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snow babie's Journal the bisexual wooden donkey owns this territory.

snow babie
Community Member
If I Just Spread My Wings...
Gymnastics: We were doing round-offs and 1-handed cartwheels. I hate it when we do floor because I can never do any of it. Same with the unevens and with the vault. The only thing I can do it the beam. I am one of like..4 people who can't do a cartwheel. stare

Ancient Civ: We watched a video on the Inca. I'm ******** sick of the Inca and the Maya and the Aztec. stare

Advisory: I read some of the werewolf book that I can't remember the name of. And I read the comics, too. biggrin

Math: Umm...Did the work? Or most of it, anyway.

English: We got into the peer edit groups and stuff. I'm working with Nic, Souvan, and Yuleski. I'm happy about working with Nic, but I don't really like Yuleski. She's like...never there anyway.

Lunch: Random conversation jumps! I went from...something I can't remember to talking about FMA with Anthony to talking about cosplayers with Teresa to talking about Valley Fair with Gwen and Teresa to teasing Malcolm (in my head) about his total fear of roller coasters. biggrin

Physics: Ms. Myers saw that I was reading Death Note and tried to catch me not knowing the answer so she could get me in trouble, but I answered all of them easy. biggrin I'm cooler than her.

German: I had to go do that stupid German tape recordey thing about Sara's weekend. I don't care what she did in Florida! stare Then we finished reading Hansel and Gretel.

God, people are such morons.


My Hat's Got Ears!! :D
Gymnastics: We did Tai Bo. OMG IT SUCKED. It was just...a lot of jumping and punching and kicking and it sucked. I had to run and get my inhaler in the middle of it. stare

Ancient Civ: We did a worksheet at the beginning of the hour. Then Teresa and I began to talk about the Detour and what she missed and stuff. We were talking about how hot that Kakashi was, and I laughed because Malcolm was looking at us funny again.

Advisory: I read a bit of my Battle Royale book. And the comics. Yay for opposing books! biggrin

Math: Ms. Olsen let me go into her back room and make a PB&J sammich. biggrin Then we went over todays/Fridays work. We're a day behind. gonk

English: Ms. Peters was gone again. evil We had to choose five different poems for our little...thingy. Portfolio.

Lunch: John was gone and I was sad. gonk I read more of Battle Royale, talked to Peter CONvergence, and listened to Malcolm talk about Yaoi. It was very odd.

Physics: We got new seats and stuff. I'm by a window now! biggrin We talked about like...something to do with chapter 25. I don't even know what we're learning about. redface

German: Sean held my hand on the way up to the room. biggrin We had a firedrill. gonk It was so hot outside. Hayden was screaming in my ear and I didn't hear him because I had my ears plugged. Aaand... I found Ivan and Tom and Alex and I was happy. biggrin


snow babie
Community Member

snow babie
Community Member
Anime Detour
Hell yes. I am totally going back next year!! heart

Before we left, Kate met me and Ellie at my house and then Kat came and picked us up. We drove to the hotel, where I met Billy. We changed into our costumes and after a little while, Gwen got there. By that time, Teresa had been at the con for about two hours. I think Malcolm and Nate were already there, too, but I'm not sure.
We called down to the front desk for a cab to take us to the con. The cab company decided, "Hmm, ******** these guys!" and didn't send one. We asked for another one, and at about 7, the driver got there.
At around 7:15, we met up with Malcolm, Nate and Teresa. They were all in costume. Malcolm looked really good because his hair wasn't pushed back. I have when he does that. It looks so stupid. stare But yeah. The badge people decided that they were all gonna go eat dinner, so we had to wait until 8:00 to get our damn badges. Grr. So we ended up hanging out for a long time.
Once we actually got inside, we just kinda hung out. We went to the ConSuite and stuff, because the dealers room was closed and there wasn't anything real interesting. Kate had left at that point to go sleep in her friends room. biggrin We ran into David, too. I like him. He's rad!
OH! There was also this guy dressed at Kakashi. He was so hot. Malcolm was making fun of me because he'd never heard me say that kind of thing before.

