Username: Dante the Crimson Full name of Character: Kamui, Mikuo Nickname: Miki Race: Shinigami Social class: Middle class
Age: 777 How old they appear: 19 Eye Color: Purple Weight and height: 147lbs, 5’9” Type of body (build): slender with no real muscle tone Distinguishing mark or features: He has a light scar across his neck

Favorite color: Green Food: Souba noodles, yakitori, and mochi Hobbies: Reading history books, listening to music, and sitting in his garden watching the birds Hates: Paperwork, sour foods, overly-serious individuals, and alcohol
Habits: Being overly talkative, talking with his hands, expressing himself whether he should or not, fiddling with the ring on this thumb in nervous situations Greatest Strength: His ability to put a smile on someone’s face Greatest Weakness: Stealth Soft spot: stray animals Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: yes, because Mikuo always goes out of his way to buy food for stray animals that he sees, even though he knows that he cannot house them himself. Biggest Vulnerability: His youth makes him naive, He trusts in people fully, which enables people to manipulate him rather easily. He has abandonment issues, so he will do his best to try and please everyone.
Background: Born as a human, Mikuo lived a rough life, dying of cholera on his 16th birthday. His soul was ferried to Rukongai, where he grew again, wanting to become like the shinigami that brought him to Soul Society. During his life in Rukongai, he met a thief named Michiki, who he became fast friends with, spending every moment with him. The two became very close over the years. Time flew by quickly for them, and their relationship was starting to bud when tragedy struck- Michiki was brutally murdered by a gang that he had stolen something from. Distraught at losing his only friend, Mikuo had tried committing suicide, but found that he didn’t have the courage in his moment of weakness. This fueled him to become stronger, not just for himself. He enrolled in the Shinigami Academy for which he was an average student in, excelling in swordsmanship and his studies. He graduated and joined the Gotei 13, ending up in 8th division, biding his time until he achieved bankai and was made Taichou of Gobantai. Type of childhood: An average childhood, rough with the occasional misfortune Most important child hood event that still effects him/her: The death of his best friend Michiki. Why? Mikuo and Michiki had been friends for as long as either could remember; Michiki was even starting to become a love interest until he was brutally murdered by a gang. Michiki had given Mikuo the plain silver band he wears around his thumb as a promise ring the day before he was killed.
Most at ease when: Sitting in his garden Most ill at ease when: In the middle of an argument or after a nightmare Priorities: Making sure his subordinates are taken care of as well as his work, Keeping the peace as much as possible, and scheduling relaxation into his day. Philosophies: ] Life is far too short to be worrying about the future; live in the now and enjoy yourself, for you may regret not living while you have the chance. How they feel about themselves: Insecure Past failure they would be embarrassed to admit: When he was still in the Academy during a training session, he stumbled and fell in the back of the line, causing a domino effect to the rest of his group. Drives and motives: Being the best that he knows how and leaning something new. He feels that if he thinks he knows everything, he still has a long way to go. He strives to be as good as the hard-working shinigami around him so that he can carry his own weight as well as that of others. Extremely skilled at: Baking cookies, sword fighting, reading aloud, public speaking Extremely unskilled at: Cat’s Cradle, being stealthy in any environment Good characteristics: His ability to put a smile on people’s face, his good-natured attitude, positive, friendly Character flaws: Gullible, naïve, he’s a ‘yes man’, being a scape goat
Peculiarities: He tends to end a lot of his sentences with ‘no da’ (which roughly means ‘ya know’), fiddling around with his ring when nervous or in thought, roaming around barefoot, sitting out in a rainstorm, making silly sounds when he’s doing paperwork, apologizing for things he thinks he is to blame for Biggest regret: Not being able to have a life with Michiki and not being able to adopt all of the stray animals Biggest accomplishment: Becoming a taichou Darkest secret: (Adding onto this, does anyone know, and how did they find out?)
What four things would they most like to change about themselves: The inability to say ‘no’ to anyone; believing that everyone is good at heart; being as friendly (it tend to lead to misfortune); Apologizing for nothing How do they relate to others: He tries to be everyone’s friend How are they perceived by strangers: Strange and over-bearing personality Friends: Anyone that he can get along with. Wife/husband/lover: None, though he is looking.. How do they react in a crisis: Level-headedly at first, since h has those he is in charge of How do they face problems: He deals with them as they come, not worrying about the future or the ‘what if’s’ How they react to new problems: accepting them and trying to make ‘their’ problem his own How they react to change: He tries to remain upbeat about changes, regardless if they’re good or bad, unless he deems the situation serious.
