Welcome to the Crazy Box, read it, might make you laugh, cry, be merry and froilic, and even spam my coments, depends on what you think ;3, come find out eh?
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 @ 07:55am
Argh, Good morning
French essay for today, thinking of ways to by time, that job, not yet xD, i only started looking yeasterday, anyway, on with the show, i havn't had my breakfast!, but im feeling gooooood, so good morning Gaia, world, and the rest
I decided not to break down anything i put in here, its just going to be random topics you know, and every one will have a sorta diary entry
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 @ 05:33pm
The Crazy Entry No:One
Haha!, entry number one, isn't this exciting!, well, not really, Okay, i have loads of sections i could talk about, but i will break them down over entrys, i think ...
Gaia, hello, you has a Twubblemaker, im sure you has had lots, but not like me :3, the twist of madness, the fail at funny, the random guy, the one who nearly beleives he is the only one [arn't i stupid x.x] but as i realise im not, i call forth the mighty, the small, Unite under the banner of random!
... Kay, this is gonna be hard to break down =3