"What ever could have brought you here? you unfortunate soul, for this is the devil's land raised into the sky; The Dragon Casimir tree's home. Sure it looks safe and delightful to boot, but if you harbor any sins you'll likely never leave! Drink aplenty, company delightful, vixens and gents to turn your fancy round. So please, quench your thirst and hang around just let it be known that home you've found for likeliness is your hear to stay on Raised Hell, devil's island." -A young little daemon girl is singing as she swings from a raised root of the dominant plant of the land, The Dragon Casimir tree. Her twisted sweet and alluring voice sends chills down your spine as you enter the harbor. To the right is a gang way wooden bridge up to the top of the floating land, it lures you in as you smell fine wine and roasting pig... all common delights of the residents. So for now, eat, drink, be merry, just be careful that you don't loose yourself whilst you're here.
Redforest · Wed Jun 09, 2010 @ 03:32pm · 0 Comments |
"The Raised"
Born of the goddess Lunaris as a means of fighting off her rival Solaris and other consolations' creations, they sought to remain loyal to her and found a means of getting closer to the moon to which is her home by utilizing the Casimir tree to raise the land they had claimed as home into the heavens.
Lifespan: 600-800+
Physical traits:
Complexion: Redish brown, as if the sun had burned their skin out of spite. Natural hair colors: Black, facial hair is possible though one can choose to shave without any criticism. Natural eye colors: Black, but silver is rare and only seen in the youth, and is thought to be the sign of a blessed child. Other features: -Tail: bushy, black, fluffy, it is seen as being close to that of a wolfs. -Horns: males and females have one set of horns that grow with personal maturity, black for males and reddish for females. -Claws: toes open in sandals is how you will see their feet, hound claws on the tips make traditional shoes uncomfortable; fingers have nails, but not so cumbersome as they are simply used to create a hard end for protection when delivering punches. -Ears: rounded out like a human, they typically hang earlobes and remain small as to retain heat during the night. -Teeth: sharp like a wolf's, they are built to tear into anything, used just as much for eating meat as fruit, they sustain omnivorous grinding moalers for vegetation. They generally are strong, though if they do get chipped and broken they are replaced with new bone.
They mate physically like humans, that being said, courtship is slightly varied. Women being scarce, 1:3 births are female, they are prized and permitted free domain in selecting a mate.
--Females are praised in beauty and take good care of themselves though are not praised in beauty alone as the mind is also seen as a piece of one's self. Generally, nearly all the females are well endowed as natural selection and goddess's blessing has prevented genetic deformity. --Males are seen as viable specimens only after they have gone successfully on a venture in efforts to gain honor for their goddess. Muscular builds are nice, but skill is seen as more valued as men can easily build up muscle mass if the need should arise. --Moderation is seen as very attractive, where as being too skinny or overly fed is seen as hate of self and to be dense as stone is also repugnant to both genders.
Gestation period: 6 lunar cycles In a life span, a fertile female may produce about 3 children. Less if unfortunate and one more if they are lucky. (The highest recorded number of children from one pair was 7, but that was due to a series of one birth of triplets and two of twins, the mother died after her last birth.) --Continuation of the species is considered important but is thought to only be done through proven male sirring. In such regards, times of war may prompt polygynous acts to raise the population.
Affection: Females take lead in all affection, kissing, touching and holding on to their preferred mate. Much of this is slowly done though as the male has the right to deny her whims if he holds other wishes. If he does however accept, the dance of lovers is that of mirroring cranes, one action is followed by it's equal with the male always following step. - Fathers show affection to their children through play and gentle wrestling matches with their sons, Mothers often groom her children along with passively watching them play about and often have the sleeping habit of having her young in her bed for the first two to four years of their lives.
=Clothing: Mostly of dark colors, black is most common as it is an affront against Solaris, the sun god. Red is also worn in remembrance of their ancestors who sacrificed their efforts for their future and for Lunaris the moon goddess. Currently, the ecosystem provides enough grasses and grains for live-stalk to be supported in concert with a few cotton fields. Clothing making however is not an export as the tree tends to only provide just enough and no more than that. All old clothing is sanctimonious burned with the deceased. Children's Clothing: The Lunar goddess deposits clothing in the form of white silk thread sheets in the heavy fog banks of the waterfall in the morning and is still traditionally used to wrap up the young newborns. –Hats: Not all too common, as their horns can get in the way, though cloth wrappings and the occasional loose fitting hat can be found atop their head. Adornment with flowers, most often red can be found atop young girl's heads. –Shoes: Sandals, it is mostly due to the fact that the ground is rocky away from the center of town that shoes are even used. Children run bare foot to keep them from running too far off. =Language: –-Names: most often after nature, males take after rocks, trees and things firm and resound. females take after the wind, clouds and living things such as leaves and flowers. Short i's e's and long O's are mostly masculine where as long I's U's and A's are predominantly feminine. --Spoken word: Midland English, Though they do take small influences from Germanic and ancient gaian, it is mostly strait English that they speak out of convenience.
