The Things To Remember In My Darling Life...
Days, Dates, Birthdays, but most of all....
Love is like war...Easy To Start Hard To End and someone gets Killed.
So i guess me and Adam have made war just itll never end and nobody will get killed. I seriously love Him and its amazing what an infulance hes had on my life. Hes changed me in many ways ive changed him.
Ive noticed he smiles more Hes laughs at the stupidest stuff ever and even though before we even met i didnt think hed do anything for me, He eats gross stuff to prove he loves me and he is just the greatest person in my life the only thing that ever goes right and we very normal we fight like everyother couple and we laugh and spend all time together as possable. :] I seriously love him
Nothing will ever happen except Love.