The year is 1642 a small village lost in darkness and hidden from time lays still in the mist of a Possessed forest infested with lesser demons called Kloves the forest lies in the middle of four elemental spirited mountains which not only hide everything but control the lesser demons down below there is one path in the city and one path out, going with in leads to a haunted Lake where the enraged spirits of the dead dance upon the crystal blue water, under a fall a ghost of a woman bathes herself. going out of the village leads to a dark path where nothing is seen but darkness with a small light at the end. but no one has ever made it out or to light alive. the legend of this place goes. long ago this entire place used to be peaceful and a major source of trading when a witch cursed and plagued the villagers forever to be demons and forever to be sick, those who died of the sickness either turned into a spirit of the lake or a Klove..those who hadn't died were getting worse,. the curse spread all the way to the spirits of the mountains.
anyone who travelled into the village had gotten sick three hours within arrival. and were doomed to fight the curse...or die of the plauge in which is unavoidable by all races , starting with a slight cough from horrible hallucinations to complete shutdown of the body
The forest:

The Lake:

The Village:

The Mountains: