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-_-Self-inflicted Cake-_-
Community Member
ima gonna put them all in one entry... xp

Today (not really TODAY) in my World Geography class, we had the most gullible substitute teacher ever. She would beleive anything! The class (NOT including me. I swear I didnt say anything to her the whole time...I don't lie) convinced her that everyday at 12:40 we deflate the inflatable Santa Claus, wrap Candace in paper towels, throw gatorade bottles and lime slices everywhere and turn the radio on loudish....and she didnt tell us to stop or get mad at us at all...so this is the reason my title is "Every day at 12:40". Someone requested that everyone in the class that had a myspace put that as their title...

what you do when life gives you lemons...

Just shut up and eat your damn lemons.

get a new life.

Do some research on them. (Sources all agree that lemons originated from somewhere in Asia; today, America claims to grow a quarter of the world’s supply, and California is said to be the biggest producer)

The Ethical Werewolf recommends that you throw them at Republicans! (but of course I disagree)

Stop snivelling and sell’em on eBay!
Make orange juice and watch as life dumbfoundedly tried to figure out how the hell you did it.

Say thank you and run.

Tell life you dont want them and give them back.

When life gives you lemons, say thank you may I have another?
When life gives you lemons, go find someone with a paper cut.

When life gives you lemons, go OMG 1337 on lifes n00b a**! stfu! Lulz!
When life gives you lemons, give them them to someone who cares.


yea, well what do you do when life gives you cheese???

I hate cheese.

most people that know me well know that i have no idea what i want to do when im out of school....most people know by now, but i never have. well, actually i shouldnt say i have no idea. i have ideas, but none of them really just click as somthing i wanna do for the rrest of my life...

maybe an artist, im good at that, but they dont make much money. some of my friends say "tattoo artist" is my "calling" but mydad already makes fun of me for drawing on myself all the time and says he bets ill have a ton of tattoos when im an adult (and i think thats just gross, plus i dont like to do the expected) so i dont think so.

psychology? i find it interesting...but contantly analyzing peoples thoughts would probably make me paranoid somehow, ignorance can be good sometimes.

people that design themepark...theme things...sounds like fun...and i dont have a reason not to other than i just cant see myself doing that forever =.....

i love videogames and computer games, and making them sounds like fun, but i have a program for it and it got boring...because its too complicated.

most people that know me well know that i have no idea what i want to do when im out of school....most people know by now, but i never have. well, actually i shouldnt say i have no idea. i have ideas, but none of them really just click as somthing i wanna do for the rrest of my life...

maybe an artist, im good at that, but they dont make much money. some of my friends say "tattoo artist" is my "calling" but mydad already makes fun of me for drawing on myself all the time and says he bets ill have a ton of tattoos when im an adult (and i think thats just gross, plus i dont like to do the expected) so i dont think so.

psychology? i find it interesting...but contantly analyzing peoples thoughts would probably make me paranoid somehow, ignorance can be good sometimes.

people that design themepark...theme things...sounds like fun...and i dont have a reason not to other than i just cant see myself doing that forever =.....

i love videogames and computer games, and making them sounds like fun, but i have a program for it and it got boring...because its too complicated.

anyone have any ideas?

somehow all the music on my computer appeared on my grandma's iTunes...and i have no clue how, because it wasnt on the shared network...i hope she dosnt try to listen to it ....nothing good could come of that...

ok...lots of things to say...lets see if i can remember them all...

well first, I made a website, for a comic (idea by: cora and I)


it will make NO SENSE AT ALL unless youre a part of teh inside jokesh...

