuNaru4LYFE!!! MOAR PLZ. ^^

I mean, come on! It's one thing to like a fanfic, but encouraging such ridiculous bullshit is another. Not only did it not even attempt to improve the fanfic, but it appeared as if the person only reviewed it as such because it involved her favorite pairing. This is ridiculous, and I can't believe my fellow human beings would act like this.

MPREG. Why, God, WHY? This alone proves the idiocy of fangirls. Who, in the frozen, flying pig-infested hell, would think of something this horrendous? Men don't have ovaries. Men don't have vaginas. And men don't have breasts. How, in the name of all that is holy, can they give birth? And where would the kid come out of? His p***s? His a**?

Whoever thought of this needs to be shot. Ever heard of adoption? Is it so invalid of a gay couple to have children unless one of the "HAWT BISHIES" literally gives birth to the child? Just the image of this is killing my mind. Thanks, fangirls. Add me to the list of people who has been mentally scarred for life.

Yaoi is not art, nor is it of any skill.
The fangirls like to kid themselves by saying its canon and artistic and creative, but it is nothing more than a byproduct of lust, fetish, and stupidity. It doesn't matter how well-drawn it is, the fact remains that is nothing more than pornography, which, by definition, is anything that is of visual or sonic sense that is used to sexually stimulate someone. And pornography, as viewed by many, is of little artistic value and even more less deserving of any form of respect.

I've read quite a few of the fanfics out of curiosity. Not once did I find anything that indicated any form of actual love - it skipped all of the factors that fangirls claim it has, and got right to what the true purpose is behind all of the Yaoi epidemic: Sex. That's all it is. Two or more "cute" guys, a tiny schmackle of emotion, and sex, sex, sex.

So, this brings me to something everyone is going to use against me - the homophobe card. Allow me to elaborate and break it down into smaller parts.

Do I hate gay people? No! What gave you the idiotic inclination that hating Yaoi makes me a homophobe? That's like saying "Anyone who hates gay porn must hate gay people in general." I, like everyone else, don't like sexuality forced on me. This includes bearing witness to those disgusting images, having people force Yaoi on me and everyone else in RPs, hearing a fangirl prattle on about some pornographic image they saw, and even getting as much as a glance at those garbage fanfics.. MANY of us don't like it, in fact the majority of this website doesn't. Does voicing their oppinion that they want it to stop make them homophobes? No. Ask yourself this: If someone asked you to be in a heterosexual relationship and you declined, does that make you a heterophobe? Same principal applies here. It's bullshit, and you know it.

Have you ever even given it a chance? Of course. I've tried to tolerate it since I ever started going to this site. But the level of immaturity and obnoxiousness of the fandom is downright sickening, to the point where you shudder to guess their age. As I said above, the fanfics/RPs of it were hardly romantic, and consist of nothing more than pure lust. Don't even get me started on the images.

If men can oogle Yuri, why can't women oogle Yaoi? I never said they can't. The question is "Why can't they keep it to themselves? Why must they announce it to the world, and shove it in everyone's faces?" And that, my friends, seems obvious to answer. They can't. That is beyond their capacities, and so far, every fangirl I have ever met is living proof that this is true. As I have said countless times, the issue is the innapropriate and downright sickening behavior of the fangirls, not the "art" itself.

Do you think all fangirls are like this? As Ceanothus said, I don't know. They can't all be immature little ingrates, but of the thousands of Yaoi fangirls I have ever met, not one of them is decent and respectful. In fact, the ones that I see for the most part are idiots who turn any male charecter they find, pair them up with anything with a p***s, and make them cornhole eachother for the sole purpose of the fangirls to have something to fap to. UPDATE: Furthermore, of the fangirls who replied to this thread, the way they acted certainly don't improve the image of fangirls in general.

