 ((Updated:: 6-29-14)) Name- Paul Alan
Age- 21
Sex- Male
Race- Cursed Human
Class- Cursed Monk ("Brawler" wink
Rank- Champion (Wba Middleweight/ Underground bare knuckle)
Eyes- Light Hazel
Hair- Brown
Height- 6 ft 0 inches
Weight- 245 pounds
Alignment- Neutral Evil
Sexual Preference- Straight (heterosexual)
Marital status- Widower
Theme Song- "Grab your Soul to Hell" by: ChthoniC
Tattoos- "Wicked" Chinese character on the left side of his neck/ "Demon" Chinese character tattooed on the right side/ Black Rose wrapped around his left forearm and a ninja katana in the center (along the forearm bone on the underside of his arm)/ the words "Break the bones and the body will heal" tattooed down his left side in Latin/ The words "break the soul and the body will die" tattooed down his right side in Latin/ The word "Letum" on the top of his left hand / The word "Amo" tattooed on the top of his right hand/ A tribal spider tattooed above his navel, in the center of his abs/ The numbers "4 - 20 - 666" tattooed down the outside of his left arm (along the under side of his bicep, to his elbow) in black bold lettering/ Bare spaces along arms filled in with a smokey sleeve, depicting the various faces of "Satan"/ A black and red dragon (European style) entwined in war, wrapped around his whole left leg/ Cursed (Tortured) heart on his right calf, with razor wire wrapped around it and his legs/ Small pentacle on the outside corner of his right eye/ Inverted cross on each of his middle fingers/ Portraits of influential people in Satanic History and Culture littering his arms/ Depictions of Executions and Torture Machinery crossing from his arms to his back.
Piercing- Right eye brow/ Lebret, two spikes vertically/ Tongue with a hoop/ Both Nipples with hoops.
Fighting Style- American style Boxing/ Muay Thai Kickboxing/ Mixed Martial Arts ( Grappling and Submission fighting)/ Pankration / Sambo/ Chute Boxe/ Wrestling / Infernal Martial Arts [Six Hierarchies]
Magic- None
Natural Abilities: Conditioning- Can take an extremely high amount of punishment because of conditioning for his fighting styles (Muay Thai Kickboxers and Brazilian Jujutsu practitioners are considered to be among the physically/mentally toughest out of all the styles.)
Hard Bone Training- Has trained to harden his bones, effectively increasing the damage of his physical attacks by two. This also makes it nearly impossible to break any of Paul's bones.
Recoil- Paul has such a high mixture of reaction time, strategic planning and constitution that he gets a free attack whenever he is hit with a non-fatal blow in close proximity. The attacks he's able to use with the “Recoil” ability are “Quick attacks”.
Demonic Abilities: Demonic Augmentation- Even though Paul is still considered a human, once he passed the test and joined the ranks of Legion, his physiology was augmented so that he achieved the same preternatural feats of strength, speed and endurance as any high ranking Greater Hell Demon, including the innate ability “Immortality” in the sense that Paul has stopped aging.
Insanity- If anyone tries to break into Paul's mind, they are treated to their consciousness being sent to hell until the attempt to link or infiltrate Paul's mind is stopped. This also acts as a defense against telepaths trying to steal the secrets of Gehenna and is standard for all of Hell's Spec-Ops. Generally the Sheer Sensory overload from this type of defense act as a catalyst for the shattering the mind of the weak willed. For those with a stronger constitution, the direct link with Hell would completely overcome their emotions for the duration of the link, and for one minute afterward. Their emotions would sporadically shift from Terror, to Melancholy to a Numbness. This leaves the individual stupid enough to attempt to enter Paul's mind in a highly susceptible state to getting hit in the face. The only defense against this ability to to not attempt to get into Paul's mind, that's it.
Daemonic Possession- Because has received extensive training with the Queen Succubus, Lilith, to the extent that he is now capable of a form of corporeal possession of other living beings with a physiology and anatomy comparable to standard humanoid races of terrestrial earth and the planes of existence both above, and below the mortal realm. This includes (but is not limited to) Humans, Demons, Angels, Dwarves, Elves, Nymphs, the Undead (Zombies and Vampires), Shapeshifters and trolls. Non-humanoid creatures with human mannerisms (Talking Animals, Dragons, etc...) can also be possessed but Paul will not have perfect control of their motor functions unless he has had previous experience with that type of creature previously. To complete a possession, Paul simply need to place a hand onto the head or face of the effected and his body breaks down into an ethereal base before being broken down into information which infects the brain functions of the possessed. There is a two hour duration for possession before Paul is placed into danger of being absorbed into the mind of the possessed, which is a processed quickened by the ingestion of personal knowledge of who he is possessing. Also, the possession will be suddenly and violently dissolved if any pain comes to the possessed form.
Hell's Affinity- Because of his close affinity with the natural energies and the powerful deities of Hell, Paul has gained an immunity to flame (The flames in question are Hellfire [Generally a darker red then common flame] and Physical Flame [ie: Flame which shares properties with flames of the natural mortal realm] which includes Magically Conjured Flames. He does not have the same immunity to Shadow Flame, which has different properties. He also doesn't have an immunity to Flames of the Anti-spectrum of Elemental Magics from trans-dimensional sources).
Boxing Techniques:
Machine gun- A move he does that is a quick series of 5 punches. Counts as one attack.
Double jab- Can make two quick jabs with one arm which equals one attack.
One Two- Can make an attack with one punch from each arm in rapid succession. (A one two combination.) This move counts as one attack.
Duck and Weave- Can make one attack and then make a reasonable move action after the move. (one step or body movement)
Flurry- Can make two separate attacks in one turn.
Cover- Can block any unarmed attack with his arms without harm (through training) no matter how strong the attacker is.
Golden Arm- Can block wooden weapons with his arms and receive no damage through various training styles.
KO- If he hits them with a certain punch (Overhand left- or -Left uppercut) there is a much higher possibility of knocking his opponent unconscious. These are his power punches, mixed with his knowledge of anatomy, gives him this ability.
Kickboxing Techniques-
Power Kick- His round house kick is a Defense Breaker, meaning if someone tries to block it then they still receive damage and are also thrown back a good ways as well as having the possibility of breaking bones.
Double Kick- Can use his kicks in such a way that in most occasions he can make two attacks out of one kick.
Combo- Can make five separate attacks with kicks, knees and elbows (Muay Thai Kickboxing) which counts as one attack.
Block- Can block any blunt/bludgeoning attack with his legs without harm (through training) no matter how strong the attacker is.
Steel Leg- Can wooden weapons with his legs and receive no damage through bone hardening techniques done while training in his art.