We got there hella early on saturday. Well...11:15, anyway. We went to the dealers room first. Right when I walked in, I saw a box set of all three seasons of Invader Zim!! -dance- I was so happeh. Then I went and bought a hat. With EARS!! I was really happy. Then we went into the Art Alley. heart I bought a sketch from someone for 5$. It was so cool! Then Gwen told me that I wasn't allowed to spend any more money. crying We met up with Nate and Malcolm at that point. I had a lot of fun in the Art Alley. I think...I think that after that we went outside. To the courtyard. And there were a lot of Cosplayers there. biggrin I gave Nate my camera and told him to have fun with it. He took so many pictures... .__.
After playing outside for quite a while, we went inside and lounged about. Kat fell asleep on the couch, I was drawing, David was chasing cosplayers for pictures...um...yeah. I was talking about how I wanted to go buy a shirt inthe dealers room, but they were closed. So Nate told me to take off my shirt so they would let me in to get one because I "needed" one. And Malcolm was talking about how they'd have to shield me because no one else was allowed to see.
At one point we went to dinner. That was at like 4. Nate bought me food because at that point I only had 7$ left. sweatdrop I had a salad with breaksticks, only the bread wasn't that good. I tried to call Ivan a couple times, but the butt-head wasn't answering his phone. stare
Then we went and saw the cosplay contest. I was really bored for most of it because all of the things I either hadn't heard of or wasn't far enough in the series to understand at all. After that, we went and...played. Some guy dressed as a heartless came and played with us. We got him to wear Malcolm's hat. biggrin Then we went to some random gaia thing that was really boring. And then we went to watch GTO. I liked it. We only watched 2 episodes, then we went to the dance. It was so fun! But bedfore that, I was wandering to the bathroom and I hugged some guy dressed as Ichigo. Then I was really happy and I almost walked into a wall. gonk
Then we went to the dance! It was like a rave only without the nasty beer. It was really hot, so a lot of people were taking their shirts off. Kate was one of those people. It was really funny when she came over because Malcolm was trying very hard not to look at her. I laughed. We danced until like midnight. heart

Not quite as fun at the other two days. Malcolm and Nate didn't come. crying
Ellie and I were on our own most of the day. We went into the dealers room right away. I bought some more Manga, and a couple more drawings. One lady gave me a free Link button because I showed her a drawing of Link I did. biggrin I was happy. Then we went to the Artist's Alley again and I bought an Ed plushie.
Then Ellie and I got bored, so I called Malcolm. That seemed to really bother him, but whatever. ******** him. When we're by ourselves together, he seems really happy to be around me. But when we're in a group, he doesn't seem to want to be near me at all. stare
Ellie and I got bored, so we went home early-ish.


Not a Gimic, Not an Act
Gymnastics: I practiced on the beam most of the time. I was trying to get a kick-turn-scale down, but I can't quite do it. Almost. Almost. I also went on the tramp. It was le fun. biggrin

Ancient Civ: Ms. Gonyea snapped on Sam for doing homework for other classes. It was actually kind of funny. Other than that, we read something about the Inca and took notes on it. Boring... stare

Advisory: We had a lock-down drill. Isn't that horrible? We were talking last year about how when my mom was little, they had nuke-bomb drills and how horrible that was. Now we have to practice in case some freak with a gun is in the neighborhood. Know what's worse? We have to have as many lock down drills as we have fire drills. Wtf.


English: We took a test on the word thingies. It was so boring. I did run into Amber in the bafoom, though.

Lunch: John was squished out of his spot, so he came and sat my me. biggrin The lunch paying machines broke down, so we were all standing there for a couple minues. And I still beat Anthony there. But it didn't matter because Gwen was in my spot anyway. gonk

Physics: We played with the coolest toys ever!! It was me, Yer and Mai, and we got to play with these like...10-foot long slinkies!!! It was so tight!

