Yes, the time is coming, and you can't stop it. It can go slowly or very fast, you never know..
But sometime I wish, that the time would stop, so I could enjoy the moment a littel longer.
Mayby others also have tryed this?
Isn't it funny to look back, to when you was littel, and think of the time, there is already gone.
Your love when you was a kid. The friends standing around you - always there to help you, a god friend.
I miss it, because now the life is not, what it jused to be. Not runing around and having fun. No, now you have to learn - there is not time to fun. But why can't we learn and have fun at the same time?
Well, I can't anwser that. I wish I could..
I hope you understand it. smile
Community Member
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 @ 07:38am