Mixed Martial Arts Techniques-
Lock- Once a grab is made, while Paul has the intent on doing a submission maneuver, there is no stopping it, until the lock is in place. Once the hold is on, a person can struggle for freedom.
Slam- If Paul successfully grabs his opponent, he can slam them in a fashion he deems most fit for the situation.
Chute Boxe-
Second wind- Paul seems to regain all of his energy mid-fight.
Battering Ram- Paul's headbutts do double damage, and almost always produce some sort of cut if they land.
Three Style Techniques-
Three Style Combo- Paul can make a series of five attacks using any of the three styles as he wishes. This can be done from a grappling move, or finished with a grappling move. Can be highly effective if used properly.
Double Strike- Paul has such a knowledge of his arts that he may preform several different attacks simultaneously without being hindered. Meaning, he can punch with both hands and kick with one leg with the same efficiency as if he had done all of the attacks separately.
Infernal Martial Arts -
(Note: The effects of these stances take place as soon as the user takes the stance)
First Hierarchy; Basic Stances- Flame stance: This is the main stance of the Infernal Martial arts. The users hands and feet become a glow with fire. The amount of body covered in fire dictates the user's efficiency with the art. Current user: 100% (The power percentage here is just a percentage of how much body is covered. Also, take the percentage and divide it by 5 to receive the radius that the ambient heat effects, in heat. The Ambient heat doesn't do damage until your past 50% efficient. Multiply the efficiency percentage by 4 to receive the temperature of ambient heat) Tattoo Coloration:: Flickering Crimson
Water Stance: Taught by the demon Leviathan. This is a grappling style which gives the user's ability to flow and contort in odd shapes, like rubber. The elasticity of the body depends on the user's efficiency with the art. Current User: 100% (Multiply Efficiency Percentage by 3 to receive maximum elasticity in feet, for one part of the user's body [Four Limbs, Neck and Torso are the parts of the body]) Tattoo Coloration:: Dark Blue
Void Stance: Taught by Baphomet. This is a stance of the Infernal Martial Arts which gives the user a ghostly ethereal state. From this state, the user directly attacks his opponent's soul, stealing life force from the soul until the opponent is killed. These attacks are physically unblockable, unless the defender is in a similar ethereal state. The user, while in the ghostly state, is susceptible to void attacks. The length of time in the ethereal state depends on the user's efficiency with the art. Current User: 100% (Divide the Efficiency Percentage by 5 to receive the amount of time a user may stay ethereal in seconds) Tattoo Coloration:: Pale Green
Light Stance: Taught by Lucifer. The concept of this stance is a blinding flash of light which is emitted from the eye, to blind the opponent before attacks. It is useless on blind fighters. The intensity and arc of the light is based on the user's efficiency with the art. Current User: 100% (Divide The Efficiency Percentage by Three to receive the effective range of the attack in feet. Also Multiply the efficiency percentage by Three thousand to receive the brightness of the light in lux. Also, seeing as this is Lucifer's stance who is born of the light, the user is made immune to Light or Holy Attacks) Tattoo Coloration:: Blinding White
Energy Stance: Taught by Lilith. This is a stance of the Infernal Martial Arts which attacks with solidified interpretations of physical exertion. From the limbs and digits, the User can leave a trail of crackling red cylinders, which is a representation of the physical exertion of a physical attack. The damage of the cylinders varies based on the diameter of the cylinders which are left but some as a constant force as if a punch/kick lasted forever. The Exertion Cylinders hang freely in space, since they are the corporeal versions of an incorporeal force making them an anomaly of the physical world and, thus, not dictated by the Laws of Physics. It can be freely moved by the creator, since the energy resonance for the user is the same as the cylinder, but hang immoveable by all other forces despite any conditions put against them. The cylinders take the shape of their creation and last for as long as the User keeps the muscle used to create it, tensed. (Efficiency percentage is subtracted from 100 to give you the percentage penalty for the attacks. The attacks of Energy can be broken down by limb. Legs carry a damage of 1395 pounds [6,2001N] repeated every .000001 seconds while in contact with the cylinder. Arms carry a damage of 627 pounds [2,798N] repeated every .000001 seconds while in contact with the cylinder. The Fingers carry a damage of 62 pounds [276N] repeated every .000001 seconds while in contact with the cylinder. The amount of Cylinders the User can create is equal to the User's efficiency in Inches [Maximum of 8 feet] ) Tattoo Coloration:: Bright Red with electrical properties
Second Hierarchy; Beastly Stances- Stance of the Fly: Taught by Beelzebub. This is a stance of the Infernal Martial Arts in which the turns his body in a swarm of plague infected flies. The flies can bite the victim or just overwhelm them in a swarm. Also, the insects can be placed so tightly together that the mass takes on a physical form of the user's choosing. Current User: 100 % (Multiply the Efficiency Percentage by One Thousand to determine how many flies are in the swarm. The more flies, the more possibilities with 100% efficiency having the possibility to create almost anything. The Plague the flies carry is a mild version of the Ebola virus. It breaks down organic tissue. Each time the victim is bitten, the plague lasts for one turn, and effectively destroys tenth of a pound of organic tissue) Tattoo Coloration:: Pulsing Brown
Worthless Stance: Taught by Belial. This is a stance of the Infernal Martial Art that is used to injure your opponent. It is a deceitful stance, and requires very high constitution. In this stance, any damage caused to the user will actually injure his opponent. Self inflicted damage does not count in this stance. Current User: 100% (The Efficiency Percentage is how much percentage of the attack the attacker receives [up to 100%].) Tattoo Coloration:: Glimmering Gold
Stance of Destruction: Taught by Abaddon. This is a Stance of the Infernal Martial Arts that allows the user's touch to have incredible destructive abilities. Everything the User of this Stance touches explodes violently. Current User: 100% (Multiply the Efficiency Percentage by 10 to find the force of the explosion in PSI. Also, Divide the Efficiency Percentage by 5 to receive the blast radius in feet. Maximum is 1000psi [or 6.9 Million N]) Tattoo Coloration:: Pulsating Orange
Stance of Damnation: Taught by Satan. This is a stance of the Infernal Martial Arts which attacks the body in parts. The slightest touch could send a person's arm flying off. The body, in this stance, emits bursts of chaotic energy which causes the cells of the body to rapidly move in odd directions, basically ripping itself apart. A master of this style can disassemble a person's body completely in only a few seconds. The strength of chaotic energy depends on the user's efficiency with the art. Current User: 100% (Efficiency Percentage is percentage of power of the attacks. Anything above 50% can sever limbs with a touch. Also, take efficiency percentage and divide it by Five to calculate how much of the body the user can effect with one attack in inches.) Tattoo Coloration:: Black with Crimson Boardering
