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This is my story..The title is "Princess Bloodlust.."(its a desription).I chose to call it this because it is based on a special human girl and the people she must protect;her crush,her friends,her family and her fellow vampires.VAMPIRES? you say? well let me explain.There is a pyramid showing weakest to strongest in a vampires point of view..in one of my chapters my character aura told yukira(the main character) about it.On the bottom are the humans of the modern,then comes athletic humans,after comes modern vampires,then comes servant vampires,soon after that comes the vampire slayer,right after that comes our strong powerful vampires,next after that is the immortal vampires,then the specially gifter vampires where there is only four to eight of,soon comes the royalty and last but not least..on the very top standing the rare but still existing bloodlust humans;these humans are unique and there is not very much of them.It turns out Yukira is one.Now lets get to that description ^ ^:

Princess Bloodlust
Okay..I wrote this for my english prject and it's not the exact things I wanted in my story but it's somewhat similiar, I hope you enjoy it! and please remember! to replace the anme Annabelle=Auirei!. thanks! Yuki

Princess Bloodlust

I could still remember that night. I cried yesterday. I cried for no reason of importance, because I couldn’t feel “his” pain. I wasn’t even able to scream for someone to save me. One part of me did not want to be saved, but it didn’t matter. Either way my life had changed forever. Just like how you age. Once you change everything about yourself. Your body, your voice, and your attitude towards life… You can never turn back because it’s what life gives you in return for being born.

The surge of excitement was killing me, as my 18 hour flight ended with a skid of the plane’s tyres. Landing on “American” grounds. Imagine that! Coming all the way from Japan to go to the best boarding school in the State. Most of my family lived here, so I considered to deal with the use of moving. Later I would be hoping to see my brother; Ryu. The door parted open towards the outside as I exited the airport. There, waiting for me was my brother’s limo driver. He seemed more than a limo driver though. He was tall and slim with ravishing good looks, although he looked rather pale. To me, these seemed like vampire aspects of appearance. It didn’t matter. He still brought a smile to my face. He took my hand while giving me a suave kiss then looked at me with his amber eyes. “Welcome to Illinois Lady Annabelle!” He spoke in a joyful tone. I blushed slightly as he escorted me into the limo. “Um, thank you!” I smiled shyly. He closed the door in front of me as I sat there --- sat on beige leather seats. There was everything I would have imagined to find in a limo; TV, DVD, Karaoke, and beverages. I stirred myself a Shirley Temple
(Sprite mixed with cherry syrup) and sat back into the seat, took a sip and sighed happily. This was just great.

We soon made it into Chicago City. There were a lot of tall buildings. They were bigger than the Japanese buildings back home but were no comparison as everyone knew that Japan’s architects were much smarter. The sky looked gloomy as it began to rain. It was like my mood in a way. I had missed the Far East already. While we sat in traffic the driver wound down the window which separated us and faced me. He beamed his teeth at me in a grin of shiny teeth that shimmered like diamonds. He had fangs! Two long fangs! I quickly glanced at his eyes. “My apologies Lady Annabelle!” “You look so beautiful now that you are a year older. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” I could feel my face turning red as I looked away from his eyes. “Well, thank you!” I smiled. “Master Ryu said he wishes you the best on your 17th birthday”. He handed me a small bundle which was wrapped in wrapping paper; a gift.

I was so excited to see Ryu on my birthday, but all I got was his “presence” of neglect. Ryu was nowhere in sight. I sighed heavily and placed the gift on my lap as we got on the highway towards home. We soon arrived to witness a brunette waiting for me. I jumped out of the car as the driver grinned at me smugly. I was guessing this was Ryu’s girlfriend. She held a small white Pomeranian in her arms; letting out barks with no emotion. This “woman” was dressed in a short baby doll dress (the dress that is tight on the top and flares out at the bottom as it creates the shape of the dress) approached me and wrapped her arms around me. Her long straight flicks of hair pointed up against my cheek as they tickled it. I could tell I didn’t like her due to her lack of human emotions. One could tell she was only pretending to be happy or was more like being perky. She kind of scared me but I returned her hug as she greeted me with those pearly whites. “Hello Annabelle, Sweetie! How was your flight?” She said sweetly. “What the heck was Ryu thinking” Did someone pay him to date her or something?” I for one was in a bit of a shock. She didn’t seem to be Ryu’s type. I slowly backed away from her choke hold. I wanted to run and vow never to return until she was in India.