German: We watched the next episode of Extra. I also loaned Matt some of my CDs. The ones that are in other languages. biggrin The episode was cute, I though. But..I dunno. People didn't like it, I guess.


snow babie
Community Member

snow babie
Community Member
There's a Fork in My Pocket
Gymnastics: We watched the last couple of routines. It was so boring. Now we have to watch them all over again on tape! So ******** boring! stare

Ancient Civ: I worked with Malcolm on this...note taking thingy. We took notes on the Inca. God damn, that boy has no work ethic. stare

Advisory: I gave Mai Nou my phone number, but hers didn't get saved somehow. Hmm. -shrug-

Math: We had a test. I did pretty ok on the first half, but then I didn't know anything for the second half. Then I...read Bleach. biggrin

English: We presented the last couple people in our group. (Haha, I talk good English!) It was just me and John. I spent the rest of the hour playing Zelda on Malcolm's DS. biggrin I had fun.

Lunch: John and I talked about gaming. He was getting all excited about a session he's DM-ing.

Physics: We took some notes and we got our tests back. I was one point away from getting an 'A'! gonk

German: We talked about things in the... 'ge-form.' It was quite boring because I can already do it more-or-less alright.


Bring Back My Baby to Me
Gymnastics: So ******** boring. I had to watch routines all hour. stare Another full hour of either watching people either do much better than I did or watching them get better scores than me when I didn't think they deserved it.
And don't ******** talk to me about complaining in my journal. If you don't want to hear me complain, then stop reading my ******** journal. stare

Ancient Civ: Teresa and I worked on some Maya calender thing. It was fun, but a little confusing. Beret is so annoying--she was talking the whole time Ms. Gonyea was telling us what to do, but then was getting all offended when people wouldn't let her speak. stare

Advisory: We had a really long day of not doing anything, so I read the comics and then tried to draw something. Only I didn't do it for very long. gonk

Math: I listened to Perry, Jesus, Sasha and Katherine talk about anime and video games. Perry was like, "You know that game where you're a Japanese fox...?" And I was like, "No, John. You're a wolf. A white wolf." But he didn't believe me.

English: I went over and talked to Spooner at first. That was fun. Then we did a free-write and started or teacher groups. 3nodding

Lunch: Justin came and sat by me. So I couldn't reach John and Peter, which is the whole point behind not sitting over in the far corner. When Anthony sits there, anyway. I don't like him much. stare

Physics: We did a lab involving a pendulum and music. So I got to hear about a minute of "Waiting for the World to Change" by John Mayer. biggrin

German: We had a sub. xp We spent the hour translating part of a story from 'written past' to 'spoken past.' I can already do that. I was so freaking bored.


snow babie
Community Member

snow babie
Community Member
If We Were Really Mad at our Best Friend...and Stuff...
Gymnastics: We started doing our routines today. I was one of the first three, so I got bonus points. Which is good because I didn't do as good as I could have. I'm not sure why, though. Was it because I couldn't do two skills? Because I did the whole thing without having to think about it, but there were kids who forgot a lot of things but did the things they did know real well, and they got really good scores. And I felt like I did better then them.
But whatever.
Maggie might have broken her ankle. She happened to land on the part where two sections of the mat come together and she fell. So it sucks, but at the same time..I kinda feel like she had it coming. She's kinda bratty some times and she likes to show off.

Ancient Civ: We...did something, I'm sure. -thinks- Something that involved...a movie...that had a lot of tracking. Oh! It was really bugging me, because the movie was focusing on how "bloodthirsty" the Maya religion. Yes, it had human sacrifices. And yes, the Spanish came and pretty much put a stop to it [short version]. But what did the Christians do? They started a ******** crusade. Three of them. I think. The film said very little about how advanced and intelligent they were. They were the first civilization to have the number 'zero' in regards to math. And they were able to predict eclipses. Wtf, people. stare

Advisory: I was trying to find the comics, but I failed. gonk I did find an article on Angel. Again.

Math: I was productive again. biggrin I finished both of the homeworks that are due on... -thinks- ...Friday? Thursday? Thursday. For sure. I think.