There are heterosexual pairings that are just as bad! Why aren't you picking on those? Yes, I am aware of this. But, if you can find one fangirl/fanboy of this pairing that is even half as rabid and irrational as the fangirls of Yaoi, then I will be thoroughly amazed. I looked into this before I made this thread, and not once have I found a heterosexual (or bisexual) pairing that is as stupid, unrealistic, or weird as the vast majority of Yaoi pairings. If you take a fangirl of something like SephirothxTifa and a fangirl of InuYashaxNaraku, the latter would, nine times out of ten, be more defensive and irrational about their "sacred, canon" pairing.

Why are you picking on fanGIRLS and not fanBOYS? Take a look at the percentage of Yaoi fangirls. How many of them are rabid and obnoxious? Exactly. Now, take a look at the yaoi/yuri fanBOY population. How many of them are rabid in comparison to the fangirl population? Thank you, case closed.

"It's canon, and I can prove it!" Do it, then. Have the authors of the charecters come right and and say they're gay? Fangirls base everything off of a simple little detail that half-assedly hints at homosexuality, and creates an entire slash relationship out of it, even when there's a female love interest. And when you call them out on it, they throw fits like two year olds. It's as if they're looking for someone to challenge their sick fantasies.

Why the hell can't I just ignore it? Need I answer this? How can anyone ignore something that is everywhere? Telling me to ignore this is like telling a social outcast to stop going to school because they hate scenesluts. There are many things in this world people hate. Should we ignore terrorists because we don't like them? Should we ignore *****, too? No. They will not go away until something is done about it, and even then, will not entirely go away. Thus the reason for this thread. I want the fangirls to stop, and if they won't, to acknowledge the fact that they are among the most hated group of people on the internet, at least in the anime community. If not, then hell. I tried. (Inspired by Ceanothus)

Am I close-minded? Am I? You tell me. If you seriously think so, then it's most likely because you have the reading comprehension of a five year old with down syndrome.

Do I dislike unrealistic pairings? Yes, I do. I hate bullshit pairings like CloudxSephiroth, mainly because there is no ******** way that would ever happen. Having said that, I also hate unrealistic hetero or yuri pairings, but I have never seen a pairing of the aforementioned genres that were as outrageous and dilluded as most of the BL pairings. But if you can watch a movie or TV program, read a book, or play a game, and all you can find out of the entire plot is imaginary pairings to get off on, then I think you need to be shot. End of story.

Now, allow me to elaborate on the hypocrisy of Yaoi fangirls.
o Put a picture of Yuri love in front of them, and they scream and go "EEWW!!!" like they just saw Tubgirl or Goatse. They freak out even if you mention Yuri, or lesbianism in general. It's almost - dare I say it? - like they're homophobes! surprised
o A lot of them hate seeing two guys being gay IRL.
o They mostly hate actual gay porn (with real people).

I'll add more if I think of any more.

EDIT: Since none of you seem to get it, here is yet another quote by Ceanothus:

Perhaps these articles are more anti-Yaoi fangirls than anything else. If not for the fangirls, the genre wouldn't bother me (and others) so damned much. It is the Yaoi fangirls (that most Yaoi fans are) that have made Yaoi into a pollution. If not for the stupid fans we wouldn't immediately think of the frothing, rabid, and overreacting girls, the massive loads of garbage fanfiction, the eye-burning fanart, the miserable pairings, the stupid gay-male stereotypes, the OOC characterization stereotypes, the unrealistic [and annoying] relationships and buttsex, the horrifying conventions, and the awful Otaku squealing and wapanese tendancies everytime we read the word "Yaoi". It may be the sheer stupidity and obnoxiousness that gets to me the most, and it's unfortunate that this is what Yaoi fans are for the most part. Stupid and obnoxious. Ignorant and rabid. Insulting and degrading.

Why are most Yaoi fangirls stubborn, illogical, irrational, and rabid and why would anyone want to associate themselves with this group of people? Why do they think it's okay or "cool"? The world may never know. Is is mere stupidity? Immaturity? Ignorance? Is it all of the above and/or the need to be part of a "group" and join a fad? A lot of teenagers do this: claiming to be "goth", "emo", and "bisexual" are other good examples of this trait. Is that all it is? If so, we can now add "inconsiderate" to the list of what makes a Yaoi fangirl.

