Finished Evolving Item Suggestions Volume 3
Reve Rouille
Submitted by: Arroyo Milori
Vote Results: 44.9% Yes / 55.1% No
Name of EI: Reve Rouille
Pose Name: Swimming shadow of Madammoiselle
Description of Pose: A dark shadow behind the avatar of the swimming madammoiselle seen through Reve's eyes.
Edit or Photo Reference: None
Submitted by: BloodBrook
Vote Results: 74.2% Yes / 25.8% No
Name of EI: Reve Rouille
Pose Name: Windup Key
Description of Pose: I just can't seem to unwind...
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Submitted by: Arroyo Milori
Vote Results: 56.6% Yes / 43.4% No
Name of EI: Reve Rouille
Pose Name: Heart?/No heart badge
Description of Pose: The heart? and no heart emote as a small badge worn on the left side/right side of the chest.
Edit or Photo Reference: None
Submitted by: invaderzim16
Vote Results: 53.4% Yes / 46.6% No
Name of EI: Reve Rouille
Pose Name: Rusted out Reve
Description of Pose: The Reve but covered in rust and barely able to fly
Edit or Photo Reference: n/a
Submitted by: invaderzim16
Vote Results: 48.8% Yes / 51.2% No
Name of EI: Reve Rouille
Pose Name: The end
Description of Pose: The reve flatened on the ground with a number of gears scattered on the ground
Edit or Photo Reference: n/a
Submitted by: FakePlasticTreeHugger
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: Reve Rouille
Pose Name: Mermech Shark Tail
Description of Pose: Not unlike the other merfolk tails, only the tail off of the shark that we've been blessed with thus far.
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Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: 86.2% Yes / 13.8% No
Name of EI: Reve Roullie
Pose Name: Cavalier's Trench Coat
Description of Pose: A black and gold trench coat (with a buttoned up and unbuttoned pose) of the lonely Cavalier.
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Submitted by: Rukario_Rue
Vote Results: 56.5% Yes / 43.5% No
Name of EI: Reve Rouille
Pose Name: Set the Stage
Description of Pose: Avatar stands on a wooden stage.
Edit or Photo Reference: Floor
Submitted by: Rukario_Rue
Vote Results: 60.2% Yes / 39.8% No
Name of EI: Reve Rouille
Pose Name: Stage Lights
Description of Pose: Exactly as the name implies, the avatar has a row of lights at their feet lighting them from below.
Edit or Photo Reference: Lights
Submitted by: Rukario_Rue
Vote Results: 55.3% Yes / 44.7% No
Name of EI: Reve Rouille
Pose Name: Stage (Lights Up)
Description of Pose: Combination of previous two poses.
Edit or Photo Reference: C-C-C-Combo!
Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: 41.1% Yes / 58.9% No
Name of EI: Rouille Reve
Pose Name: Pearldiver's Canoe
Description of Pose: A Canoe that has the same color scheme of the Mechanical Shark with the Caged heart dangling from the front of the canoe.
Edit or Photo Reference: None
Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: 31.7% Yes / 68.3% No
Name of EI: Rouille Reve
Pose Name: Toy Canoe
Description of Pose: A Toy version of the Pearldiver's Canoe that brings pearl diving into your bathtub : D
Edit or Photo Reference: None
Submitted by: xXAnnon_KiiXx
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: Reve
Pose Name: Big Hat
Description of Pose: A bigger version of the tophat in the set of poses we got when the item first came out
Edit or Photo Reference: N/A
Seracila Pendant
Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: 60.7% Yes / 39.3% No
Name of EI: Seracila Pendant
Pose Name: Leo Cloth
Description of Pose: A Deep red Loin cloth with pockets on the side for holding your pebbles for hunting animals.
Edit or Photo Reference: None
Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: 53.9% Yes / 46.1% No
Name of EI: Seracila Pendant
Pose Name: The Mane of Leo
Description of Pose: A Dark Red wig that wraps around the neck and down the back with streaks of Onyx of the conquered king of the jungle.
