Okay now it's offical!
I must be crazy if I already figured this out. xd
I just came to grips that my family talk about each other behind everyone else's back.
For crying out loud! rolleyes
If there one part of this family that backstabs one another, it's mom and my aunts
cause everytime when one gets mad at the other, then it's backstabing central.
What a family I have rolleyes
Well, I just got used to it, no bigger, no sweat.
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Raven-roseStar's "Life how it is!" blog
I'm into video games, music, reading, and writing stories.
I write story based close to video games and anime like Gundam Wing, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc.
Every day I will write about my life, about family and friends, my habits, and my future(if
DeAndria LaShone Morrow