TALK IS CHEAP Even the broke kids can afford it.
Community Member
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 @ 01:25am
a line drawing; my take.
"A body of thirst will stand in morning rain Testing faith like a safety net; two hands Side by side collecting drops like so many Walendas fallen from a tight rope. I am the way to the city of woe. What a way to go. While seasons work to gully Earth's inventory, this body, despite alternatives, will Board and stand, reaching in the air with excuses and move To hold the metal rail and hang; solder and sinew, Thick with wet, the heaviest fruit, as if it came natural." -Gregory Pardlo
Today, I took a walk down memory lane. It's a path I've been avoiding for a while, because I'm not the type of person to handle resurfacing memories well. I tend to get lost somewhere down a'ways between past and present. There, I will find the brightest spot, the circle of light, my ten minutes in heaven, and I will stand there and only there. I will raise my face towards the sky and feel the sun's warmth on my face, before something cold tugs me back into the shadows. How rude.
You're supposed to acknowledge the past, yet move on. Isn't that how it goes? That's where it gets me though. How am I supposed to progress towards something newer and better when the future is in the dark? Isn't it easier to look behind me, where I've left a brilliant streak of light, illuminating the good ol' days, in my wake?
In case you haven't realized, change can be amazing. It can be instantaneous, or it can take years. But change is not limited to one thing; it never is. Change is like a row of dominoes, all connected, yet separate. Sometimes you can fit between two dominoes neatly, and step out with the row untouched. But that's an art I have yet to perfect. (Too much junk food perhaps?) That's why dwelling in the past is risky business. Wouldn't want to knock one down.
I've already decided that wishing for old memories to catch up with you in the present is a waste of time. What's over is over, and the best I can do is to recall it with fondness. There's a thin line between remembering and longing, though, and I'm still searching. Cause foreal though, I always seem to be falling into the latter category.
If this is a moment, it would pass.
-Peach. I'm simple, ask anyone.
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 @ 05:53am
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Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 @ 12:44am
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 @ 07:10am
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Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 @ 05:56pm