Age: 21 (when turned)
History: Christine was 20 years old and a newly-wed in 19th century England. She was american by birth, but married a british soldier, whom she'd met while waitressing in a bar just outside of Leeds. She'd been determined to be a famous singer one day and England seemed like as good a place as any to try. She'd been hoping to work her way to London, where the money was, but she had family in Leeds. She'd been in England for less than a year when she met Henry. He seemed like a very nice, and distinguished man. He was a soldier, and on his way to being an officer. Or so he said. Christine was swept off her feet and the two were married in less than 6 months. It was then that Christine found out the truth about her Husband. He was in the army, that much was true, but he wasn't exactly on his way to becoming an officer. In those days one could only truely be an officer if one's family was in a status position. And Henry's family was not.
A year later just after her 21st birthday Christine gave birth to a still-born baby boy. Henry blamed Christine and started drinking. He lost all rank in the army, and soon Christine was so afraid of him that she refused to be in the house at the same time.
One night when she was sneaking out - as Henry was stumbling in- she was bitten in some dark dank ally way, just like in a cliche bed time story. She'd passed out from loss of blood and realized later the vampire had intended to kill her, but for some reason had not. She was rogue, thirsty, and alone, she was the target of the Volturi, though she didn't know it. There were only ten of them when they came for her, and she didn't know what they wanted. She had not spoken much since her turning, but when they surrounded her she knew what was to come and pleaded. Upon hearing her voice the ten stopped. Not a single one of them moved for what seemed hours. Then one stepped forward and took Christine by the hand. She was taken before the Volturi who seemed to think she was special. Christine could not fathom how, but when ever she spoke it seemed everyone was compelled to listen.
Her voice, the one thing she wanted to be known for had now saved her.
After many many years with the Volturi Christine has decided to venture forth on her own and see the world. She had worked in many political positions on behalf of the volturi, as she could persuade anyone to see her view. Thus, they were begrudged to let her go, but it was nigh on impossible to refuse her when she'd made up her mind. She's heard of a coven of Vampires who claim to find sufficient nourishment from the blood of mere animals. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she has decided to go back to her native home of America.
Skill: When she sang, the emotion of that song filled every one who heard it. When she spoke, every ear leaned her way. And what she commanded, took a will of iron to refuse.
Personality: Christine seems quite and reserved to many, for she must be. Her voice is hard to forget, and if she were to speak too freely humans might start to realize that it is not natural to have a voice so honey sweet and velvet smooth. All vampires are persuasive to humans, but Christine's power is more than that and compells vampires as well. Around her own kind, however, her voice may be powerful, but it is less compelling when she chooses. And she need not fear discovery from other vampires, for if any decide to hurt her she simply must tell them not to. Therefore, her vampire friends- if any can be called such- find her cheerful and bright. She enjoys learning anything new and she is more than willing to share what she's learned. Often lonely, she likes to write songs, some sad, most hopeful.

while wandering around an amusement park (in the restricted zones of course) she found an anamatronic head that reminded her of Henry. Needless to say she smashed it to bits after the initial shock.