English: Sub again. We're gonna have a sub all of this week. stare I don't much like Mr. Peterson. Bah. Just as I was thinking to myself, "Hmm, Ms. Peters can't have put Maddie, Taylor and Andy all in the same group..." Mr. Peterson comes up and says, "Uh. Yeah. Mistake that it's too late to fix. sweatdrop There are two people in this classes named 'Andrew W.'" Turns out that Andy was supposed to be in my group instead of Andrew. But I'm glad it turned out this way because I don't really like Andy. biggrin

Lunch: I was talking to Peter for most of it because Gwen was randomly in my spot. -shrug- I told Malcolm that since Anthony poked him, he had AIDS. So Peter decided that he had AIDS as well because he had poked Anthony and that could only mean that I have AIDS because I poked him. Then he said that Sophie's gonna be pissed at me. xd

Physics: We had a test. Half of it was really freakin' easy, but the other half was hard. gonk I did ok, I guess. I did turn in all of my stuff, through. biggrin

German: I did my passive thingy. I think I did pretty well. biggrin Some of the kids (Tristan, namely) were still drawing at the end of the class period. ^_^b


Oh yeah. Guess what club I finally joined. biggrin

I'm a Kitty Ninja!
Gymnastics: Spicer wasn't there, so it was odd. Most of the class actually worked, though. I attempted a round-off, but I couldn't do it. It was hard. I also tried to learn to do a backbend, but it's hard because I can't hold myself up yet. gonk

Ancient Civ: Ms. Gonyea yelled at Malcolm and the kids in the back corner because they wouldn't STFU and work. stare We did a worksheet on Maya suburbs. It was...really boring.

Advisory: I was looking through the paper for an article on the basketball team, but I couldn't find one. So I read the comics instead. biggrin

Math: I finished all my work. From Friday and from today. biggrin -prouds- Ms. Olsen told me I was crafty when she saw my wallet. ^_^b

English: We got into "teacher groups." This whole jigsaw thing is so stupid. stare I'm in a group with... -thinks- Jeff, Andrew, Mai Yer and Yuleski. She's never here. But whatever. I don't even care. Jeff was telling Andrew and me about this party on Saturday that was apparently really funny. Whatever.

Lunch: We were talking about gaming. Me, John, Peter and Anthony. I felt very included. biggrin

Physics: We went over the book problems that I didn't have done. I did them as we went along. Thenh we had "work time," but no one did any work. I realized how ******** boring work time is without Matt. gonk

German: We...did something. Oh. We talked about the video from Friday. God, Kristan is such a ditz. She really ******** bugs me. stare I think we're gonna present tomorrow. Our passive things, I mean.

Set It Up!: I was not in a good mood at all. I so did not want to be there, and I wanted to host even less. stare So Kevin got Josh to host for me instead. biggrin That made me feel so much better. Then Ivan also told me that I was good at teleprompter. But Erin still doesn't know the ******** meaning of "Quiet on the set!" stare


snow babie
Community Member

snow babie
Community Member
Taking Over
Gymnastics: Spicer gave me praise because I did my routine by heart. biggrin I was proud of myself. I also got really worn out because I was like...running around all hour.

Ancient Civ: We took notes again. I had to actually listen because I was taking them for Teresa. She had an MEP meeting. It was le boring... gonk

Advisory: I had Mai Nou help me with my presentation for German class. The news went really long today. D:

Math: Ms. Olsen is my favorite teacher because she made this a group quiz. heart And we have Melinda in our group, so...yeah. We did pretty good. I actually made a contribution! I answered a question about evaluator blindness and how that effects stuff. They both had no clue. heart

English: We got to sit on the floor! biggrin My back fell asleep. gonk We had the chance to read our ballads out loud, too. I didn't read mine, though, because it's not that good at all. D:

Lunch: Peter invited me over tonight for a gaming tutorial. biggrin Then John and Peter began to sing. gonk The stupid preps keep moving down, so we didn't have enough room for Malcolm to sit down.

Physics: We...reviewed? Sure. Let's go with that.

German: We watched more of Extra!


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