I know it is hard to read that, so I will type it out right here.
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Human name: Riku Elizabeth Tsuka
Name: Technically it's Antartica, but she prefers Terra. She is offended by people calling her Antartica.
Age: Physically- 16-17. Technically, about 59 years old.
Likes: Japan (the person), her pet fox (named Snowy), her friends (namely Canada, Hungary, America, England and China), the people of her country.
Dislikes: Being helpless, people hurting her friends, Chile, Peru, France making inappropriate advances on Canada (that he doesn't like)
Personality: Doesn't like being helpless, and is very protective of her friends, especially Japan. She doesn't like it when Japan protects her because it makes her feel helpless. She is very much a tomboy and doesn't like wearing skirts or girly things. She finds it much easier to make friends with guys. She is pretty laid back and slow to anger. She is also slow to forgive those that she is really mad at (again, it takes a lot to make her mad).
History: Soon after World War II (around January 1, 1950) the rest of the countries agreed that Antarctica would be its own neutral country, based upon science. This was kept a secret until 2009, soon after Terra barged into a world conference meeting and told them she was tired of being completely ignored by the rest of the world.The rest decided to stop ignoring her, but the Latin American countries were enraged by her immediate allowal as a country. There have been multiple attacks on her including one on Japan, her self-proclaimed protector. She is currently accepted as a nation by the majority of the UN nations.
Later on she learned that she had two siblings, Firmia (second i has an accent) and Misunao. They had both been in hiding, and therefore she had no clue they existed. She is really good friends with both of them, but because Misunao can't get along with Firmia at all, family events are very rare.
Fears: Being helpless, heights, her friends getting hurt
Special abilities: Being able to read a person's emotions from their facial expressions (except for Japan's). She can also read the minds of people who aren't personified countries. This comes from the first ability, and is unique to her.
Friends: Japan. Canada, Hungary, America, England, China, Russia (and by association, kind of France and Austria.) EDIT: Firmia as well (another of my ocs) and Misunao
Noticeable traits: Almost always wearing the jacket/scarf combo seen in the above picture. If not wearing that, then she will wear something that looks oriental (use your imaginations). Her sleeves usually cover her hands, and she loves baggy clothing. On her neck is a scar that spans the entire front half of her throat (from a sword being held to her neck). She almost always has a sword with her as well. It is usually a very plain one. The hat she is seen wearing in the top left corner is also something she is seen wearing often, but she is beginning to take it off more.The jacket is dark gray, the scarf is white. Her hair is brown and she is also very tan. She wears her glasses all the time, she is practically blind without them. Her flag is in the top right hand corner. EDIT: I have added another trait that is not on the reference pic. She has a curl of hair that goes of the top of her head and kind of falls in front of her face. Like Canada's.
Refs: Picture above, Tawnyblood
None of the history is fact, it is merely based of fact. I am the only one I have seen so far that has made up a country for their Hetalia oc.