Edit or Photo Reference: None
Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: 64.9% Yes / 35.1% No
Name of EI: Seracila Pendant
Pose Name: Tribal bands
Description of Pose: Black slings wrapped around your forearms, they also have that gauntlet look around the hands with the gloves attached to the bands.
Edit or Photo Reference: None
Submitted by: Roi Rouille
Vote Results: 39.8% Yes / 60.2% No
Name of EI: Shadowlegend
Pose Name: Raiden Kun's Gourd
Description of Pose: A giant/large gourd that hangs on the back, such of that like a well known ninja icon that I shall name anonymous.
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Submitted by: TINSTAAFL
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: Shadowlegend
Pose Name: Lohan
Description of Pose: A monk (date pose), preserved in death
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Submitted by: Dj_Zexx_Xion
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: Shadowlegend
Pose Name: Iron Fists
Description of Pose: Well again the Video Game theme seems to be a nice thing this EI seems to have alot of. Just going back to the Tekken based poses this would just be the whole or portion of a leading characters outfit, specifically Jin Kazama.
The one sided flame, pants. Finger free, fist "enhancing" gloves, with matching foot guards. Spiky, Bang Hair, and possibly a Gaia designed tattoo.
Edit or Photo Reference: Jin , Newer Jin visual , In a Black and White
The Nightmare
Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: 75.4% Yes / 24.6% No
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Pose Name: The Black Lion's Mane
Description of Pose: The black mane streaked in gold of the predictor that stalks you in your dreams
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Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: 63.9% Yes / 36.1% No
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Pose Name: The Black Lion's Ears
Description of Pose: The golden ears of the feared black lion.
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Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: 55.9% Yes / 44.1% No
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Pose Name:The Black lion's tail
Description of Pose: The black lion's black tail with golden fluff at the end
Edit or Photo Reference: None
Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: 59.5% Yes / 40.5% No
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Pose Name: Black Lion pelt cape (with hood)
Description of Pose: Basically worn like a cape with the lion's head as a hood.
Edit or Photo Reference: None
Submitted by: grand carlos
Vote Results: 61.3% Yes / 38.7% No
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Description of Pose: In your dream, you battle a monster and when you wake up you have this in your hand o_O
Edit or Photo Reference: [x]
Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: 63.5% Yes / 36.5% No
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Pose Name: Flying Creepy puppet pals
Description of Pose: Processed puppets that fly around you singing a child-like song that gives you chills.
Edit or Photo Reference: None
Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Pose Name: Idle Creepy puppet pal
Description of Pose: The lone puppet that always seems to give you an evil eye in your dreams that you now hold.
Edit or Photo Reference: None
Submitted by: Drawlawl
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Pose Name: Hanging Creepy puppet pals
Description of Pose: A horrible image of puppets all around you being hanged by their necks.
Edit or Photo Reference: [x]
Submitted by: Mindset
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Pose Name: The Scream
Description of Pose: Inspired by Edvard Munch's famous painting. This could be one of those items where your hands are reposed (like a few hoodies and the Str8 jacket), so might not be entirely useful, but it should be fun. And if not a full hands and face thing, then just as a mask, perhaps.
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Submitted by: Mindset
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Pose Name: It Was Only A Dream...
Description of Pose: A little complicated, layering-wise, but I'd like to see a pose where you appear to be sitting up in bed.
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Submitted by: VaidaBlack
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Pose Name: You Are The Bandit
Description of Pose: use Bandit's spirit as your avi, kinda like the inari's wolves
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Submitted by: oxJoelxo
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Pose Name: Dark coat
Description of Pose: A long, dark coat
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Submitted by: Initium Finis
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: Nightmare
Pose Name: Cat Doll
Description of Pose: Its a Plushie of a cat. But something seems odd. The doll is creeping up on your shoulders.
