albaXcore. :D |
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 @ 04:28pm
I suppose, I should really update this thing more often than I do, eh? xD Well, anyways, I'll be beirf here; I'm taking time off of school in order to work and save money so I can put myself through culinary school; I've seen the Eagles and Toto in concert in the three months, and I'll be seeing James Taylor and Devo in the next month and a half; I'm in need of a job; and I'm holding an avatar contest, too, btw! The prize is Winged Anklets! So, if anyone wants to go for 'em, well, listen up, 'cause you might find it interesting. Here's the advertisement:Maikeru's Winged Anklet Contest Hey! Think you've got the hottest avatar on Gaia? Then take the plunge and enter Maikeru's Winged Anklet Contest! The 10,000g entry fee is steep, but the prize is worthy of the cost to take the chance: five Gaians competing for a beautiful set of Winged Anklets! So, if you think you've got what it takes to top this competition, click the banner and enter today!!! Bumps are appreciated, loved, and encouraged. 20X6!!! xD<center>  </center> And that'd be about it for now. ^^; So, friends, take cae, Godspeed, and please, join this damn competition!! ^^;
Deadwing Absentia
Community Member
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 @ 03:08pm
Fo' shizzle! ^____^
...no. White boys like me don't and shouldn't say crap like that.
Anyways, it's beejn a long day, despite the fact that I just woke up. Ayla has tonsilitis, but she's convinced that it's West Nile. She's off it, but I adore her. She's one of my closer friends. ^_____^; Feel better, suga'.
On a lighter note, I need cigarettes, ...wait, that sucks. But I have money, and I'll probably shuffle over to CVS and grab some.
For now, I'm exhausted, and in dire need to take care of myself. S'long, folks.
Deadwing Absentia
Community Member
Deadwing Absentia
Community Member
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 @ 06:09pm
<center>So, yeah. This is my attempt at a journal on Gaia. I won't likely update it very often, simply for the fact that I've got a real LiveJournal, here. Love it. -Dies.- Anyway, yeah. I'll post every once in a while. This is me, by the way...  ...whee. A little about me: I'm 20, I'm from New Jersey, and I'm a musician and a songwriter - drums, and a bit of guitar. DDR player for three years now, too (can't forget that, now, can I?). There's not much more to me; at least, not that I just blurt to most people. You want to know? Ask.