This is getting ridiculousness. |
Okay.... This is going too far. Apparently someone is trying to hack my Account here on Gaia. I've got 4 emails from Gaia in the past 24 hours stating that my account has been temporarily blocked.
Heres what Gaia said in the email:
Quote: Hello Mitsu Ayame, We have detected multiple failed login attempts have been made on your account for a total of 5 times, therefore your account on Gaia Online has been blocked for 15 minutes.
The times of unblocking are:
Quote: Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:37 pmThu Jun 19, 2008 6:24 pmThu Jun 19, 2008 4:11 pmThu Jun 19, 2008 2:47 pmWed Jun 18, 2008 1:44 pm
I'm suspecting it is the Gaia Tool bar thats doing this but I'm not sure. I'll turn off the Gaia tool bar and see if I am still getting login attempts. If I am, I know its not the tool bar.
mitsu ayame · Thu Jun 19, 2008 @ 09:07pm · 1 Comments |
Decided to post my yearbook entry here as well... |
Mitsu Ayame's Yearbook entry I suppose I should sign this as well. Next month marks my 5th year on Gaia. So much has changed, yet there is still much that has remained the same. Inflation will always rule the MP and there will always be idiots in the chatterbox, but hey, thats Gaia for ya. I've made so many friends on Gaia over the years, and hope to continue to make friends as time goes by. I never thought Gaia would evolve into such a big community. Back a few years ago the most you would ever see online was a couple hundred at most, and as I'm typing this theres almost 68k people on. I'd have to say, if it wasn't for the guild system I don't think I would have stayed on as long as I have. I'd like to give a shout out to everyone over at the Carolina Gaia guild! I never thought my guild idea would take off like it did. Also, the good people at WTH for keeping my mind occupied during the slow hours of the day. Well, I've already put more effort into this post than I originally intended so I'm going wrap this up...
Mitsu Ayame
mitsu ayame · Sat May 17, 2008 @ 05:07pm · 0 Comments |
Gaia (barely) changes the site again. ITS NOT SO BAD PEOPLE! |
I don't know how long ago you all joined but I actually preferred the old old layout that was before the last one. It was very easy to navigate and was very user friendly. Heres an example: (sorry about the size)

When they changed to the last one I didn't complain much though probably because the last layout (the one we just had till yesterday) used a lot less bandwidth and was a lot lighter on the servers. The one thing I didn't really like was the way they took the bubble away and added the alerts via the navigation. The navigation itself was a bit clunky but I got use to it. Also when they changed the design last time I sent in a suggestion to make the way the top links the way they are now instead of being static like they were before. This didn't mean take away the other navigation which I liked because I had a direct link to customizing my avatar. All in all though this new layout is nice and works for me. I've tested it in all the browsers I have (IE, ForeFox, Safari, Opera) and everything seems stable. I've beta tested a lot of Gaia's options and games through invites from Gaia. Gaia is constantly changing, for the better I hope.
mitsu ayame · Wed May 23, 2007 @ 04:30pm · 0 Comments |
As I am getting more and more chain letters on Gaia I get more and more frustrated. How many people actually fall for this crap! Aparently alot here on Gaia... heres a responce I sent back just a second ago to someone who sent me the letter about the girl under your bed...
Mitsu... err Me You wont get killed, possessed, or anything else if you dont send the letter. In fact, its just chain mail (Which is against the Gaia TOS) The photo is taken from promotional artwork for a Thai horror film, titled "The Mother." These events did not happen. There is no curse if you dont send it. All your doing is helping spread false fear. Its usualy a good idea to do a little research on things such as this before you send it out. BreakTheChain.Org is a good site for breaking myths on chain letters. I'm not saying that I dont belive in the supernatural, because I have expeirenced some things first hand. There are supernatural things out there, but this is not one of them. Im sorry. I hope some of this helped... So plese stop sending chain letters... After all, its against the TOS. (and I'm tired of having to delete these things) Sorry about that, but I just had to get it out... ~Mitsu
For all of you others who want to send me chain crap dont. I'm really getting tired of it. As a matter of fact, STOP SENDING CHAIN MAIL ALL TOGETHER!!!! ITS AGAINST THE GAIA TERMS OF SERVICE. burning_eyes
Now that Ive got that off my chest return to your day as usual.
mitsu ayame · Thu Jul 20, 2006 @ 04:55pm · 2 Comments |
boredom has truly set in... |
stare I'M SOOOOO BORED....! scream
mitsu ayame · Mon Apr 10, 2006 @ 11:08pm · 0 Comments |
new year, new conventions, new animes, new people...... same old work.... but it has its upside...
mitsu ayame · Mon Jan 09, 2006 @ 03:52pm · 1 Comments |
merry christmas eve eve eve eve!
mitsu ayame · Wed Dec 21, 2005 @ 11:05pm · 2 Comments |
Awaiting the new(ish) addition to meh computer family... |
I bought an iBook on ebay last friday... just thought evertone should know....
mitsu ayame · Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 01:51pm · 1 Comments |
More stuff I ordered.... and of course, more ANIME! |
I finaly got my FF VII: Dirge of Cebrus necklace yesterday in the mail.... concidering it came from Hong Kong, it made it here pretty quick..... Another Anime update!?!?! Yes, I've ordered more Anime from Mr. Wholesaler... this time around its Love Hina TV Series COMPLETE (3-DVD),Chobits TV Series COMPLETE Collection (3 DVD),Love Hina Again the Movie (1-DVD),Ghost in the Shell SAC 2nd GIG 1-26 eps BOXSET (3-DVD)... I keep this up and I'll have everything this guy carries.... Next weeks possible order, Ranma 1/2 COMPLETE TV series boxset + movies.....
anywho, not much longer and the Scooter will be up and running again (I hope to get my car fixed before that though)....
::The best think to happen to me this week:: > I went from making $8.40 an hr at work to making $10.03 an hr
mitsu ayame · Tue Sep 13, 2005 @ 04:47pm · 0 Comments |