We had a marching band competition today in Pocatello, ID. It's already snowing here! We got charter busses again. YAY! I say by my friend Zach. We were way behind schedule due to the wheather. But we got there safe and sound. We watched... 2 (?) bands. Two or three. We went back the busses and got lunch, warmed up, and headed to the dome to perform. Our marching unit is doing West Side Story. Cool show. ;D Once we performed we went back the busses and changed out of our uniforms ad went back to watch the rest of the bands. After a while we started heading back home. But we stopped at Golden Corral to eat first. We were going about 20 mph on the freeway due to the snow. I don't do so good driving through that stuff. So I scared most of the time. Zach was rubbing my back and trying to calm me down. After a while the guy in front me, Jeff, passed out and we had to stop to get him some air. I was getting really freaked after that. Then Tyson came to me and was trying to calm me down too. It was working a little bit. Then Zach just sat by me, rubbed my back the whole time, and kept telling me everything's ok. Same with Tyson. I started coming around after a while. I was crying for a little bit. After a while I was sitting up and talking to Zach. Those two guys are so supportive. And I let them know!
Anyway it was a really crazy bus ride back home.
But everything turned out ok. Jeff is fine, I'm fine, and everything else is good.