We entered the house and it was as huge as a palace in a fairy tale. The lady followed me inside while grinning at me like a lunatic. “I’m going to rest” I forced a smile and started to go up the steps with my luggage. “Aren’t you hungry? I can ask the c--- “I cut her off softly. “May I be shown to my room?” I smiled as we walked up the steps. “Of course sweetie! oh! How rude! I’m Rachel Manors.” She announced. Not another word was said. The dog scurried off to another room and disappeared. We were guided on marble flooring through themed corridors, and finally we faced a long violet door. Before I could reach the knob of my door, it clicked open to reveal a beautiful, slender woman who looked almost six feet tall. She had silky black hair and a nice milky white tone to her skin. She smiled at me radiantly and spoke “what a young beautiful girl you are Annabelle!” she remarked. I wave goodbye to Rachel and pounced onto the maid, “Thank you for saving me from her! I know first impression go a long way but she kind of scares me” I remarked. She looked at me blankly and burst out into laughter, “Don’t worry about Miss Rachel! I’m sure she means well, you are very cute!, I am Aiyu” she said happily. Now why couldn’t she be ryu’s girlfriend? This was definitely something I needed to look into. I said goodbye to aiyu and headed off to the bathroom. I realized Aiyu had bowed to me before she left the room. She was so proper and formal.

I filled the tub with hot water. I sat there waiting there and wondering. What if---I had someone to share this with; this moment. I stripped off my clothing and sat into the round shaped tub in the middle of the bathroom. The aroma of the steam helped me relax. I waited until I was completely soaked just at the right moment to get out. It felt like hours since I got out the tub. It felt like hours since I got out of the tub. It had been only 25 minutes since. Yet, I had a moment to shed tears again. I dried my hair with a towel, entered the room putting on a tank top and pyjama pants and noticed across the room waiting for me was four steamed meat buns (Traditional Chinese snack). I smiled and grabbed one. After that, I drank some green tea and sat on my bed in silence; waiting to fall asleep. There I was, Annabelle Yukira Hitokiri, a 17 year old on November 19th. I was always the pale girl in the back of the classroom, the girl with ivory skin, a lip piercing and unusual because I had hazel eyes. Born a Japanese American was very unusual when I lived in Japan even though mostly everyone was unusual themselves. But no one knew how I felt; no one knew how much I had suffered over the years. I was the one girl with two sharp teeth that continued to grow. I was this strange fake blonde with an attitude to go with it; I was the girl that took blood from humans---a vampire. No one knew of course. They would freak out, but I needed to go on because I had a purpose. I remembered my mom say that to me “everyone had a mission to do since birth we just weren’t allowed to know, even if we continued to go on in the wrong direction trying to find our destination…to our purpose…”

By this time I was sleeping for hours, while everyone wasted their lives away to gain Ryu’s trust by working for him. I ate the last meat bun as soon as the moon poked through the clouds of melancholy vibes. I always thought the clouds at night represented sadness because it they hid the truth; the moon. But I could have been wrong. I got up and decided to buy some supplies for school and snacks to stock up on. I got dressed promptly into a pair of jean shorts, leaving my tank top on I threw a plaid sweater over it and slid on the converse. I dashed downstairs and snuck out the front door. I started to walk to the gate and noticed a familiar figure against the wall; the limo driver. He was taking a smoke then noticed me slowly checking me out. I flinched and crossed my arms over my chest. “Good Evening Annabelle, having fun?” he asked. He tossed his cigarette and faced me properly. I raised my eyebrow to find him grinning at me. “Yeah, I am, um I never got your name, and can you take me to town so I can get some things I need for school?” He nodded and walked to the limo, “Anytime Miss Annabelle, and by the way I’m Kurt” He said willingly. I smiled at him as he opened the door for me.

