I will be posting art received and references here for my characters from my slash story Sympathy.

Tyler Bennington
Age: 21
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175lbs(ish)
Personality: Resigned, kind, easily-impressed, sarcastic, touchy with/prideful of his hair.
Traits/Comments: Dark orange-red hair, hazel(honey) eyes, lightly tanned skin, casual dress clothes or loose comfortable clothes. His hair is long and straight and reaches to the back of his knees. He is slim but slightly broad-shouldered. Wears his leather collar and metal chain leash at all times. Sometimes the chain is connected to handcuffs as well. He was illegally sold and is now the propery of Reiketsu Julliard.
Reiketsu Julliard
Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170ish (shorter than Tyler but more muscular)
Personality: OH THAT. Well he has two~ Reiketsu is a bit introverted and stand-offish, but still soft-hearted and caring. He bought Tyler on a whim as he was taken by his beauty, but secretly it was because he wanted to save the older man. Though he still talks s**t and claims to "own" Tyler. Kaito...the second personality...is an aggressive, playful, sadistic, and possesive jerk and Tyler is afraid of him.
Traits/Comments: Dyed dark green hair, light silver eyes that turn a dark grey when "Kaito" takes over, pale skin, muscular and wears usually black/gothic/punk clothes. Usually baggy/loose black pants and a tight shirt.
Facial Piercings: (will update with a visual ref soon) One hoop in the middle of his bottom lower lip, a bridge piercing on his nose, an eyebrow piercing on his right brow (hoop or ball), Two hoop earrings on his upper left ear and a stud on the lobe.
Art Recieved (listed by artist username):

Tyler Bennington
Age: 21
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175lbs(ish)
Personality: Resigned, kind, easily-impressed, sarcastic, touchy with/prideful of his hair.
Traits/Comments: Dark orange-red hair, hazel(honey) eyes, lightly tanned skin, casual dress clothes or loose comfortable clothes. His hair is long and straight and reaches to the back of his knees. He is slim but slightly broad-shouldered. Wears his leather collar and metal chain leash at all times. Sometimes the chain is connected to handcuffs as well. He was illegally sold and is now the propery of Reiketsu Julliard.
Reiketsu Julliard
Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170ish (shorter than Tyler but more muscular)
Personality: OH THAT. Well he has two~ Reiketsu is a bit introverted and stand-offish, but still soft-hearted and caring. He bought Tyler on a whim as he was taken by his beauty, but secretly it was because he wanted to save the older man. Though he still talks s**t and claims to "own" Tyler. Kaito...the second personality...is an aggressive, playful, sadistic, and possesive jerk and Tyler is afraid of him.
Traits/Comments: Dyed dark green hair, light silver eyes that turn a dark grey when "Kaito" takes over, pale skin, muscular and wears usually black/gothic/punk clothes. Usually baggy/loose black pants and a tight shirt.
Facial Piercings: (will update with a visual ref soon) One hoop in the middle of his bottom lower lip, a bridge piercing on his nose, an eyebrow piercing on his right brow (hoop or ball), Two hoop earrings on his upper left ear and a stud on the lobe.
Art Recieved (listed by artist username):