Heyhey! happy Easter gaia!
Not much fish today.
Lost some bait due to glitch.
Lost some eggs due to glitch.
But i think i gained some baskets and an Anti-Van Helson picket sign due to that glitch.. they picked a nice time to 'maintain' on us (more like 7 times)
stumbled on a pink link, so, i suppose that means i CAN see eek ! s.
collecting green and purple items again (did i ever stop) noticed i've got huge holes in my collection.. sweatdrop .
R/p's carrying anti-both signs.. but wouldn't it be great if they got together? blaugh Gino needs a mommie. (or.. 2 mommies. eek )
Happy Easter All. *other random things* met some cool Gaians today thou.. Odyssey project annoying hell outta me, and, stupid marketplace., stare
heart heart R/p Out!
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R/p's Journal
I did not know that Gaia offered Journals.. O.o'
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v46/ramdonperson/Ball_Rare.bmp">
Ne_Ne is Awesome o.o
Down and Out. <3 goodbye
Ne_Ne is Awesome o.o
Down and Out. <3 goodbye