Soon enough, we arrived into town. “Hey Kurt? How old are you and where are you from?” I asked anxiously. “I’m 22, and I’m from Connecticut” He responded. I felt my hopes go down as the car came to a stop. I was actually starting to like him. “Oh, how interesting…” I replied. “It’s 7:56pm, so I shall pick you up at 10:00pm ok?” he said facing me. I nodded and got out of the car. A smile creased my lips as he drove off. Leaving me there---all alone. I strolled off to the bookstore; Chapters to look for books of my interest. Books like fighting skills, cooking, weapons and especially vampires for that matter. I wanted to see what humans thought of “us” night creatures. They also thought of us as having the lust for blood and going after them (humans) when they slept at night. They thought we ate flesh and slept in coffin all the time. I let out a little giggle and went to purchase my books. They came up to $32.70. It must have been that sketching book that was been $12.50.

Later on, I dashed down the lane of blood and crime. The moonlight glistened onto my necklace and reflected it into my eyes. An hour and fifteen minutes had passed and I grew more nervous as I got closer to the same spot that changed my life. It was rare for it to snow in Chicago but 4 years ago, it actually happened. I hadn’t been inside of the park for years---my heart started racing as I walked through it. I saw a flash of memories of the bloody valentine massacre, this occurred on February 14th. “Keep running do not look back…never look back” his words echoed in my head as I remembered him collapse onto the snow staining it with his blood. He tried to hang onto me and never let go…and yet I still suffered from a stab to me arm which scarred it forever. But I never knew if he made it out alright or even if he lived. I dropped my bags as emotion and movements took me over. A truck was coming---right for me; my eyes were two blank opals. I couldn’t move. All I could do was fall back, back into the road. Life did the rest of course; it all happened in a flash…the park I use to love then started to fear shattered inside my memories until it was nothing but a fake image of nothing.

I suddenly woke up to heavy breathing; I slowly opened my eyes to witness a handsome pale boy. He looked like a pretty boy with shoulder length hair, bright blue eyes and an amazing smile that made me grow red. “Hey, I’m glad you are okay…” His tone suddenly changed as he pinned me down against the cold grass, which I had woken up on, “But...you almost got yourself killed! that was really stupid!” He yelled. I started at him blankly. His arms were wrapped around me like armour; he was so warm but everything was as cold as ice. I felt a tear emerge from my eye. “Who the heck are you anyways?” I yelled. I pushed him off of me, gathered my bags and ran off. I realized soon I had left my vampire locket behind my father had given to me a long time ago. I never did know him, nor did I know my mother because they had disappeared when I was younger. I was scared. I didn’t want to face that boy ever again.

I waited thirty minutes early for Kurt knowing he wouldn’t come for quite some time. The clouds growled angrily as it started to rain. I tilted my head down as a car suddenly passed me and came to a stop. It was him. Long black hair, blue eyes; he looked at me with chrisom eyes and ordered me to get in his car. “What do you want? Came to yell at me more?” I yelled at him. “I’m taking you home, now get in!” “NO!” I screamed. He got out of his vehicle and approached me slowly. He stood there drenched and took a glance at me with concern. I tried to slap him but he stopped me gripped me hand to stroke it. He pulled me to my feet as he spoke. “Listen, it was rude to yell at a stranger, I’m very sorry” He said sincerely. I blushed. We got into his read sports car; BMW and drove off into the suburbs. “Now. Where do you live miss?”, “I live at NE 5982 74th street” I answered. He nodded and sped up. I felt abit scared and gripped my phone “Excuse me, I have to make a call” I announced. “Yes, this is Ryu’s sister. Can you tell my driver I got home on my own? Yes thank you very much” I hung up and glanced at “mister knight in shining armour”. “Well are you a proper young lady?” he said smugly. I glared at him and got a chill down my spine. “Here…you’ll catch a cold” he said to me. I took it and put it on. He seemed like a nice guy, but most men did. That is, before they get into your pants. I thanked him as he kept his smile beaming proudly. “You know? Dying your fringe blonde won’t change the fact that you are Japanese American. You have hazel eyes to prove that already” He grinned.

The whole way we sat in silence. I wasn’t sure I could take such an insult. His car came to a stop and he leaned over me to unclip my seatbelt. His eyes held me in a strong stare. I thought he was going to kiss me which was what cause my heart to jump. “I’m Edward Taosheiro Fudeisakei”.I looked at him slowly “I’m Annabelle Yukira Hitokiri…you’re Japanese American too?” I announced. He nodded and we continued staring at each other until our eyes grew weak. “Uh! Thanks for the ride” I quickly jumped out of the car to only be pulled back, he held onto my hand to transfer my necklace to me. I nodded at him as he stuck out his tongue out revealing a tongue ring. I stared at him blankly as he waved to me and sped off into the darkness. I suddenly had that feeling of love at first sight.

