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Glacial's journal Thingy
.Be Aware. I likey writing poems.
Poem 6, Love
I pour out all my emotions. here is a poem I made... for... somone I like... XD


The Strange words that you blurt,
they make my heart start to hurt.
I'm about to cry
But, i don't know why.
When we talk, It seems like it lasts a year,
I start to let go of what I hold dear.
When you talk I start to fall,
to be with you, I'd give it my all
I have this hunch
I round it to it's bunch,
I think I love you, That's a feeling I can't undo.
I told you this,
After the words I start to miss,
But I don't regret,
These words started the times I can't forget.

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