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Submitted by: Initium Finis
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: Nightmare
Pose Name: Sewn Mouth
Description of Pose: Your mouth is literally zipped shut. (You have a sewn mouth)
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Submitted by: Initium Finis
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: Nightmare
Pose Name: William's Hair
Description of Pose: Evil Hair
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Submitted by: Initium Finis
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: Nightmare
Pose Name: Harpy Wings
Description of Pose: Your arms turn into wings and are very sharp like blades
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Submitted by: xX ManiacStorm Xx
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: The Nightmare
Pose Name: Restraint
Description of Pose: A lot of people's interpretations of a nightmare are people getting grabbed and pulled by hands. A pose where a black cloud of several hands grab you will be creepy yet awesome!
Edit or Photo Reference: Poster art for the movie "Pulse"
Titan's Legacy (Seed)
Submitted by: Lucky Koi
Vote Results: Not yet voted
Name of EI: Titan's Legacy (Seed)
Pose Name: Bud
Description of Pose: The Fruit from the TL becomes a closed flower bud/starting to bloom flower; There will be four forms/colors for the 'legacys' of each titan/tinaness pair.
Oceanus(the Ocean) and Tethys(the water/sea goddess/titaness): Aqua/blue
Hyperion(God of Watchfulness and Wisdom) and Theia(titaness of brightness): Gold/glowing
Coeus and "golden-wreathed" Phoebe: Mix of Purple and silver/white
Cronus(harvest) and Rhea(the mother of gods):shades of red/pink and green.
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Submitted by: Lucky Koi
Vote Results: Not yet voted
Name of EI: Titan's Legacy (Seed)
Pose Name: Birth/Bloom
Description of Pose: Each flower bud blooms, and gives 'birth' to miniature 'forms' of each legacy child. Mostlikey animals and/or animorphized items/creatures. Could also use the left over flower as an accessory.
Oceanus and Tethys:
Nilus: He represented the god of the Nile river itself and was father to several children.
Inachus: personified the Inachus River, the modern Panitsa that drains the western margin of the Argive plain.
Melia: nymph of the ash tree
Coeus and Phoebe:
Leto: Zeus is the father of her twins, Apollo and Artemis, the Letoides.This is her one active mythic role: once
Apollo and Artemis are grown, Leto withdraws, to remain a dim and benevolent matronly figure upon Olympus. Plenty of room for creativity with her.
Asteria: Titan goddess of oracles, prophetic dreams, astrology and necromancy
Hyperion and Theia:
Helios: The sun
Selene: The Moon
Eos: The dawn
Cronus and Rhea:
Hestia: goddess of the hearth, of the right ordering of domesticity and the family, who received the first offering at every sacrifice in the household.
Demeter: Goddess of grain and fertility, the pure. Nourisher of the youth and the green earth, the health-giving cycle of life, and preserver of marriage and the sacred law.
Hera:goddess of women and marriage. The cow and, later, the peacock were sacred to her.
Hades: God of the underworld- you should know him pretty well also.
Poseidon: yep. god of the sea, and "Earth-Shaker," of earthquakes.
Zeus: king of the gods, ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky thunder-- you know. that guy. His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak.
Oceanus(the Ocean) 'Oceanus came to represent the stranger, more unknown waters of the Atlantic Ocean ' and his wife Tethys (the sea goddess Nurse)
Hyperion(God of Watchfulness and Wisdom) and Theia(titianess of brightness): Parents of the sun(Helios), the moon (Selene), and the Dawn (Eos):
I suggest finding a way to shrink the list a bit of the 'legacys'-- perhaps limit it to only the most prominent figures that the Titan couples created. Eventually, I would like to get to a point at which the 'Legacys' will be able to stand with your avy, or take its place. Also, outfits, accessories, and perhaps a background to go with each Legacy?
EX: Melia the (manna) Ash Tree nymph. Using my sketch for her, you could get the 'wing brows', the 'Leaf bra/markings' for the female avi, and a variation of the leaf clothing for males.
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Trick or Treat Tote
Black Cat: Suggested by imsopunkstar. A full moon showing and a black cat in silhouette with an arched back. Perfect Halloween background for your avatar!
Skins: Suggested by Trixsy. Skins for your avatar in themes of the candy corns.