I got inside the house after seven minutes of walking and dashed up the stairs. I slowly opened my door---revealing my brother; Ryu sitting in the darkness. Only the moonlight shone onto him through the window. One look from him cut through me like knives. Ryu was angry---The maids didn’t tell him where I was or that I had called. I feared this the most. The loss of trust of my only family left for me to hang onto.

Ryu had had a good long look at me and stood up. He stormed towards me and embraced me tightly. “I thought you were dead...” he announced. I backed away quickly and looked into ryu’s cold golden hazel eyes. “It’s a big misunderstanding Ryu…” I looked down in shame. Did the maids tell him about my ride home? , I shook my head in disbelief. “One of the maids said you were M.I.A and I came as soon as possible, seeing I was in the middle of an operation my sister is far more important...”. “I’m sorry Ryu…that I worried you” I said sincerely. He stroked my hair and showed me a smile within his eyes. Ryu was the deadliest man when he wanted blood but he was always the gentle killer. “ Be sure to pack your things little one, the bus is coming early in the morning before the sun comes out… so you should be ok…be up at 6am” Ryu said clearly as he left the room.

That Saturday morning struck the last day at home. All I could think about was the beauty of the morning stars fading away and the sun coming up to rise. Rise? It was 6:30a.m…I gasped loudly and quickly put on my clothing. This was bad. If I were to go out in the sun now at the first day of new age the sun would burn me into ashes. I called for ryu but was no where to be seen. Quickly dashing down the hall I slammed into him and almost knocked myself out. Ryu stood there firm and hardened like a Statue then slowly looked down to me. “ I’m only going to tell you this once… put on the necklace father gave you and get going…I will be right behind you” he announced.

Since I was 12, I was having these weird lusts for blood all the time. Since then I had to be injected with a small needle that changed my love for it. I feared for my past and future every time I saw the red substance. It was only me that could have gallons of blood, or even wipe out the entire human body of its blood because I couldn’t control it. I had a rare race of being a bloodlust human; this kind of human would only be cursed with the lust for blood and contained the qualities of a vampire. No matter what race; human or demon, it could happen to a child of new birth. If you were a human in reality you would always be cold, if you seemed to be some sort of demon…you would always be cold, unless you had a certain lust or love for someone.

The half and half breed would suffer the most. If you were as such you would fade in and out of cold and warm. A parent that is human and/or demon were to die the race that is still lived would consume you leaving you in shock and aggression. These half breeds had no fear but always had a lust…but just like me the wouldn’t be able to control it. Fortunately, I was not a half breed. But everyone does have a lust, and lust is what stops us from reaching our goals. Everything and anything that we would want in life would always be stopped by this lust. I would know…I have a rare lust for a human, but not rare for a human that was born into a vampire family.

Ryu and I sat at the bus stop for long while. I always wondered what the locket father gave me could do. Now I knew it saved me from the sun. Mother once told me, when I was to turn the age of 40. My locket would shatter and I would be bound to the house by day and come out by night. Though I did not believe her it sounded too real to be false. The sun beamed out through out the land and brightened up everything in its path. I suddenly was not afraid of it. “It’s coming…” He said randomly. I tilted my head in confusion, as the bus came speeding down the street. Ryu grinned lightly. This was rare. I struggled and embraced Ryu tightly while the bus driver set my suitcase onto the bus. “Take care of yourself…I will see you on Sunday little one” He said patting my head. Ryu walked off towards the house as I entered the bus, soon realizing I was going to miss him. The other students on the bus looked at me; whispering, talking loudly as I passed by them. There, on the back seat sat a black hooded boy slowly raising his head to see the new comer. I gasped silently. Blue eyes, black hair. Edward. The bus began to drive off in a messy fashion. I looked at Edward in shock as he reached out to me for my hand. Edward grinned lightly suddenly starting to chuckle “I can’t believe this!” He grinned. I never knew we’d meet again. In a situation like this…

teehee only six pages..yeah..*nervous laugh* sweatdrop redface

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a lil lavi love? =]

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