This sentence contains one hundred and ninety-seven letters: four a's, one b, three c's, five d's, thirty-four e's, seven f's, one g, six h's, twelve i's, three l's, twenty-six n's, ten o's, ten r's, twenty-nine s's, nineteen t's, six u's, seven v's, four w's, four x's, five y's, and one z.

and i must finish tomarrow, bcause i must leave teh computer...buh bai!

camp COPE

tons of funnn

so...i can tell you what i did...i just cant tell you why. we were "sworn to secrecy".

on the first night after the tents were up we all got blindfolded and lead through the woods by noises...ran into a few trees and fell in a ditch >.<

the next morning we had to feed eachother for our breakfast...that sucked and was very...strange.

then we got blindfolded and silenced and had to line our selves in alphabetical order by middle names standing on a log.

then we played a game where we had to stand on these ski-like-things where everyones in a line, and hold onto ropes and get around obstacles, im not very good at describing this, so if youre really curious...ask me to draw it out next time you see me. oh, and if you step off the ski on accident (which i did because cora fell on me...) you fall in the "miasmic gas"and get blinded...so i did half of it blindfolded. our camp counselor type-people like making you be blind...and the also like throwing tennis balls at you to make you lose balance -.-

then we did this thing where everyone gets a partner and you stand on wires across from eachother and lean on eachother as the wires get further apart and try to stay on as far as you can.

then there was a weird falling off a platform thing where you have to fall without bracing yourself and people have to catch you

we had to all get over a 20ft wall

on the last day we did a ropes course where we we had to climb nets and ladders to about 30-40ft in the air and walk across a wire (we had harnesses) then walk across a log (surprisingly harder to make myself do than the wire was...) then you climb up to this platform where someone was waiting to put you on a zip line so you can get to thte ground...zip lines are funnnn.....

there was my last weekend, in a nutshell.

omg this is weird....kinda long story tho...so i shortened it...

ok, so on the bus today we went past a house that had a paper parasol(spelling?)-type of umbrella thing sitting out in the yard...and i thought "well its gonna get wrecked when it rains"
and then i was like "wtf, how do i know that its gonna rain?" but i decided to trust this weird instinct and beleive that it was gonna rain...and it rainededed

to the people who think the lastblog makes me a complete idiot...

through the window i look out of on the bus, the sky was blue, i checked.

i never watch the weather channel, it would put me to sleep in less than 10 min...

but thanks for the kudos...lol

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a ttoal mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Amzanig huh?

and something completely different...have you ever realized that hotelsskip floor 13 and go straight from 12 to 14?

I was bored so i took an online IQ test razz you can take it here if you want razz

Hannah, your IQ score is 131

Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's only part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We also determined the way you process information.

The way you think about things makes you a Numerical Logician. This means that you're exceptionally strong in mathematics and at using logic to solve problems — you have a way with numbers. But that's not all — compared to others you're very detail-oriented, highly organized, and good at understanding things on a complex and abstract level. You're also a quick study when it comes to learning new things or understanding new concepts.
How did we determine that your thinking style is that of a Numerical Logician? When we examined your test results further, we analyzed how you scored on 8 dimensions of intelligence: spatial, organizational, abstract reasoning, logical, mechanical, verbal, visual and numerical. The 3 dimensions you scored highest on combine to make you a Numerical Logician. Only 6 out of 1,000 people have this rare combination of abilities.

Find out which intelligence dimensions you scored highest on and how your IQ score compares to others in your personalized, 31-page Super IQ Report.

i had to run a mile nonstop in PE...then do yoga. then i lost my homework. then i was wondering around main campus without a cell phone looking for the "C Building" and the rain soaking wet for an hour and a half. i need a cookie. or a hug...those work too.

i had to run a mile nonstop in PE...then do yoga. then i lost my homework. then i was wondering around main campus without a cell phone looking for the "C Building" and the rain soaking wet for an hour and a half. i need a cookie. or a hug...those work too.

yet another night of being unable to sleep (its only 10:44, so its not horrible) but it looks like i'll have to clean it up tomarrow, if i dont paint my room by saturday im grounded for 2 weeks. i MIGHT be inviting friends to the movies next wek to see Beowulf which looks like a really good movie. LATERS.