Third Hierarchy; Seven Sins Stances- Vanity Stance: In this stance, the User is (literally) filled with his ego and grows in size until he reaches a full height of 20 feet. His voice, which he uses to boast his brilliance and greatness, becomes a booming weapon with the power to shake the ground and rip the heavens. The User's strength is increased by a percentage of his growth (A Six foot person would receive a strength boost of 330%) while his speed is cut similarly. Constitution and Health raise proportionally to his size. Weakness: The Ego is the weakness of this stance. Tattoo Coloration:: Rapidly Blinking White
Wrath Stance: When this stance is taken, The User's body turns into an arsenal of bladed weaponry, yet still functions as an organic body. The living tissue is transformed into a living weapon. The User of this stance gets the durability of steel and has immense strength added to his body. They can also control each blade individually or reconstruct the blades into other shapes. Weakness: Having a body made of metal means that Magnetism works very well against this stance, as does water because it can cause rust. Tattoo Coloration:: Silverish Patina
Gluttony Stance: While using this stance, The User can instantaneously add up up to 6,000 pounds of pure human fat to his body (either a part or the whole body in general). This added fat does not effect the User's strength or over all health, nor does it do any damage to bones, muscle, flesh or organs (Any part of the body). Weakness: With the added fat, the User's speed is drastically cut and fire attacks work well against this stance because human fat is flammable. Tattoo Coloration:: Pale Yellow
Sloth Stance: While in this stance, The User's body becomes a mass of grime comprised of Dirt, various winged and crawling insects, rats, dust and Human waste. In this stance, the User loses his corporeal body but still has the ability to compact the grime hard enough to do physical harm. He can also attack using the insects and rats that make him up, but mainly this stance attacks the senses (Attacking the Senses: Blind the eyes. Choke the lungs and throat. Burn the Skin. Block the Ears etc... He can also disease an opponent using the human waste or disease carrying insects that may make up his body. These will be named upon taking this stance, if there is any at all.) Weakness: Water attacks do heavy damage to this stance because of the light material that make it up. Also, soap will clean the grime. Tattoo Coloration:: Glimmering Brown
Greed Stance: In this stance, the User is suddenly surrounded with diamonds and other jewels (2094 in total) of varying sizes and colors. They create a lose sphere around the User and can be manipulated by will alone. They are used to attack and defend, however they can be added together to create larger jewels. Lastly, they can also be used to tempt the victim's sense of greed. Weakness: Bright lights hitting the random prisms around the User can cause light deflection and temporarily blind the User. Tattoo Coloration:: Iridescent
Envy Stance: In this stance, The User's Skin gains a slight green tint to it (“Green with envy”) and they become so envious of their opponent that they start to be them. Any attack, spell, weapon, armor, clothing or appearance of the opponent can be duplicated by the User in perfect detail (Although, the weapons, attacks and spells must first be used on the User for them to duplicate it) and will last until the User exits the stance (If he returns to the stance against the same opponent, he will have to “relearn” everything he once knew.) The User keeps all of his previous knowledge, his own attacks and statistics while in this stance, and any status ailments or mind altering effects done to them will also carry over to who they are envious of. Weakness: There is really no weakness to this stance. However, basic unarmed combat is best against this stance. Tattoo Coloration:: Bright Green
Lust Stance: This is not much of a combative stance, because it's tactics are best suited for torture and assassination. In this stance, the User can freely change his appearance to any humanoid he wants to, including freely changing their sex. Also, he can manipulate their genitals (Male or Female depending on the appearance that has been taken) into any simple weapon that can be thought of (No bombs, guns etc...) Weakness: A person in this stance is very prone to seduction. Tattoo Coloration:: Glimmering Black
Fourth Hierarchy; Apocalypse Rider Stances- (Note: These Stances come from the mounts instead of the person. So the weakness of these stances come from the horses, not the rider. Also, if the Horse is killed it can not be called on again for a total of 36 hours)
War Stance: When the User sits atop the “War Horse”, they are instantly clad in a black armor with glowing red “scratch marks” (To the untrained eye the markings look like simple scratchings from various weapon blows or animal attacks, however it is actually the whole Abysmal scripture written on the armor itself) with a metallic blob in either (or both) of their hands. This (these) blob(s) can take the shape of any weapon conceivable by the mind. The Armor is like none ever made before and can withstand nearly any attack without so much as a scratch or dent. In this form, the User has the ability to command many demonic underlings to do his bidding and follow his every command. The amount of underlings and their level of training is decided by the User's proficiency with the art. Horse Description: Clad head to hoof in armor that matches the rider's. It's skin is a dark red and it's eyes are a fiery mix of hell flame and spilled blood. When the horse opens it's mouth, the crimson flames of hell shoot forth. It's mane and tail are also the same dark red flames. (Note: Both Rider and Horse are susceptible to Magical attacks in this stance) Efficiency Percentage: 100% (The first number dictates what level of training the Underlings have, while the whole number is the maximum the User can call forth and command. Levels of Training:
0: No Training at all. No armor or weapons. These are just brawlers.
1: Low level training. Carries only a single straight bladed knife and a leather jacket as armor.
2: Same as above, just two knives.
3: These Underlings carry simply a mace, or some other bludgeoning weapon, and wear a full suit of leather armor.
4: Same as three but with the ability to cast simple fire spells.
5: Mid level training. These Underlings carry long swords and wear a shirt of chain mail.
6: Same as 5, but some carry dual short swords instead of the long. They also wear full chain mail.
7: Same as 6, but carry a bow (sling or cross bow) as well. Also, they can cast advanced fire spells.
8: Highly Trained Underlings. They wear a full chain mail suit, with plate mail on their torso. They carry two handed swords or axes, and wear a simple helmet.
9: Top level Underlings. These are full Mage warriors, wearing the armor of heavy infantry and carrying a number of weapons.
