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The Necromancer's Journal Its pages taken from the ancient Felwood trees, its leather binding skinned from the great deamon Elrothe. This powerful book is cursed for to all those who dare peek inside its deamonic rune scriptures.

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Lithura's Spellbook
Spell Book:

Chapter 1:

~ Psionics:

Physical Sensory Projection (The ability to create images or even tangible objects in the physical world) [Only able to work if the victim is in the same room watching the spell being performed and watching the object build and slowly materialize itself. Other spells can be used to sustain a type of presence.]

First Person Psionics - This type of Psionic ability is personal, as in it is useful only to the user:

* Psycho-metabolic abilities ("mind over body" wink
o Resistance to Pain
o Personal Shielding - To resist assault or external injury
o Accelerated/Guided healing
o Lessening mental instabilities
* Extrasensory Perception ("third eye" wink
o Precognition (seeing the future)
o Postcognition/Retrocognition (seeing the past)
o Remote Viewing(seeing beyond one's own surroundings)
o Spiritual Perception (seeing beyond the planes of this reality)

Second Person Psionics - This type of Psionic ability can be interpersonal, as in useful or effectual against more than one person:

* Telepathy: Communication without the use of physical senses. ("mind speak" wink
o Thought Communications
o Discourse Projection (saying conversation without mouth)
o Discourse Reception (hearing conversation without ears)
o Image Projection (transmitting images into another's mind)
* Mental Persuasion ("brainwashing" wink
o Mind Control
o Mind Reading
o Memory Alteration
o Induced Hallucination
* Clairperception (perceiving the truth in an object or person similar to an extra sensory perception)
o Clairvoyance (perceiving the truth in an object or person through sight)
o Clairsentience (perceiving the truth in an object or person through feeling/touching)
o Clairaudience (perceiving the truth in an object or person through hearing/listening)
o Clairalience (perceiving the truth in an object or person through smelling)
o Claircognizance (perceiving the truth in an object or person through knowing)
o Clairgustance (perceiving the truth in an object or person through tasting)
* Therapeutic Uses ("mental healing" wink
o Lessening mental instability in another
o Third-party mediation of internal conflicts

Third Person Psionics - This type of Psionic ability can be confrontational, as in useful or effectual against more than one aggressive person, or may affect target objects:

* Psychokinesis ("mind over matter" wink
o Telekinesis (Manipulating/Creating kinetic Energy with the Mind)
o Pyrokinesis/Cryokinesis (Manipulating/Creating Heat Energy with the Mind [to burn or freeze targets])

o geokinesis (earth manipulation)
o hydrokinesis (water manipulation)

* Physical Sensory Projection (The ability to create images or even tangible objects in the physical world)

Chapter 2:

~ Necromancy

Raise the Dead
Description: This is the starting spell for all necromancers, this spell is cast on a dead body and binds that body to the Necromancer, allowing them to then manipulate and control the dead being via the following spells.

Activate the Dead
Description: This spell is used to activate the dead body that has been raised by the necromancer. The spell imbues the body with a pseudo life force drawn from the casters own life force.

Command the Dead
Description: The Dead can be given a specific order to perform a task and it will then attempt to complete that order. The dead does not have to be active for this purpose but obviously won't do anything until it has been activated.

Control the Dead
Description: This spell creates a telepathic link between the Necromancer and the targetted dead servant, allowing the Necromancer to take complete control of that servant.

Suspend the Dead
Description: Used to place dead into storage. The servant is preserved in its current form until the spell is canceled. The spell can be canceled by the caster at anytime, instantly. Suspended Dead are usually used to carry out more wishes past its expected obedience before crumbling back into its original dead state.

Description: An active dead is deactivated, returning to its true dead form (all Necromantic spells are wiped)

Animate the Dead
Description: This is a cheap form of creating dead servants for a short period of time which can only fill out simple orders for the caster.

Description: This spell is used to age the target so that it becomes a skeleton. All of its life force and years of remaining age will be added to the caster's life span and life force.