its the end of the world as we knows it

im eating pizza, and no one forced me to do it.

i did my homework for once, and it didnt work on the schools computers (it was a powerpoint, i have a newer version than the school)

my parents are probably mad at meh.

my room looks literally like a earthquake happened in it.

my walls are still only half painted, after being in progress for 6 MONTHS

i have to retake w geo next year. and maybe algebra.

and with all theses problems, i am checking my myspace, and watching the matrix.

this is sad. but im not gonna stop.

im lazy. i totally win at being lazy. it is now fact.

its the end of the world as we knows it

im eating pizza, and no one forced me to do it.

i did my homework for once, and it didnt work on the schools computers (it was a powerpoint, i have a newer version than the school)

my parents are probably mad at meh.

my room looks literally like a earthquake happened in it.

my walls are still only half painted, after being in progress for 6 MONTHS

i have to retake w geo next year. and maybe algebra.

and with all theses problems, i am checking my myspace, and watching the matrix.

this is sad. but im not gonna stop.

im lazy. i totally win at being lazy. it is now fact.

actually had a "busy" week for once.

I did my chores....

and heres the shocker...

wait for it...



and my homework.

scary right?

and then I went to the movies.

and then venture crew.

and now ive got nothing to do :..

although i bet i had homework i should be doing...

tomarrows a b-day right?

so i have french...

should i continue this homework-doing streek?

i have a b in french and it seems to stay like that no matter how much homework i get done...

this keyboard is a pain....


went camping this weekend razz

tons of fun

the night before i left i had to stay up until like 3something in the morning doing homework because my mom made me get it done before i could go, so i got like 2 and a half hours of sleep AT THE MOST and i doubt it was even that much...

i didnt get any sleep at school...in fact i wasnt tired o.0

we left right after school on friday and the trip was about... 3-4 hours...?

set up tents, got all our stuff out of the cars...helped set up other peoples tents...and attempted to sleep...

but it rained...a lot, and the tent half flooded...so in the morning we had to hang everything up on clotheslines...

then we went to the river to go kayaking which was fun except now my arms hurt...and i got sunburned from the knees down because i was in a 2 person kayak that we always got stuck in the rocks so i had to get out and pull it out all the time, so the sunscreen was washed off my legs...and i had to wear my shoes because i dont have water shoes, so theyre soaking wet.... and i have to wear them to school tomarrow >.<

but we had a lot of fun tipping eachother...

we got back to camp, got changed...i dont remember what i ate for dinner....o.0

i ate a LOT of cookies...and drank a Monster so i couldnt have slept much the first night even if i wanted to...

but the second night i fell asleep once i decided to go to bed and actually stayed asleep (i cant ever stay asleep on camping trips...)...it wsa kinda late because we stayed up talking about random things for a while...and then we got woken up early to take the tents down because it was about to rain...then we ate breakfast and left...

the lack of sleep caught up w/ me on the ride home...i slept almost the whole trip back razz now its lunch time and im really hungry :]

looking forward to sleeping in a bed tonight that wont flood when it rains.

it sounds bad, but really it was a lot of fun...

these things are to remind me of other things...ignore them:

bye bye bye cow bye cow cow cow

muffins are the new boxes

circle around the serial killer!

attempting to post a blog about the last 3 or so days...and ive got like 5 min to type it....

where to start...

well i just spent about 45 min laying in the grass cuz i was locked out of the house since i forgot my key.

umm yesterday i actually woke up BEFORE 12! (amazing) it was like 10, then i watched eureka all day...until dinner...which i had to make half of >.< (mother's day, my mom didnt have to cook)

the day before...we went out to dinner, and i have decided that if there was an award for the coolest looking resturant in kemah, Red Sushi would totally win. its awesome, and if i could make my room look like that, i would.

umm...there was something else, but i forgot crying


what was it????

and there was a song i wanted to look up too...


oh i remember the song...it was the boys are back in town...forgot who sings it. i bet ill remember like right when i post this...

i have a blink 182 song stuck in my head...

now what did i want to say in the blog tho?

hmm...grr. this is annoying.

eh whatever...its been like 5 min >.<

i give up

there you go, my weekend + whats going on in my head*, in a nutshell.