10: Perfect Army. These Underlings are some of the best soldiers of Hell. They wear heavy infantry armor, can cast advanced Elemental Spells and carry any weapon in the spectrum. They are also fully capable of riding various mounts, and resuscitating the fallen. Tattoo Coloration:: Burning Red
Pestilence Stance: When the User sits atop the “Pestilence Horse”, he is suddenly dressed in a white burial shroud with an inverted cross on the chest in black. His body becomes covered in boils and patches of decaying skin, having his appearance compared to a Leper would be rather sufficient. In each of his hands he would be holding the chain to a thurible which is emitting a foul green vapor instead of the common incense. The green vapor is a mixture of the most destructive plagues the world has ever known and their carriers (Among them are Influenza, Typhus, Cholera, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Malaria, The Black Death). In an enclosed space, these vapors can fill a 30 x 30 x 30 foot room in as little as 5 minutes. Breathing in this green vapor will prove deadly to any mortal, within a certain time frame, unless immediate and serious medical assistance is had. Immortal Species (Vampire, Elves) and anything with a highly accelerated rate of healing abilities will survive the plagues but their immune system will be under such an assault then until they are fully healed by medical or magical means, they will have the immune system of an average mortal. Also, Pestilence has the ability to control an unprecedented amount of Rats, all carriers of the Bubonic Plague. The amounts of rats is determined by the Efficiency Percentage. Pestilence has full control over these rats. Horse Description: The horse is completely white from head to hoof, with a mane that is the same. It has white garments draped across it's back, neck and hind parts, covering the tail and most of the back legs. It has no reins. However, it does have a large metal chain bitten between it's teeth, with a thurible swinging from the end of the 3 foot chain. This appears to be empty. Efficiency Percentage: 100% (Multiply the Efficiency Percentage by 1,000 to receive the total number of rats Pestilence can control at once.) Tattoo Coloration:: Whitish Green, releasing Vapor.
Famine Stance: When the User mounts the “Famine Horse”, he is immediately emancipated to a very unhealthy level. This doesn't effect his strength or speed, just his appearance. He is stripped bare, save for a leather loincloth, and given a set of golden scales in his left hand and a hand sickle in his right. In this state, anything within a 30 foot radius from the Rider can not take any form of nourishment (Food, drink or any form of healing), and is suddenly struck with horrible hunger pains, weakness and a slight form of dehydration (None of this effects the person's overall health. They just feel malnourished, which cuts their physical attributes and they can do nothing about it.). Also, Famine has the ability to grow and control any form of common harvest (Wheat, Corn, Barley etc...) or game (Deer, Bear, Rabbit etc...). The amount of control or growth is decided by the Efficiency Percentage. Horse Description: The Black horse is emancipated to the point of death, from the look of it. It wears a wreath of wheat on it's head, deer furs cover it's body and it's legs are covered with corn stalks. It's mane and tail are composed of wheat stalks. Where ever the horse steps, various crops grow but as soon as the foot is moved, the crops wither quickly. Efficiency Percentage: 100% (Divide the Efficiency Percentage by 10 to determine the amount of Acreage of crops that can be grown and controlled by the Rider, or the amount of animals to be materialized and controlled at once.) Tattoo Coloration:: Gains a Wheat Stalk
Death Stance: When the User mounts the “Death Horse”, he is turned into a skeleton in a black shroud, and a hood to cover the face, which completely blocks the rider from view, save for his white bony hands. In his hands is a large metal scythe, giving the rider the appearance of the Grim Reaper. A dense fog seems to emit from the Rider as he sits atop the horse, enveloping himself and the horse, or trailing them if moving. Plant life and small organic creatures seem to drop dead, or wilt into dust if they come within a foot of the Rider, who has a life draining aura for 2 feet surrounding himself and the horse on all sides. The Strength of the Life Stealing Aura (The Fog) is dependent upon the User's proficiency with the stance. Horse Description: By far the most ghastly horse to look upon. It is a complete skeleton like the rider, but has twisting horns sprouting from the sides of it's skull. It breaths a dense gray fog from it's nose and mouth, as well as having a constant stream of it seeping from it's deep, empty eye sockets. It's mane consists of hard bone spires, twisting from it's spine and reaching 3 feet into the air. It's tail is long, dragging along the ground, and tipped with a spiked ball of bone, reminiscent of the head of a morning star. Efficiency Percentage: 100% (1-30% Deals one hit point per turn if you enter the Fog. 31-50% Deals two hit points. 51-70% Deals three hit points. 71-89% Deals four hit points. 90-100% Deals five hit points. The damage will vanish after one turn if you exit the fog, however the damage stays until it is properly healed at 90% and above) Weakness: Healing Spells are this Stance's only weakness. The Rider can be broken into pieces, seeing as how he's a skeleton, but will regain his form after one turn. Tattoo Coloration:: Glowing Tan
Fifth Hierarchy: The End of Times-
This stance is a powerful construct that allows The User to control time in a limited space. The space and amount of time to be manipulated depends on the users proficiency. The user can create a sphere (Size depending on the Proficiency) in which he can manipulate the flow of time inside (and only inside). Efficiency Percentage:: 100% (The Efficiency Percentage divided by 5 is the maximum diameter of the sphere in feet. Multiply the Percentage by 10 to determine how many years time can be moved forward or backward.) Tattoo Coloration:: A black void, dotted with white and blue stars.
Sixth Hierarchy: Combination Styles-
Stance One: Chariot of the Apocalypse:: This stance utilizes all four horseman stances by linking each horse to a black chariot and combining their powers into one. The User Sprouts Four Arms, One representing each horse and holding that style's weapon or item. All magical powers, abilities and weaknesses are present. The User determines how the Horses are attached to the Chariot. Tattoo Coloration:: A fathomless pit of despair releasing into a yawning pit of hellacious visions.
Stance Two: Seven Sins Stance: Effectively, This Stance Allows the User to combine all of the Seven Deadly Sins Stances into one, using all their powers in conjunction and with any combination. All weaknesses apply and each stance is as powerful as it is separately. Tattoo Coloration:: A spiral of chaotic power which released vapors of a kaleidoscopic nature.