Become Dead
Description: The caster takes on the characteristics of being dead for the duration of the spell. This can also give her the form of becoming a blood puddle that can travel through cracks and such.

Curse Living
Description: The victim of this curse will be marked permanently with a mark that Dead and Undead can see. This will result in the creature's being more effective against the cursed. Adding pain every time that person should attack or be attacked.

Dispel Dead
Description: The Necromancer can destroy renegade or enemy dead servants.

Drain Life
Description: The victim of this spell must agree to it, or be helpless to prevent it. The Necromancer will drain the life force from the victim and use that life force to keep itself alive or to power a number of dead servants. The victim is dead at the end of it.

Escape Death
Description: This is a complex ritual where the caster converts themselves into an Undead creature, denouncing the normal cycle of life and death. The ritual must be cast under a dark moon. At the end the caster will become an Undead appropriate to their power.

Description: The Necromancer can capture the spirit of a just died creature and bind it to the locality as a ghost

Steal Life
Description: The target must be willing or helpless to prevent it. The victims spirit is removed from their body and transferred to a Life Holder. Their old body falls into a coma when the spirit is taken and usually dies in a number of days.

Life Holders
Description: This creates small life force holder used in conjunction with the Steal Life spell. The holder must be a gem. Once a life force is within the gem it will glow very faintly, and close examination within will reveal a dark smudge at the centre of the gem. If the gem is destroyed then the Life Force dies with it.

Imbued Life Force
Description: The caster embeds an active Life Holder into a dead servant. The servant then becomes a fully aware creature with all the skills and abilities of the creature trapped in the Life Force Holder. The new creature will be completely subservient to the Necromancer and telepathically linked. The creature will count as a Familiar for all purposes, except that the Necromancer can have as many as they can create. However if not careful, this creature may try to attack the Necromancer.

Description: This spell permanently preserves the body condition of the dead servant, allowing their material form to become rubbery and resistant to damage and wear. It allows Zombies to remain Zombies, rather then become skeletons.

Description: This spell converts a zombie into a skeleton, even if it was Preserved.

Repair the Dead
Description: Allows limbs and body parts to be replaced onto dead servants if available, restoring them to their previous condition.

Spirit Forms
Description: This allows the Necromancer to assume a spirit form similar to that of a wraith. The form exists on the material plane and cannot leave it normally. It will be like a fine mist and can pass through anything not air tight. Strong winds and melee and ranged attacks will have no effect. The mist converts back into the physical form of the caster at the end of the spell.

Additional Notes:

Drow search out areas with strong faerzress to build their cities and outposts in to keep others from scrying their doings or teleporting inside the city. Drow also use faerzress to create magical artifacts. It was made by elven high magic when the drow retreated to the underdark so they could not escape by magical means. It is known to mainly affect divination and conjuration spells, making teleporting by magic in the Underdark a risky effort.

((web: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Faerzress))

((Layers of the Abyss: http://www.angelfire.com/de/Demonslayer/layers.html))

