R.I.P America.
Needless to say i was yelled at by 3 republicans for stating i wish kerry had won. So in theater, we had improv groups. We were given a line one person had to say. Our was "You have blood on your shirt" It turned into this..
-president bush walks into press confrence cheney not far behind. He stands at podium and picks a reporter to question him-
Me: Mr. President... You have blood on your shirt. Why?
Bush: Uhhh...-cheney whispers to him- ...OH! Well do you mean metaphorical blood? As in the blood of thousands of iraqui people my "war" killed? As in the blood of a nation being torn apart limb for limb?
Me: No you really have blood on your shirt.
B: -cheney whispers in his ear- Oh. Well i just shot a man with my gun the NRA gave me for being a life long member. Next question.
Brooke: You never did find the WMD's where do you expect to find them next?
Bush: THE MOON! -cheney whispers to him again- Oh. and to harvest cheese to end world hunger. NEXT QUESTION!
Zoya: What is your favortie type of pretzles?
Bush: Well, i hate preztles, just like i hate homo-sex-u-als. -cheney whispers something to bush- Oh, and i would like to state...what was the rest cheney? -cheney whispers to him- Oh... I would like to state that I resign and made a big mistake. a big-- CHENEY! -laughs- You got me good that time.
Cheney: -steps up to podium- Now as president i will be taking all of your questions.
-reporters walk away and toss out their notebooks-
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