Quick Bio: “Paul had spent his life in the bright lights of a combat arena. Before he was an adult, he was a world class fighter. It didn't take long until Paul grew tiresome of the same old opponents, humans who were weak of spirit and body. Paul ran through them like a Sherman Tank tears through hedges and it was boring. Having conquered the world of the fighting man, he turned his efforts towards other ventures. Underground fighting leagues, no holds barred and no restrictions. Any weapon, any ability, any species. Paul was pitted against vampires, angels, demons and werewolves among infinite other races armed with any sort of weapon imaginable. It didn't take long before Paul sat a top the rankings of several leagues, winning tournaments, defying the odds and overcoming odds which most would deem insurmountable. An unarmed human who seemed unbeatable against all comers. It lasted like this for years until a prestigious tournament came around. Paul signed up as did so many other hopeful competitors, and he completed his first match and won handily. The second round came up, his opponent was a Sorceress in a red dress. The match was close, but Paul was bested. Broken, he was shifted to the loser bracket where he ripped apart his opponents with an unrelenting ferver of fury in a pledge to himself to return and have another shot at the Red Dress. It happened in the semi-finals where he met in the arena with Red Dress. The first time, she beat Paul. The second time, she destroyed him. He held convalescence in the infirmary for a few days before starting the long walk down the lonely corridor to leave the arena where he saw Red Dress waiting. As he passed, she stopped his movements and whispered a sentence in his ear before she departed. 'Sometimes, you can't do it on your own.' Paul contemplated those words before furiously searching, studying, researching, learning, exploring, finding and finally Selling his soul to Satan…”
“... Based upon his overall record of exploits on the Mortal Plane of existence, Paul was summoned forth to stand before the Infernal Parliament who was the collection of the Greater Hell demons who ran the judeochristian Underworld as it's deities. It didn't take long before Paul's hazel eyes fell upon the nightmarish visages of Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Belial, Lilith and Abaddon. "Prove Your Worth! " They demanded of Paul and commanded him to participate in The Trials. The Trials were something like a twisted version of Man's Kumite as it was a series of six hundred and sixty six deathmatches in a sequential stream which only offered five minutes of rest between bouts. His opponents ranged from imps and small nuisances to collective squads of well trained and well armed soldiers of Hell's military service, named Legion. The undead, fallen human spirits, a captured Angel with a burning sword. Paul ripped them all to pieces and spat on their corpses. It took several days but eventually, Paul stood victorious over the best Hell was willing to sacrifice to the crushing limbs of the young fighter. With a heaving chest, dripping sweat from his brow and blood from his fists, Paul turned back to the Parliament who all stood and applauded him. Wading through spilled blood and broken bodies, Paul made his way to the stand and was granted the Demonic Augmentation and his first of many rankings within Legion...”
“Paul, the first mortal to ever surpass the insurmountable challenge of The Trials, was accepted by the Deities as the second coming of the Anti-Christ. He was their weapon to be unleashed upon the Mortal Plane, with all of their power and none of their limitations. One Member of The Parliament took their time training him, keeping him in constant motion for Millenia. Sharpening him in the ways of warfare, espionage, physical training, torture, lying, weapon training and battle strategy. By the end of his initial training regiment, Paul was a weapon of Mass Destruction aimed at the foolish mortals of the Earthly realm and Paradise, all sat unsuspecting of their impending demise. After the eons, Paul accepted a position in The salamanders, a covert operations squadron dedicated to weakening the defenses at the Hell Maw and weakening the forces of Good on Earth and in heaven. His first commission was to abort the second coming of Jesus, a god child to a virgin mother akin to the story of the Massiah from the Christian Bible. He did so with. Roundhouse kick to a bulbous belly, rounded with child. Ever since then, Paul had done what is asked by his superiors to the perfect degree which has raised him to a member of the Parliament himself, and General in Legion.”
“To this day, Paul is the only mortal member of the Infernal Parliament ever to take a seat on that prestigious council. He also remains the only entity in creation which is more powerful then every member of the Parliament. He is, for all intense and purpose, The King of Hell.”
Notable Achievements: Baltimore Underground Fighting Champion WBA Heavy and Light Heavyweight Champion PrideFC Heavyweight Champion First Human Mortal to pass "The Trials" and receive the Demonic Augmentation First Human Mortal to achieve Infernal "Nirvana".
Specialties: Boxing- Footwork (agility) Muay Thai- Power Kicks/Knees Wrestling- Throws Sambo- Elbows Submission Fighting- Arm Submissions Pankration- Headbutts/ Chokes Chute Fighting- Low Kicks/ Leg Submissions
Attributes: Paul has pushed his body past the limits of human anatomy. His strength is beyond the peak a conventional human could hope to achieve. (2,145 pound squat -- 1,254 pound bench press, doing 15 reps). His speed is above average, and superb for someone his size (9.45 second 100 meter dash) and his agility is unheard of for a human, especially of his size. His constitution is far higher then most mortals (through training of various kinds). These attributes have come from a life of hard work and years of intense training. His Demonic Augmentation (Sold his soul to the Devil) has only increased his already high physical attributes exponentially. Out of all of his physical attributes, Paul believes that his mind is his best asset. He is a highly technical fighter and knows mostly all of the ins and outs of his fighting styles. He knows the strengths and weaknesses of each and has learned styles that augment and feed off of each others. For instance: Boxing is strong on punching and weak with kicking. Kickboxing is weak in punching, strong in kicking/elbows and knees. Etc... Lastly, he carries an IQ of 195.
Grappling and Submission explanations: Most of the people in this guild probably know this already, seeing as I'd assume most are better then me, but I thought I'd lay this out quickly so there was no confusions. In regards to my character's grappling and submissions techniques. I just wanted to touch a little on this subject. First, it only takes one move to complete a grapple or submission (explanation in techniques "Lock" and "Slam" wink meaning that the actual "grab your arm/leg/neck" etc...is the attack. If the grab is completed, then Paul can do an appropriate action (If a grab is made, he can lift you and throw you on the back of your neck etc...). How to defend against this? It's rather simple, don't get grabbed. For submissions moves, once the grab is made and the submission is put on, it is up to you (with an understanding of anatomy and submissions) to work your way out of it. Paul is too proficient and too strong to just get a... "I swung my arm and you go flying"... And as escape. So you'll have to think a bit, but it is possible to get out of it. And remember, the most dangerous submissions are the hardest to keep locked in place. Chokes (which can kill) is harder to keep in place then a keymora (which can only tear tendons) etc...

Name- Cyrik
Age- 49
Height- 7'1''
Weight- 425 pounds
Hair color- Long, Grey
Eye Color- Greyish kinda silver
Build- Muscular
Race- Human
Attire- Ragged Blue Cloak, Yellow baggy pants (cloth, wool), Blue bracer and armored sleeve and chest plate. Two dragon headed staffs on his back.
Class- Fighter/ Old man
Rank- World Class Martial Artist
Alingment- Neutral Evil/ Chaotic Evil
Tattoo- Small black rose in the top of his hand/ along dagger on the underside of each of his forearms/ Tattoo on his left bicept ("Champion" wink
Piercings- tongue/ nipples/ right elbow
Coupe De Grace- Can instantly kill or render unconcious anyone under these conditions:
He is arms length away from someone without them knowing.
The Enemy is sleeping.
The enemy is unconcious.
The enemy is incapacitated.
Flexibility- Can move in such a way as to minimize damage done to himself in a fight.
Drop- User has the ability to drop from any height as 25 ft or lower and land perfectly soft and balanced.
Numb- User has the ability to temperarily numb his body from cuts,blade wounds and certain broken bones. This ability is dangerous because they can not feel fatal wounds which could kill the user.
Intimidate- Cyrik's appearance and prescence causes fear in his opponent and it causes their speed and strength to cut...and if they are weak they run away.