Lithura's Profile

Name: Lithura Meastra
Alias: Una
Age: Unknown
Race: Half Drow
Class: Psionic Necromancer
Alliance: Neutral Evil
Home Town: None Yet
Weapon/Powers/Knowledge: Lithura is a highly psychic individual that has exercised in all parts of the mind and has mastered to harness its power. She can see in thermal spectrum as well as magic auras surrounding an object or person, and she can see the vibes off of living things and inanimate objects concerning their purpose and future intentions. She is relatively known as a psionic master. Knowing how to use telekinesis, mind control/ manipulation, telepathy, using her gift of foresight, and sensitive to negative and positive energies in the environment. Preparing the right Casting Cirlce, contacting the dead, deamons, and divine beings are no problem for Lithura. She also studies the realm of necromancy. She is very educated and experienced on practicing and using different areas of the art such as the three basics: evocation, alteration, and summoning. She also has the power to levitate and teleport. Her tangible weapons are an enchanted, spiked lashtail whip and her poison finger guards which are worn on her index, ring finger, and pinky on her right hand. And the middle finger on her left hand.
Flaws: She cannot read the minds of deamons, Gods, undead, and any other otherworldly creature. (This includes half breeds.) Nor can she view their pasts or futures. The only thing she can do is hear what they said in a particular room in the past. She can see the aura that continuously encircles the area where the God, undead, deamon, or other was talking. Auras in Lithura's eyes work like visible currents. They look like colorful streams of water. But they are made of echoes or repeats in time that can be seen or heard when it flows through or touches you. With immortal and otherworldly creatures they could only be heard. Sometimes with at the most, half breeds, she can see the auras implanted on an item they held in their hand. The moment she picks up that item she can hear the rest of the conversation to determine what the item was used for. Lithura can also get overwhelmed on her visions. Sometimes there are so many different memories sometimes very violent and tragic memories. When all you see if gore and all you hear are screams. It can get to be too much for one to take in and figure out what happened. She literally puts herself in their shoes and lives through the moments 'as' them.
-Dark_Elf_Silent- I'll use hyphens to signify when I am using Dark_elf_silent.
"Undercommon" anything that I do not type in drow but in english, I am really using Undercommon.
The stars represent higher beings. Reading my post to determine what being I am speaking to at the time will tell you the language I am using at the time.
Journey Pack: bed roll, cooking ware, rations, and other tools used for camping.
Small Pack: Filled with potions, powders, poisons, herbs, relics, candles, and runes.
Religion: Agnostic, had once worshiped under N'asr
Personality: Sadistic, materialistic (fascinated with jewels and gold) seductive, cunning, clever, and cruel. She also has an attire often covering her arms, legs, and torso at all times. Her favorite colors to wear are black, red, white, and dark purple.
Appearance: She has scarlet red hair, dark ebony skin, and hawk-like, golden eyes.
User Image
(Another one from Cyzra)
Current Appearance:
User Image
Wraith Appearance:
User Image
Armor: Dress and Cloak have sticky charms used to dislodge opponent's weapons. They are also enchanted to hold many objects in their folds without becoming heavy, bulky, or in the way of movement. Her dress and cloak are also magic resistant and ranged weapon resistant. At times she will wear gloves and a mask which are also magic resistant.
She also has many trinkets which can create certain magic barriers around her. Her main trinket that she wears is a necklace with a small leather spell book on its end which grows into a large book when she opens it and prepares to cast a spell. She also bears a ring which is able to summon many creatures on various planes of the abyss. And she has a very specific earring which drops from a silver chain and on its end is a turquoise glass ball, which if handled rightly, it can turn into her own personal seeing orb.
Other: She is cursed with a magic spell book. The spell book was created a long time ago by another necromancer who made the book. Its pages are made from Felwood trees. Its leather binding however, was skinned from the great deamon Elrothe, which had terrorized his people and his home village for decades. In his years of training as a necromancer, he was able to create a spell which turned out to be the downfall of Elrothe's reign. Feeling overly achieved the necromancer decided to make a his own Journal of the Dark Arts to teach others and let others know of his triumphs. The necromancer became obsessed with completing his book. He long forgot the triumph he had over Elrothe, he forgot about his people and his home, he became a recluse. Forever in his studies as he read, researched, and wrote in its pages. He learned more of the Dark Arts and soon came up with the conclusion that he wanted to be the most powerful necromancer of the Realm. He wanted to ascend to the levels of Godhood with his power. He wanted to be able to summon Gods under his control and do his bidding. A mere mortal with god-like power where the gods actually groveled at his feet became his ideal. Such work, obsession, and even blood brewed in the Necromancer Journal's pages. The Journal soon became alive and with a will of its own. The book drove the necromancer to madness. Giving the necromancer false images of the future and empty promises, the book used the necromancer to seek out its lust for blood. Having life blood from humanoids dripped on its pages satisfied the book. It also gave the book more runes to interpret and more spells to be practiced. The more the book was used and fed, the less it became so demanding. If its demands were not followed out, the book would give its bearer a runic burn on their bodies. The book's creator soon became worn with age and could not carry out its demands no matter how many burns the man received. But the man was still protective of his Journal and held it close to his chest as he laid dying of old age. That's when Lithura was introduced. She had been an apprentice of a necromancer academy, the same one that the man was in and she learned of his tale and sneaked to his whereabouts. She found him laying in his death bed and came close to retrieve the book, which she had found most interesting, but the man held on to it and shouted many harsh words. The book sensed Lithura's presence and saw that the man was no longer of use to him. The man lay dying and here a young spirit would continue the book's chronicles of chaos. Creating an alteration of imagery for the young and inexperienced necromancer, the book created what looked like the man dieing and exploding into dust as it lifted high into the heavens above. But in reality, the book consumed his creator, trapped his soul, and became even more powerful. The moment Lithura picked up the book, it began to bleed all over her hands as a seal was created in that moment. In that moment, the book was bounded to Lithura.

