Gn=grandpa ninja
Gn-hello you three views who are reading this
B-yes this is just something our master pimp (TrxX13) made for you people who won't STFU about me making Gn3 (Gin396)
Gn-wooo Billy we here at unifical studios don't use that kinda language
Gn-*smacks Billy* you ******** retard i should make you into my next pimpin polar bear jacket
B-i wish rival was my grandpa
Gn- hahaha me two billy
GN-well im out of ideas damn google
B-where the hell is rival anyway
Gn-*shoots billy* god damnit billy what the fyuck is wrong with you did you now i did you mom right up the ----
B-does that mean your my daddy and u had sexual intercourse with your daughter
Gn- eek yes
Gn- you better not tell anyone put our lovley viewers all 3 of them 3nodding
Gn-billy u got some shiz on your face
B-that's my face
B-its sayings like those witch is y i spend every night in my dark room with nothing to eat and cut my self *eye twitches* have u met my new friends
Gn- wow shes hot
Gn-look at that arse
Gn-look at those boobies
Gn-look at that huge weiner eek
GN-well peace biatches im done with im leaveing to go enjoy my life unlike you people who read random peoples journals well if you have any hate mail(if im lucky you will) or you just want to ask for something (gold,items,etc.) cause u know just cause im semi-rich i don't want any items and you know im not saving for anything (racist) because i love you semi-fans (y do you people bother me) other than that come join the clan,a clan,her clan,my clan
G- heres some sexy pics for u pissed of people
Billys friends

Billys baby sitter and billys classmates


Grandpa Ninja


Smexy pic time cool
this is so smexy

so hawt

three more now

turns you on me neither

this is uber smexy