Yeah; we all know that there are stupid heterosexual pairings/stories/art out there - bisexual too - but so far no one has latched on to heterosexual smut in quite the same way Yaoi has caught on like some kind of incredibly hip trend. This fact alone makes me dislike Yaoi for a massive amount of reasons that I've already touched on - it negates the "love is love" argument, aside from the fact that Yaoi isn't about homosexuals or homosexuality at all and is merely about idealized creatures and a massive load of stereotypes that are complete and utter bullshit.

In conclusion, Yaoi is both insulting to both the creators of such charecters and to the charecters themselves, and it is a plague that is warping the minds of all who enjoy it. It appears as if all Yaoi fangirls are are nothing but a bunch of delusional weeaboos. Yaoi is nothing short of gay porn: Sick, tasteless 'art' that only a small percentage enjoys, while the much greater percentage looks down upon the minority with disgust. I personally believe that all Yaoi is is a fat female weeaboo's fap material. So, let's here your arguments. And "IT'S HAWT!!!1" isn't going to cut it, sweetie.

UPDATE 1: Let me compare a Yaoi fangirl to a Yuri fanboy, based on an experiment I did. I took 3 Yuri fanboys and 3 Yaoi fangirls, sent them an Instant Message via AIM, and got mixed reactions, both differ very much from the other suit. The Yuri fanboys' responses were pretty much alike in their terms, and can be boiled down to a very simple principle: Apathy. Allow me to elaborate:

Me: Yuri sucks.
Yuri fanboy: Don't care, I didn't ask for your oppinion.

Now, that's not a hard thing to grasp, is it? He didn't want to engage in an argument, he didn't even offer any sort of retaliation. I thanked him for his time, and that was that. Now, on the other hand, I did the same thing to 3 different Yaoi fangirls. Their responses were VERY different. They basically blew up. Here is the most docile of the fangirls' responses.

Me: Yaoi is disgusting.
Yaoi fangirl: OMFG! STFU YOU ******** HOMOPHOBE!

Now, am I right here in thinking that males are naturally more aggressive than females? Apparently not, since the fangirl immedietly tried to engage me in an argument, started swearing, and and called me a homophobe. Very childish, and very over-the-top.

FINAL NOTE: If you're going to post anything along the lines of "Wall 'o Text" or posting any sort of Yaoi pics with the intention of spamming my thread, you WILL be reported. If you didn't read any of the above and post something that I haven't clearly addressed, well, you're a ******** n00b who doesn't deserve to grace this forum. And if you're just going to say something stupid like "NO1 CAR3S!!! razz razz ", then obviously the hundreds of people who already replied to this thread in a mature manner make you look stupid. Thus, don't say anything like that, or be reported.

Oh, and FYI, a mod moved this from the ED to the GD. Just for the record. Again, you've been told, so don't make yourself look stupid.

The Demigod

I may not be much of a Yaoi fan girl, (since I only have one couple I like), but I do see what you mean by this. It is everywhere, more-so-than-not GaaLee. I'm a Gaara fan-girl, and can't stand to see this pairing. There are so many people here on Gaia jamming it into my face 24/7. Personally, if you told me that you hate Yaoi, I wouldn't care. You decide what you like, I can't force you to like it. Those quotes from the fangirls, are on target. Would it kill people NOT to use "Chatspeak"? Plus thats what most Fan-fictions look like that include the SasuNaru (NaruSasu) couple. It makes me sick that they'd turn that pairing into that "chatspeak" mess. It's sad. Truely sad.


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed May 02, 2007 @ 07:05am
I get what you mean...however I do like sasunaru beacause I think theyre cute together and for the matter of thinking real life gays or lesbians are disgusting...I think as long as they like eachother fine by me...there ARE decent yaoi fangirls...they are just overshadowed by the many undecent yaoi fangirls... ans thats all I have to say

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