Left - Taggerz "Tag", Right - Bedlam
Bedlam my little parakeet, I'll miss you.
I remember the day I got you, thinking that Taggerz would need a friend to keep him company. I though you were the most beautiful little parakeet in that whole gaggle of feathers and squawking. At first I was hesitant, because you were a girl, that it would be a bad idea to put you in the same cage as Tag; though I got you anyway.
That ugly, mean lady put on her gloves as I pointed you out in Petco and dove her hand in chasing you around the glass cage. Still to this day I giggle when I remember you biting her as hard as you could, you must've been so scared.
Tag brightened up when I brought you home, you both sang together and flittered around my room waking me up in the morning. Though I used to get mad that you liked to poop on my curtains and leave a giant mess of ripped up paper in your cage, I kind of miss it. You were such a pain in the butt, making a mess and screeching at the top of your lungs but I miss it a lot.
Tag misses you Bedlam, he doesn't sing anymore and I'd feel horrible just to replace you with another bird. I hope you're happy wherever you are and I'm sorry I used to yell when you made so much noise in the middle of the night. Love you Bedlam, rest in peace baby.