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Dear Humanity,
the zombie invasion and what u can do to survive
here are the basic rules to survive:
(in no particular order)
1. have no long hair or accessories that zombies can grab onto
2. wear tight pants and tight shirt (again, zombies grab onto)
3. do not light a zombie on fire. the one thing worse than a zombie is a zombie on fire.

4. if u have a vehicle, don't bring a chainsaw and use it while the car is moving.

5. stay out of places to loot (they tend to have the biggest cluster of zombies)

6. don't sit it out, you have a bigger chance of survival if you keep moving. quietly if possible.

7. always have someone else with you. it's too dangerous to go anywhere alone.

8. always have a weapon nearby. you never know when a zombie will appear.

9. always have someone keep watch during sleep time. zombies are sneaky.

10. if ur loved ones are zombies, SHOOT THEM! don't stand there and cry, shoot them so you can cry when ur alive.

those are the most important rules to follow.
and remember, no matter how long it takes, you must try to find a way to stop the zombies once and for all, don't rely on other people to do it for you.

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