Bio: Lithura grew up on the surface lands with her original people. At one time they had lived in the depths of forests with other kinds of elves. But after the elven war they were exiled. But upon their part, they saw it best leave and to protect the traditional ways anyways. So they migrated to live in the depths of mountains. Not as far under the ground as their cousins the drow, but they'd often make trading deals with them while still accepted among the surface races. They mainly kept to themselves and were highly diplomatic. They did not believe nor follow Lolth's way of life, nor did they follow their savage wood elf cousins. They were among the last of the joined elves before and after they segregated themselves. They were a branched off hybrid clan, or so they called it. They did not wash their hands in mud or blood. They were the aristocrats and elders. Bearing gifts of wisdom and sight. They prized books, knowledge, and magic. Naturally Lithura learned much of the elven and drow lore for that was the main focal point in teaching their apprentices for they believed that written and studied history would prevent the past from repeating itself. They also exercised and taught their apprentices of the special power force. Not a god or goddess! But a current of energy that was the continuous flow of information and magic. If one were to die, then their essence would only become apart of the energy current for it takes "information" to tell someone that that person is dead. And it takes "information" sometimes magic to prepare the proper burial. Lithura belonged to a rich family whose mother was one of the high arch mages of the clan. Which in turn, Lithura and all of her sisters became the many priestesses that helped teach others about the energetic flow of information and magics and taught them the drow and elven lore and their own new diplomatic form of belief. They also plan to one day restore their old people. Into the joined elves of the forest.

Unfortunately, from being a priestess of her clan, Lithura had reverted to a new person after her father's death, who had been hunting in the forest, he and his comrades were mistaken to be wood elves by a squad of lolth-worshiping females who had been searching for a sacrificial offering for their Goddess and ended up killing all of the males in the hunter's group. As the night went on, Lithura's mother began to grow worried and ordered a scout group to go and see what might have happened to the hunters. The scout group returned to say that they had found only one member of the hunter group who was already dead, they saw the lashed marks and pinpricks of the fangs on the dead elf's body and hypothesized the fact that the weapon used on that particular member must have been a lolth priestess' snake whip. If it was a beast of any sort it probably would have eaten the elf or torn off some limb. But throughout the entire area where they found the elf's body, they found no sort of bloodied carnage. Just some lose dirt and jumbled footprints that looked like it was some sort of struggle. Then further along they found some dragged marks. They followed those marks until they came into some sort of cave risen like a den out of the ground. They tried to see into it using magic but the cave looked very deep and luring. They dared not enter for they feared of getting lost. Enraged, Lithura's mother sought permission from the elder's of the clan and sent the same scouting group to go to the drow city from their less confusing route into the Underdark. The scouting group returned towards the hours of early morning to report that the hunter's group was no longer left alive. They had been mistaken as wood elves by Lolth's priestesses and sacrificed to the Spider Queen. In turn for their condolences, they sacrificed the priestesses for their foolish acts.