What do they do too much of, why: Eating candy. He has an overactive sweet tooth. Most prized possession, why: The ring he wears on his thumb. His best friend gave it to him when they lived in the slums. That friend was later killed, so it is precious to him. People they secretly admire, why: He openly admires anyone that is able to come over an obstacle in themselves Person they are most influenced by, why The people he has met throughout his lifetime. He feels that small encounters shape a person’s self.
Zanpakuto name: Siren Maiden (Keikokubiki) Zanpakuto sealed Appearance: A wakizashi which has a guard in the shape of a star. Its wrap is a dark blue in color and the blade’s metal has a blue hue to it. There are a series of ribbons trailing from the end of the hilt. Shikai Appearance: In this form, Keikokubiki keeps its same shape, only the ribbons have a flute connected to it with which reiatsu is flowing. Shikai Release Command: Play your song, Keikokubiki Shikai Abilities: Siren’s Song-Air is sucked into the zanpakuto’s flute and pushed out of the guard in a beautiful melody whenever the blade hits anything solid. The ‘music’ that comes out puts Mikuo’s opponents in a trance-like state, making them drawn toward the blade. Siren’s Cry- This melody is more haunting than the first, the blade screaming out whenever it is played, sending powerful vibrations almost like waves toward the opponent.
Bankai Appearance: There is no physical change in the zanpakutou, but the blade is surrounded in a blue mist and there is a change in Mikuo's voice, the pitch sounding almost computer-generated. (think Vocaloid.) Bankai Release Command: "Lull them to sleep to be claimed by the sea." Bankai Abilities: Final Song- This attack is quite powerful, and quite dangerous, as it requires Mikuo to give his soul to Keikokubiki. In this form, though, his agility, stealth, and speed are increased. The song places him in a trance which allows his zanpakuto’s powers to flow through him. Whenever the blade touches anything, it emits a blood-curdling scream of rage, which makes the matter around it shatter. The reverberations alone would be something to fear, as the melody still hangs in the air even after the damage has been done. If Mikuo were to stick his blade into the ground, all of the remaining melodies hanging in the air would create a song which could drive Mikuo’s opponent to commit seppuku depending on how much ‘music’ is left on the field.
skorozima · Sat Aug 06, 2011 @ 10:04pm · 0 Comments |
Username: Dante the Crimson Full name of Character: Sanzo Kouryuu Nickname: Non-existent Race: Shinigami Occupation/class: Soutaichou Social class: Upper-middle class
Age: 6,742 How old they appear: 27 Eye Color: Violet Weight and height: 141lbs, 5’10” Type of body (build): Slender, yet muscular Distinguishing marks: Crimson chakra on his forehead Predominant feature: His piercing gaze Appearance: Reference 1 / Reference 2
Favorite color: Orange Food: Ramen, tea, pickled radish Hobbies: Drinking beer and tea, reading newspapers, smoking Hates: Rain, just about anything he finds annoying, cats, paperwork
Habits: Smoking too much, getting angry or annoyed for no reason, swearing, putting mayonnaise on his food. Greatest Strength: His ability to intimidate others, his power to lead Greatest Weakness: Loyalty to the Gotei, hardheadedness Soft spot: Victims of bullying Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: If you’re being bullied and he sees you, then yes. If not, how do they hide it: He hides this by being overly hard on everyone else so that they get stronger. Biggest Vulnerability: His emotions. He doesn’t know how to handle them very well, so they can get the better of him.
Overview: Sanzo is not very open to anyone, and sees even the remotest thing as being annoying. He doesn't like children or animals. He is cold, short tempered, and a rational thinker; most of the time he won't fight unless absolutely necessary. He is most easily annoyed by Kuroi. Most of the time he solves this problem by threatening to punish him, and most of the time firing his gun at him or hitting him with his harisen. He cares a lot for his companions, even if he doesn't show it. While he never admits to it, he is still quick to defend others in need. Background: Sanzo was born in the Rukongai and abandoned to die in a river, when monks pulled him from the torrent and brought him to live with them. He learned their ways, but was not impressed by the teachings, so he lived his life the way he wanted. When he was still rather young, he was determined to become a Shinigami when surrounded by the immense reiatsu. Leaving his home, Sanzo enrolled in the Academy, and trained himself so that he may one day surpass the shinigami's level that he had felt that day. While studious and at the top of his class, Sanzo started to pick up some of the habits that shaped his personality. Shortly before graduating, he was accepted into the Gotei 13, a seat already chosen for him. He started out in the 11th division and quickly rose through the ranks. After a few centuries of work, he became the Soutaichou. Type of childhood: Lonely Most important child hood event that still affects him/her: When he was a child living in the monastery, he watched his caretaker die and was unable to do anything. Why? This childhood trauma still haunts him and it affects some of his decisions. Most at ease when: Reading the newspaper enjoying some tea and a cigarette Most ill at ease when: Sitting in a meeting or in battle Priorities: Making sure his day is as stress free as possible, reading the daily paper, taking care of problems within the divisions Philosophies: “ If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha. If you meet your father, kill your father. Free from everything, you are bound by nothing. Live the life that is given to you. “ How they feel about themselves: Stressed out and over-worked. Past failure they would be embarrassed to admit: Shooting himself in the foot while he was learning to wield his gun. Drives and motives: Sanzo did not want to become like one of the many in Rukongai who died with no merit or real purpose. He wants to live up to something his late caretaker Koumyou could be proud of. He wants to protect Seireitei just like Koumyou did for him as a child.
Extremely skilled at: Gun fighting, interrogation, reading different languages Extremely unskilled at: Socializing, expressing emotions other than anger, forgiveness, healing kidou Good characteristics: Loyal, protective, logical Character flaws: Emotionally distant, hard-headed, careless, short-tempered, self-centered Peculiarities: When off duty, Sanzo becomes lazy. He wears bicep-length black gloves which attach by a ring around his middle finger.
Biggest regret: Not being able to save his caretaker from death Biggest accomplishment: Becoming Soutaichou Darkest secret: He actually doesn’t hate cats as much as he protests
One word they would use to describe themselves: Pissed off. What do they consider their best physical characteristic and why: His ability to hold a gun The worst one? Why?: Being left-handed How they think others perceive them: As an a*****e What four things would they most like to change about themselves: The fact that he’s left-handed, his inability to express himself, his extremely short fuse, his addiction to nicotine (though he will never admit this) How do they relate to others: Not well, or at all. He generally keeps himself guarded. How are they perceived by strangers: An a*****e Friends: Unneeded Wife/husband/lover: None
How do they react in a crisis: Calmly with a sense of extreme annoyance. How do they face problems: Shoot first, ask questions later, and then shoot some more Kind of problems they usually run into: Bickering between divisions How they react to new problems: Depending on the importance of the problem, he generally takes it with a grain of salt. How they react to change: He takes it in stride unless it pisses him off.
What do they do too much of, why: Smoking; it relieves him of his worries. Most prized possession, why: Smith & Wesson handgun that has been modified. Using both old and new technologies, 12th Division was able to fuse Hollow reiatsu with the bullets in his pistol. The bullets only harm Hollows, firing their own energy against them. This particular weapon is one of a kind, and Sanzo happens to have the only one. People they secretly admire, why: No one yet. Person they are most influenced by, why His late ‘father’ Koumyou. Other than that, Sanzo has not met anyone so far that has gotten close enough to influence him.
Zanpakuto name: Megami Zanpakuto sealed Appearance:  Shikai Appearance: In this form, Megami glows a brilliant white, emitting reiatsu in the shape of feathers. Shikai Release Command: Jihibukai Megami (Merciful Goddess) Release command is "raise them to the heavens" Shikai Abilities: In Megami's merciful stage, the blades are filled with holy energy, when cut, the wounds become exceedingly painful to shinigami, and to a Hollow, its effects are ten times worse. It is a pure-energy based zanpakutou, therefore the more unholy the opponent, the more damage it does.
Bankai Appearance: In this form, Megami is covered in flames, licking the edges. Bankai Release Command: Mujihi Megami (Merciless Goddess) Release command is "drag them to the pits of hell" Bankai Abilities: The atmosphere around his opponent becomes hot, almost unbearably so, and their movements become labored, almost as if walking through magma. They experience the pains of being burned alive, Sanzo's reiatsu making them feel as if their skin was melting, their lungs filling with smoke, leading to eventual death. (The severity of which will be decided by the roll of the dice. 1-50 being less severe, 60-80 being the most severe, 90-100 possibly ending in death. The role of the dice will be determined by the opponent.)
skorozima · Sat Aug 06, 2011 @ 10:03pm · 0 Comments |