-Weaponry: War is in the Raised's blood and it is taught from almost birth the means of self defense and aggressive fighting styles. It is their belief that they fight for their goddess's place in the sky and if they should stop fighting that she would grow weaker and succumb to the constellation that surround her.
Young males are versed in combat from when they are young till the age of thirty two to which they take on private training or simply choose another means of defense such as marksmanship. A moon's worth [32 years] of training beyond birth may qualify a person as a master of an art.
- Sickles are most commonly chosen as they base closely to the lunar scythe. - Spears, long two handed swords and short swords are all used for their practical form and ease of wielding.
-Traditional Weapons: As gifts from their Goddess, these weapons provide the ability of near weightlessness in flight, not to say that they are without weight but simply permits gliding and air hopping by creating a dense mass of air below the wielder at will, so dives can still be made. --- Lunar Scythe; created in the image of the goddess, it preforms swiftly and is the most dangerous of the arsenal.
-Industry The small island is not one for mass trade nor does it have need for large quantities of textiles. The largest industry work that is around is the production of wine and of weapons. ---Farming: Wineries cover the top western section of the island and produce enough crop to supply the entire village with more than enough wine for them to drink and even splurge whilst still having excess for trade. In addition orchards and other vegetation grows fruits and nuts for a varied diet. Ranching offers a small bit of food to the island with a small dairy farm housing chickens and cows and a Butcher who raises up bulls and sous for the meat heavy diets of the natives. ---Fishing: Not the best of sources since fish do not overly crowd the small lake and stream beds, they are mostly reserved as a delicacy and are tended to with care.
-Illness: Blessed by the goddess Lunaris, they are naturally healthy as the most common cause of death is in battle and complications resultant of this, or in child birth as the women can be over taxed in rare cases. Though those who pass through those trials live long lives. ---Healthcare: Instituted after open trade was established with air ships, a medical doctor was brought in to teach a small group on the practices of modern medicine. Using this knowledge, the most they do is ensure that nothing harmful comes in from the port that could damage the local fauna/flora.
Seen as the whims of gods and nothing more, magic is not wielded by the Raised personally as it is seen as a taboo art. Religion:
Polytheistic, believing in all the gods of Gaia as they are born of their Goddess Lunaris, the moon. They See it as their calling to fight for their goddess as if their efforts could claim the sky for her. ---Times of celebration: -Full Moon Dance: Once every lunar cycle on the full moon, the Raised celebrate their goddess; they wear the lunar cloak when possible along with whites and blues in celebration of the new moon. - Ritual/ceremonial clothing is reserved for festival activities exclusively. Those more devout to the goddess may choose to wear a pin during battle.
Personal Deitie: Lunaris- mother of "the Raised" and goddess over seas, night sky and mood. @Ref: Gaian deities.
Government: An Oligarchy is dominant over the island, headed by the Gritious Clan it is a dominant force over the inner workings of the island. This rule is however non oppressive and responds to the communities needs.
Relations with other nations: Seen as a Sister Island to Denia, as an island of a single race, they tend to stick to themselves. Trade is open, but not encouraged as the Raised would rather seek you out or sustain themselves instead of rely on another.
Around the Waining moon and new moon, the skies around Raised Hell should be avoided as the Raised are in lament over their moon being shrouded in darkness.
Redforest · Wed Jun 09, 2010 @ 03:27pm · 0 Comments |
Character; Redin Gritious. |
Codename: Master
Real Name: Redin Gritious III
Aliases: Red
Former Aliases: none
Occupation: Captain of the Dragon Zeppelin
Legal Status: Occupational Visitor
Identity: Publicly known as Redin...
Marital Status: single
Known Relatives:
Base of Operations: Raised Hell... or whatever bar I'm at.
Group Affiliation: Densien of Raised Hell
Former Group Affiliation: Army of the Damned
Origin: Daragon(m) & De'Lioes(f) parents
Height: 6' Hair: dark black Build: moderate Weight: 200 Eyes: dark brown Skin: tanned/hairy Age: ~20 Other: Is of regal descent to the Founder of Raised Hell
Known Powers/Abilities:
Equipment: - Sword of the Dragon Casimir; enables it's wielder to control his own decent and rise on air. Is most useful in navigating one's self in aerial combat yet is quite effective in slaying foes wit swift dives and slashes, met with no air resistance and caused boosts in speed. - Dragon Casimir armor chain male; guards against slashes and light stabs/piercings. Is of a very light composition yet very strong. - Dragon Casimir armor helm; Protects the wearer from loss of keen sight and is useful head protection.
Limitations: lustful.
Brief History: n/a
Notes: n/a
Redforest · Wed Jun 09, 2010 @ 03:15pm · 0 Comments |
Old Ship: "Flyin' Drake" the Dragon Zeppelin
Captain: Redin Gritious Second in Command:
--Crew-- Chef: Mechanic: Doc: Deck hand:
--Raiders-- Ship Gunner(s): Rope-men: Marksmen: [Raiding members are supported by wyrms (sky craft, yet to be configured.]
PM to Join!
Redforest · Wed Jun 09, 2010 @ 03:14pm · 0 Comments |