Recoil- Has good enough reflexes to get a quick counter attack if he is hit (The attack that he can counter attack is an attack that doesn't do alot of damage [ie- jab to the face] or an attack to a non-vital part of the body [ie- stomp on his foot or slice his hand]).
Acute Senses- He has rather acute senses for a human his age.
Dagger Fist- Can do a fingerjab strike that can break through metal/stone/wood etc.
Flurry- He can make two seperate actions in one turn.
Shatterpoint- Cyrik knows the anatomy/ molecular make up (and such) of material (wood, metal, flesh etc) so well that he can make pin point strikes to do maximum damage.
Implode- Using his Shatterpoint ablity and a strong hit, he can make things (weapons, walls, doors, people etc...) turn in on themselves, or implode. The thing ends up a twisted ball on the ground.
Trembling palm- Can make unarmed attacks in which his vibrating palm can do internal (and undetected) damage to his opponent (Fatal damage). The opponent can feel the vibrations when he is hit. So for up to 24 hours after it hits, it is doing constant damage to someone's organs. Depending on the strength put behind the attack is how much damage and if it is possibly fatal.
Immobile- can enter an immobile state for a certain amount of time. In this state he can not be moved at all (even by magic, telekenesis etc...so he is immobile)
Tiger Claws- Can grab something and make his grip extra tight and basicaly unbreakable (for choke holds and such...making them almost impossible to escape.)
Fighting Style- Many different forms (ex. Dragon, Cat's claw, Snake fist, Hapkido, Akido, Taijutsu etc)
Weapons- Body...he's a martial artist..er. He wears a long metalish sleeve on his right arm to block swords.
Equipment- 50 ft rope and a thick leather bound book.
Double Dragon Staves- Made from two types of wood from the Uchawi Tree (With which the most powerful wizards use to make the pages of their spell books or grimoires). This tree is split into three sections (Roots, trunk and branches) that give off three very specific energies. By finding the right alingment and combination, Cyrik has fashioned the staves with the effect that the conflicting energies of the wood disrupt the natural flow of energy around himself in the world (Most critical in most forms of magic and chi usage). This does not effect any spells that use purely energy from the spell caster, but if a spell needs the energy of the world around it to continue it (elemental attacks), it will fizzle into nonexhistance when it enters the 15ft radius that the staves effect.
Jutsu arts-
Bujutsu - science of individual combat (how to use speed and strength effectively against one person)
Dakentaijutsu - striking method (how to punch, kick etc.)
Jujutsu - this is not the grappling art.... ten syllable power methods. "skills said to enable a ninja to accomplish what conventional warriors could only back away from,"Stephen Hayes
Jutaijutsu - style of grappling (Submission holds and throws)
Kappojutsu - resuscitation (treating wounds, +20 healing others)
Koppojutsu - art of bone breaking (higher break bone ratio when attacking)
Kiaijutsu - shout of intention as a weapon (intimidate= lowers oponents attack)
Koppojutsu - bone breaking or damaging (higher bone breaking ratio when atacking)
Koshijutsu - nerve or soft tissue striking (Higher critical injury ratio when fighting)
Kyojutsu - making the impossible possible and making the possible impossible (+3 to meditation)
Konsetsujutsu - joint working & joint locks (Better chance to hold a submission move)
Masubitaijutsu - linking one empty hand technique and/or weapons technique to another (+2 to speed)
Nawanukejutsu - Escaping from bonds. The process is easily visible to a guard or other person present, and can be interfered with. Due to childhood training, a ninja may use this skill to squeeze through openings which would normally be too small for a person of the ninja's size. The suppleness necessary for this special skill can only be achieved through childhood training. (x2 chances of escape/+2 stealth)
Oseijutsu - pinning methods of pinning your opponent to the ground with nobody hurt (+2 strength/speed)
Shoten no jutsu - vertical surface running (can run straight up walls,trees etc.)
Saimonjutsu - hypnotism and mind control (50% chance of controling someone, makes it x3 harder to control his mind then normal)
Taijutsu - unarmed combat (no weapons fighting, + 6 to strength/speed with no weapons)
Taihenjutsu - rolling traveling method (+7 to speed when rolling on the ground)
Toritejutsu - arresting skills (50% better chance of capturing someone)
Urataijutsu - reversing your opponents attack (50% chance of enemy getting recoil damage when attacking Cyrik)
I am an assassin, I am a Shinobi, I am a Raven.

Stats: Age- 26 Height- 6 ft 2 inches Weight- 153
Home land- Italy (Woke up there.)
Hair color- Platinum (short, 2 inches) Eye color- black with always swirling and moving crimson streaks
Alignment- Chaotic Neutral Race- Half Raven Demon/Half watcher Wing color- cut off. build- lean/muscular Occupation- Assassin/Shinobi/ Teacher of the ways of combat (Tb only)
Born element- lightening/thunder/electricity
immune to lightening and does get healed by it.
Immune to the Poisons he uses while fighting.
Worships Cyric, "The Prince of lies" so he uses lies and deceptive tactics to get his kills and his information. Can read minds from heritage
Atire- Grey cloak (sometimes) Black dragon scale curaise (sometimes) Shurikan harness, black silk hakama
40 throwing daggers 20 ninja spikes 80 Shurikans 50 various tetsubishi
Cerria daggers- poisons anyone it slices. Wavy blades, serrated (+3 damage) 2 ft long. Forged from the fangs of Guga Shesha, A serpent God, and within the weapons resides the spirit of the beast which the weilder can summon at any time.
Blow Gun- bamboo, 6 inches long.
Darts for blow gun- horizontally stripped- Sleeping dart-coated in a strong narcotic to make anyone sleep.
Vertically stripped- confusion dart- dipped in a strong LSD
Dotted dart- diseased dart- coated with an advanced form of HIV so if it hits someone, their immune system will shut down quickly, including vamps and other creatures. The desease is strong enough to kill any immune system.
Fukumi Bari- 3 inches long. 3mm in diameter, tipped with a poison to cause paralysis. Bran’s body has been taught to be immune to the poison on the dart. The needle is covered in a strong morphine, the medicine is so strong that it will make the body numb and the mind so confused it will not be able to send a message to move the body hence, it will be paralyzed.
2 small pouched filled with crushed leaves of the Urtica Ferox plant. The vemon of the small fine hairs that cover the leaves are enough to kill a man in 2 mins if they touch his flesh. (Same with vamps, demons, dragons etc but Dragons need to get touched on the inside of their mouth, nose or their eyes) Bran uses it to blow in the face of his opponent. They leaves are crushed so fine they can fill a 10 x 10 room in 4 turns fully.
