me and my good old friend, romeo&juliet
i had spend my entire day reading romeo&juliet. it was such a bore!!!!!!! scream scream scream so why did shakesphere- i know i spelt that wrong, have 2 make it so long? why couldn't he make it 16 pages instead of about 150 pages. maybe 200 cuz the book was really old and fumbled. it also said " miranda loves chris" in there. and i dont even know who miranda and chris are!!! gonk gonk gonk then i get laughed at by my friends, julie and dakota. if ur guessing that dakota's native, then ur totally right. and then caleb askes me " ur so stupid. why did u even get past elementary school?" so that's where i got really pissed. i would love 2 tell what i had done, but got grounded and couldn't tell.