Candy Corn Stockings: Suggested by zphal_girl87. Stockings for your avatar in the colors of candy corns!
Wingding Shirt (Phase One)
Submitted by: Feline-Of-Life
Name of EI: Wingding (Phase One)
Pose Name: Buff Chest/Cleavage Tattoo
Description of Pose: Buff Chest Tattoo for guys that will give a buff look on every skin tone. Cleavage Tattoo fot Girl it would be like the troll skin the the changelings, the tattoo will attach to the curve of the breast.
Edit or Photo Reference: none
Yemaya's Pearl
Submitted by: Slick Southpaw
Vote Results: 83.8% Yes / 16.2 %
Name of EI: Yemaya's Pearl
Pose Name: Waterlogged
Description of Pose: I really, really hate the water wig in the Mythical Hair department; it just looks so damn cluttered. The waterspout hair is so pretty and I like how it has a flowing effect instead of making waves. Yes,laugh at bad pun. And I also reaaalllly like the water spout skin design; I've wanted to have a real water skin since, well, I found out we could change skins xd Now, obviously they wouldn't be exact replicas of the water spout scheme, but I would like to see this type of style implemented
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Submitted by: Slick Southpaw
Vote Results: 66% Yes / 34% No
Name of EI: Yemaya's Pearl
Pose Name: Tentacle Joy
Description of Pose: Tentacles...for yer bum.
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Submitted by: Misses Brinks
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: Yemayas Pearls
Pose Name: Jellyskirt (We got the dress, I'd call that good.)
Description of Pose: The jelly fish have horrid stingers! Good thing this is made of some wierd fabric.
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Submitted by: Misses Brinks
Vote Results: 65.7% Yes / 34.3% No
Name of EI: Yemayas Pearls
Pose Name: Coral Wings
Description of Pose: Coral is often cut to make really pretty decorations. It's so heavy, these wings are just for decoration too.
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Submitted by: Duo-chan_in_wonderland
Vote Results: 59.2% Yes / 40.8% No
Name of EI: Yemaya's Pearl
Pose Name: Lure, Anglers Lure
Description of Pose: Well, I was thinking that since the pearl is seeming to have a deep sea theme right now, a lantern (like the candy corn fish hat) coming out of your head but perhaps in purple or a deep blue would look nice.
Edit or Photo Reference: I cant really make edits, but Ill post a pic of the hat

Submitted by: TINSTAAFL
Vote Results: 53.5% Yes / 46.5% No
Name of EI: Yemaya's Pearl
Pose Name: Lioness Mask
Description of Pose: A knock-off Lion Fish mask with the beautiful Yemaya's color scheme.
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Submitted by: A Shout to Remember
Vote Results: 58.7% Yes / 41.3% No
Name of EI: Yemaya's Pearl
Pose Name: Star Cross'd
Description of Pose: The gaian avatar would be covered in starfish. It would kind of be like the pose with the enchanted book's rats, I suppose. Or it could be similar. The starfish would almost be like a skin. This style could also be implemented with a ton of other things, like scales, barnacles, etc.
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Submitted by: A Shout to Remember
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: Yemaya's Pearl
Pose Name: anemone-me (easily changed to something else. I'm unimaginative)
Description of Pose: The gaian avatar could be standing in a sea anemone, much like the anemone in Finding Nemo or something. It would be a cute little pose. It could almost look like a stool or a small chair.
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Submitted by: A Shout to Remember
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: Yemaya's Pearl
Pose Name: Barnacle'd
Description of Pose: This pose would basically be a skin-pose. It would resemble the skin of Bootstrap Bill from PotC. The gaian avatar would be covered in barnacles and maybe even have waterlogged skin where the skin was actually showing.
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Submitted by: Lovely Shayness
Vote Results: Not voted yet
Name of EI: Yamaya's Pearl
Pose Name: Pearl Skin
Description of Pose: It'd be the pearl color and texture (texture being the shineyness of it.) and make it into a skin.
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