*you just got the general idea of whats going on in my head... you'd think im very special (if you dont already) if you knew what all im thinking...

the music is gone.


in case you havnt gasped yet




My Mp3player wont play the music! and it has a million other problems that I wont type because I already typed this once and had to close it before I could post.

but the main idea is that the music wont play, it says "bad track" and i cant delete the folder and just start over, it says its empty, but Windows Media Player disagrees and tells me that it's full. i wouldnt want to delete anything anyway because all my music was on the computer that broke and i dont have CDs or anything because I got it all on limewire.

so...everything sucks and as long as nothing distracts me from being pissed off, I shall stay pissed off.-.-

Don't distract me. I'm concentrating on being mad at everything.

now i have to go musicless, save for the 5 or so beach boys songs that somehow survived.-.-


earlier today this song just randomly popped into my head and i hadnt heard it in a long time, and i didnt know what it was it it was driving me insane razz

now i know =D

also, kitty ish teh awesomest person in the world, because he's trying to fixmy mp3 player and deserves a million hugs, yesh A MIILLION.

today after finals we were pretty much just running around to various places near campus being idiots until 2:30...

we went to subway but decided it was too full or something, so we walked to wataburgerwhere i found out that i, for some reason, had $60 in my pocket... so i bought a burger because their milkshake machine was down. then we randomly took a trip to CVS where i bought like a ton of mints and listerine strpis and chocolate and stuff, jon and jerren bought pool noodle things to have an "epic battle", we went to sonic, where like, everyone was...they fought with noodles for a min, then we went to these nearby appartments and hung out at the playground. went back to campus and watched the guys be idiots in the weight room, went back to the 9th grade center, walked around for a bit, sat and talked in the portables, then teh busses got there, so we had to go, now i just got home and i feel kinda sick and ive got the hiccups so ima lay down after i do this end of year survey thing...

Now that the 07-08 school year is at the end, answer these questions reflecting back on the school year..

-How many boyfriend/girlfriends did you have this year?

-What teacher do you hate the most?
hmm....i didnt hate any of them

-What was your favorite thing that happened this year?
idk, just the random moments where we decided to do something stupid and it always turns out to be hillarious

-Did you get suspended this year?

-What was your favorite class(s)?
hmm...art was fun, first semester ag. was fun, french was funny...

-Are you glad this years is over?
no, i hate summer, its too hot, im home all day, and this ear, for the first time (amazingly) i have to go to summerschool

-What are you looking forward to this up coming school year?
actually knowing my way around main campus

-Are you moving schools?

-Did you fall in love?
...not your business

-Are you still best friends with the same person as last year?

-Did you lose any friends?

-Are you glad you made more friends?
of course, i know way more people this year than i did last year

-Are you failing any classes?
yesh crying :[

-Do you think next year will be better?

-Do you think things will be different now that your getting older?
yea, they always do change

-Favorite lunch food?
ICE CREAM....and candy :]

-Did you cheat this year on a test
i dont think so....

-What is the worst trouble you got in this year?
hmm....idk, i didnt get in any REALLY bad trouble...

-What teachers, if any, are you going to miss?

Mme Mills maybe

-Was this your favorite year?
yeah, until this year, everything sucked

-Did you go to a new school this year?
yepp, Creek

Did you make the honor roll
pfft, as if

-Did you play any sports this year?
no, im not a sports person

-What was your biggest struggle this year?
idk, ,self dicipline/control?

im incapable of making myself work >.<

and that ish all

comment est-ce que tu aimes cettes pommes-la?

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