3 robin eggs filled with venom from the Taipan. The eggs break on contact and will kill any creature in at most 10 mins. Bran usually uses these to throw at his opponents mouth to kill him or the eyes to blind him, the venom will only daze his opponent if it touches their flesh but will kill the opponent if the vemon gets into their eyes, mouth or a cut.
5 Smoke bombs for invisible escapes.
Grenades- he carries 5, small, made of wall nut shells, powerful, can blow a man into pieces as well as blow a chunk out of a dragon.
Death Twine- a thin (as thick as fishing twine) twine that comes from his wrist, well the ninja spike holdster on his right wrist, and is 2 foot long fully. He uses it to strangle, decapitate and grab limbs to twist and break. The Twine itself is unbreakable because of a blessing that was put on it by a mage.
2 shobos- He wears it on his thumbs, made of silver.
Gubrande Frajer- (Dark weapon of the gods) Bran's 7 ft sword. The sword absorbs 50% of all magic. + 4 strength, +3 magic attack. The sword is immune to dark magic/matter. Grubrande was enchanted so that only one with Bran's blood line can pick it up, anyone else who tries will get electricuted with enough voltage so that their body freezes and they will slowly get burnt to death from the inside out. Also the sword can not be lifted by anyone excpt someone with Bran's blood line, no matter how strong they are. The Sword returns to Bran's hand from any distance at Bran's will.
Lock pick set he uses if he ever needs it.
45 small pebbles- he uses to decieve his enemy's or whatever.
Grappling hook- has it in case there is something he can not jump up onto, uses it as a weapon occasionally. The hook at the end if like a large fishing hook with 2 barbs.
Shuko and Ashiko-These were steel or iron bands that were tied over the hands and feet and used as climbing aids. With the use of shuko and ashiko, a Ninja could scale a wall or climb a tree in a matter of seconds. In fact, many Samurai were reported as saying the Ninja could "climb like a bear."
1 Kusuribin- Medicine can (100% restore health and status)
Magic:: Kuji-In/Kuji Kiri—A magic ,used by ninjas, that believes each of the fingers supports a different element.
Index- Fu / wind (Speed)
Middle- Ka / Fire (Physical Strength)
Ring- Sui / water (Agility)
Pinky- Chi / earth (Stealth)
The thumb- void / Ku (Thought)(Telekenesis)
(All Spells Bran Knows can be conjured and stored for use. He can only store one at a time)
Spells he knows-
Wind- Dragon’s breath- the room fills up with a thick fog, the fog is then pushed outwards with a powerful gust of wind from Bran, the fog fills your lungs and stings your eyes, delaying your reaction time. The fog is slightly Toxic, so that is why the effected begins to get light headed. (Two Turns to Store)
Fire- Circle of fire- basically, a circle of fire surrounds Bran on all sides, 4 foot thick the ring of fire is and it lasts for 30 seconds. (One Turn to Store)
Water- wave of time- a wave of water appears before him and falls down onto his opponent and then freezes. The ice stops them where they stand, seeming to stop time for them....hence the name. (Two Turns to Prepare)
Water- Wave Rush- a strong wave comes from his left hand (which he uses for the magic) at his opponent. The current is soo strong that his opponent is sent across the room or land, depending on where the battle is, and if his opponent hits a solid object (i.e. tree or wall) their bones will get broken from force. (One Turn to Prepare)
Earth- Gaia’s force- two slabs of earth, both 10 ft in diameter fly up from the ground , at the position Bran desires, and tries to crush his opponent. (Four Turns to Prepare)
Void- Ninja’s wrath- Bran’s body explodes in a white power and then is gone, he comes down in a desired position. (Three Turns to Prepare)
Void- Ferromancy abilities.
Water-Ice Javelin- Bran can form a long ice staff from the water molecules in the air. The ice stays cold and doesn't melt right away, plus the water molecules it compressed so tightly that the ice is as stronger then steel. (One Turn to Prepare)
Fire- Grenade- flips a small glowing rock (Brimstone) and the small stone explodes in a violent explosion upon impact. (Two Turns to Prepare)
Wind- Cutter- swings his arm across his body and sends a arc of wind at an opponent going so fast it can cut the man (Or cut through a brick wall) in half. (One Turn to Prepare)
Fire- Flame fist- Caster's hands and feet get surrounded by flames for 3 turns. The flames add burn damage to the opponent if they are hit. (One Turn to Prepare. Need at least two full turns until user is able to cast again)
water- Ice Fist- Caster's hands anf feet get covered in an ice so cold it burns the opponent if they get hit by them. (One Turn to Prepare. Need at least two full turns until user is able to cast again)
Earth- Earthquake- User punches the ground and creates a small seismic shock that rushes through the ground in all directions for 20 ft of user. The shaking ground puts the effected off balance so give the user one free hit. (Two Turns to Prepare)
Void- Split- The user casts the spell and 7 other copied images of himself step out to the sides. The copes take form and then can all attack at once but the copies will go down if you pierce their skin, exploding in a cloude of slightly toxic smoke. (Five Turns to Prepare. Only able to be used once a 24 hour period)
Earth- Tree prison- The caster takes control over a tree of their choice. The roots of the tree come up from underground and wrap around the opponent's ankels. The branches wrap around their wrists and the tree holds them that way for 2 turns. (Two Turns to Prepare. Able to be used Twice in a 24 hour period)
Void- Invisibility- Fear has the ability to pass freely through null space, in essence moving around invisibily. (Four Turns to Prepare. Able to be used once in a 24 hour period. Lasts for Sixty Seconds)
Void- Dematerialize- Fear has the ability to make himself much as a spirit and move freely through solid objects. (Three Turns to Prepare. Able to be used Three Times in a 24 hour period. Lasts for Thirty Seconds.)
Inner Kuji-kiri:: (These techniques can be done instantly, however he can only do a total of six of them within a 48 hour time period)
Speed - Can double his speed for a short time (3 turns).
Strength - Can double his strength for a short time (3 turns).
Agility - At one time in a fight, Bran can use this ability and get out of any situation unscathed, no matter what.
Stealth - Can turn invisible for a short while once a day. (30 seconds)
Thought - Can 'remember' any fact (anything, even if he never knew it).
Has a strong poison on his thumb, he rubs his thumb and index together and uses the poison finger technique which if he touches you with his index and thumb, it will kill you from the poison seeping through your skin. The poison is a mixture of poison from the Blue poison dart frog and the venom of a King Cobra. Can kill a person the size of 7 ft tall in 4 mins.
Uses the ancient technique of the poisoned hand, his left palm covered with a strong poison, in which Bran is immune to, if he pressed his palm against anyone’s bare flesh, their flesh in the spot will crack and the person will bleed as the cracking dryness spreads, in 4 mins taking over their entire body and killing them from dehydration.