Shortly after her father died however, Lithura came across a book that was filled with the abyssal lore and set off to attend to an arcane academy in the Underdark where she took up necromancy and discovered there her powers of the mind and took additional classes on psionics. She would then discover the cursed Necromancer Journal after her professor had let slip and mentioned something about it during class. The students pressed the subject and the professor told them all he knew. A man, a mere human mortal who had written this demonic scripture filling it with his very soul, every ounce of knowledge known to man and beast of necromancy and deamons of the planes. As Lithura listened attentively she lusted, for this book. Lusted for the knowledge it contained within. She needed this book. After carefully persuasive interviews and research, Lithura found the whereabouts of this man and sought him out. She would fear that she would have to fight to the death with this man. For he would know all that Lithura had been taught tenfold. But Lithura was relieved to find the man on his death bed. Though he shouted many harsh words, it was the last the man could do before Lithura watched before her eyes, the man explode into dust. Laughing almost manically, Lithura rushed to pick up the book and starred in astonishment, the book began to bleed all over her hands. Then slowly the book began to talk to her and filled her head with lies, just as it had done with its creator. Oblivious to the far fetched lies Lithura gave in to the book with only the thoughts of ambition. The book first persuaded her that she should return home, for now she has all that she will need to learn of necromancy, and psionics was merely a gift to be practiced with. Lithura did as she was told, and went back to her city.

For days she isolated herself in her room and poured into the book. But the book began to get restless, the book started to become hungry. The book casted an illusion over Lithura's eyes to where she would be in a blank void for one day. When Lithura finally had awoken, she noticed that her dwelling seemed unusually quiet. All of her family members had been slaughtered and were around the bloodied necromancer journal, at first Lithura was enraged! But carefully and persuasively, the book told her that she had done it. She was the one that created the seal and from that seal the book needed to feed and she would have to feed it. But through the feed, she will be rewarded with new and powerful necromancer spells that have not yet been introduced to man. So though she will know every ounce known to man and beast, she will also know even more. Molding her into the perfect and powerful necromancer. And the book told her lightly another reason why he murdered the family, and through her head the book showed her the hidden fortune her family had left behind in a enchanted, hidden tomb in the cemetery. The same cemetery her father had been buried, in the lands of their old people. The book told her to take the money and treat herself nicely. Even though she put harm toward her family, there was still no wrong in mourning for their death. But treating yourself with jewels and materials will help ease the pain. Lithura listened to the book and did as she was told once again. She found the fortune and stuffed it into her travel bag, for she knew that she couldn't stay in her home any longer. After slaughtering her family, she would be sentenced to death by her people, plus it was time to move on according to the book. And so Lithura then took refuge back in the Underdark hoping to one day find a house that will satisfy her needs.

Undergaia History: Lithura has made quite the history in Undergaia. Not many people recognize her and the ones that would have long been deceased. The only person that knows her from the shadows is Sy. A female assassin with lots of products to sell and little time. The two became allies through business. Sy threw Lithura in the direction of House Rilynviir, second house of Ulorbbath where she became a Priestess. She did not stick to this house for too long. Something inside her caused her to be adventurous and ambitious to seek for higher power. She abandoned the house and took shelter in Ulorbbath's town square before it was torn down by Rylinndar on behalf of city clean up. Lithura and the small band of her slaves she had gotten from Drachir, another salesperson she had happened by, ran away to the wilds to set up a new establishment. She was drawn to the city, Au'shingduago. She was drawn to the dead. There she made allies with Zehir and his followers. Her title to Priestess has long since been gone. The reasons she had clutched the title for so long was because it created a superior reputation for herself. No longer afraid of her low life reputation, Lithura advances into her power. Breeding her slaves, making deals with deamons, and creating her undead army. All the while running a shop in Au'shingduago to make her new title more recognizable and possibly get more followers that way.

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