Uses the delayed death touch, touching a certain part of the body in a fight, he closes the artery so no blood may pass through, the artery explodes 10 minutes later and the victim dies from blood lose, and blood lose to the brain and heart.
Bran can yell so low that it sends out a vibration in a 4 mile radius from himself. The yell is too low to be heard by humans or human type beings but the vibrations can be felt. His vibration calls any Hymenoptera (Bees, Ants, Wasps etc) within a 4 mile radius to come and fight at his side. (This ability comes as part of his past. Bio to be added at a later date)
Dagger Fist- Can do a fingerjab strike that can break through metal/stone/wood etc. Dehydrating strike- Can make unarmed attacks and hit vital points to make the flesh excrete an abnormal amount of sweat/blood/urine etc. This in turn dehydrates the body (deadly dehydration after 20 hits with this method)
Bone Break- Can make attacks that have a high chance of breaking bones.
Trembling palm- Can make unarmed attacks in which his vibrating palm can do internal (and undetected) damage to his opponent (Fatal damage). The opponent can feel the vibrations when he is hit.
Implode- Using his Shatterpoint ablity and a strong hit, he can make things (weapons, walls, doors, people etc...) turn in on themselves, or implode. The thing ends up a twisted ball on th e ground.
Immobile- can enter an immobile state for a certain amount of time. In this state he can not be moved at all (even by magic, telekenesis etc...so he is immobile)
Tiger Claws- Can grab something and make his grip extra tight and basicaly unbreakable (for choke holds and such...making them almost impossible to escape.)
Arboromancy- Bran has the ability to take control of plant life that is around him, through hand symbols and chants in ancient languages.
Armor- Black Dragon scale armor his chest, shoulders and back
Cloak of the Shadows- The cloak he wears he got enchanted so that when he has it on, he may move in between shadows freely. He can also wrap the cloak around him and turn into a shadow himself.
Abilities- Drop- User has the ability to drop from any height as 25 ft or lower and land perfectly soft and balanced.
Balance- user is able to move across the thinnest surfaces like they were a mile wide. Sword blades, hand rails etc.
Numb- User has the ability to temperarily numb his body from cuts,blade wounds and certain broken bones. This ability is dangerous because they can not feel fatal wounds which could kill the user.
Wall run- User has the ability to run across vertical surfaces with ease, great speed and exceptional balance.
Photographic Memory- remembers something exactly after only seeing it once.
Sight- User has the ability to "zoom in" with his normal eyes by contracting their iris in such a way as to bend the eye lense and use the added concave of the lense as a type of magnifying glass to give them added depth perception and the ability to look over long distances with ease.
Shatterpoint- Bran knows the anatomy (and such) of material (wood, metal, flesh etc) so well that he can make pin point strikes to do maximum damage.
Acute Senses- He has acute senses by each of his parent's heritages.
Combo- Can make up to two seperate attacks while unarmed (counts as one attack).
Shadow Step- Can move after attacking (Up to two steps).
Jutsu arts- Ankokutostoshijutsu - ways to see in the dark (see 1.5 miles in dark)
Bakemonnojutsu - ghost art (astral projection)
Bajutsu - Horsemanship (fighting from horse back)
Bujutsu - science of individual combat (how to use speed and strength effectively against one person)
Dakentaijutsu - striking method (how to punch, kick etc.)
Dotonjutsu - earth escape art, like hiding underground or using the ground as an escape route(+5 stealth)
Genjutsu - magic and illusions ( +5 to magic attack/defense)
Hansojutsu - the art of disguise kind of like acting but making it real not just acting
Jujutsu - this is not the grappling art.... ten syllable power methods. "skills said to enable a ninja to accomplish what conventional warriors could only back away from,"Stephen Hayes
Jutaijutsu - ninja's style of grappling (Submission holds and throws)
Jojutsu - staff and cane fighting
Kappojutsu - resuscitation (treating wounds, +20 healing others)
Koppojutsu - art of bone breaking (higher break bone ratio when attacking)
Kiaijutsu - the art of harmonizing with the universal force (+4 magic defense)
Kiaijutsu - shout of intention as a weapon (intimidate= lowers oponents attack)
Kajutsu - explosives and fire arms (+5 to marksman with small arms and rifles/ +4 to demolitions)
Koppojutsu - bone breaking or damaging (higher bone breaking ratio when atacking)
Koshijutsu - nerve or soft tissue striking (Higher critical injury ratio when fighting)
Kenjutsu - sword combat (+ 3 to attack)
Kyojutsu - making the impossible possible and making the possible impossible (+3 to mysticism)
Konsetsujutsu - joint working & joint locks (Better chance to hold a submission move)
Mokutonjustu - wood escape art, like hiding in the trees or in a log on the ground or using the trees as an escape route (+3 stealth)
Masubitaijutsu - linking one empty hand technique and/or weapons technique to another (+4 to speed)
Nawanukejutsu - Escaping from bonds. The process is easily visible to a guard or other person present, and can be interfered with. Due to childhood training, a ninja may use this skill to squeeze through openings which would normally be too small for a person of the ninja's size. The suppleness necessary for this special skill can only be achieved through childhood training. (x2 chances of escape/+5 stealth)
Ninjutsu - the art of ninja, ninpo, and nin (+5 to all skills)
Oseijutsu - pinning methods of pinning your opponent to the ground with nobody hurt (+5 strength/speed)
Shakinojutsu - flag discarding......this is when an army copies the flags of the enemy and the enemy thinks it allies (better disguises, better chance of decieving)
Shoten no jutsu - vertical surface running (can run straight up walls,trees etc.)
Suitonjutsu - water escape art, like hiding under water, or using water as an escape route (+5 stealth)
Shurikenjutsu - the art of throwing objects (+ 10 marksmanship)
Setonjutsu - snow shinobi (higher stats in the snow)
Saimonjutsu - hypnotism and mind control (50% chance of controling someone, makes it x3 harder to control his mind then normal)
Takemustaijutsu - forging (compying someone's writting exactly after only seeing it at least once)
Taijutsu - unarmed combat (no weapons fighting, + 6 to strength/speed with no weapons)
Taihenjutsu - rolling traveling method (+7 to speed when rolling on the ground)
Taihenjutsu - body movement (+4 to speed)
Toritejutsu - arresting skills (50% better chance of capturing someone)
Unshinjutsu - the art of being invisible (+25 To stealth)
Urataijutsu - reversing your opponents attack (50% chance of enemy getting recoil damage when attacking Bran)
A picture before Bran became Shinobi, and was known as Savior, He is holding Gubrande Frajer...VVV
Cyrik · Sat Oct 20, 2007 @ 11:29pm · 0 Comments |