xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[ The Fallen Intellegence ]
"Shut up." Alison groaned into her fluffy pale blue pillow. The early morning sun shone brightly through the off-white curtains of her room and her blue and white plaid bed comforter was hanging half way off the small bed. Slowly; Alison picked her head off the pillow and stared at her digital alarm clock. "Nine'o two..." Alison stared at the clock for a few more seconds before letting her head drop back down into her pillow. She gripped each side of the pillow with her purple and red painted nails and dug her face deeper into the fabric where she let out a loud cry. "I don't wanna wake up!" She kicked her feet around, throwing the bed sheets completely onto the floor and continued her child like screams.
After minutes of Alison's screaming and her alarm clock's combined noises; her kicking steadily started to slow down to the point to where her last one dropped down to the bed with a faint thud. Alison pushed herself up to a kneeling position. She turned her head to the fullbody mirror that was proped up against the white wall at the other side of the room. Alison had to admit; she looked quite pathedic. Her long blonde hair was tossed here and there, her face flushed a furious red, a light coat of sweat making her oversixe shirt cling to her chest, and she was holding her pillow to her stomach for dear life. And the look n her face! It was like she had just seen a ghost. As sat there for a few more seconds, just staring at her own reflection, until her breathing slowed down. Alison chuckled and brought her back of her pale hand to her forehead and held it there. "All of that over waking up." She shook her head in disapointment at herself, but then realized something. The alarm was still on! She snapped her head over to her night stand and glared at the annoying little object. She growled at it and jammed her purple painted pointer finger on it; silencing the thing for now.
With a content sigh, she slid out of her comfortable bed. As soon as her bare feet made contact with the wooden floor, she jumped at how cold it was and jumped back into bed. 'Christ that's cold,' She glared down at the floor like it had just made a terrible 'yo mama' joke at her and was about to crack another one. She stuck her tounge out at the floor; seeing her own tounge being stuck out back at her in the floor she scoffed and got off the bed, this time not effected my the unusualy cold floors. She shuffled her feet down the halls to avoid making any noise, the last thing she wanted was someone else to wake up and make her even more pissed; espesialy sinse she hasn't had her morning coffee. Alison halted infront of a small elevator and pressed the only button on the wall next to it. Her room was located on the top floor of the tall skyscraper and the only way to go any further from her was to walk up a few steps onto the roof. Much to Alison anger; the kitchen was placed three floors below where all the rooms are. 'Why couldn't the damn kitchen be up here where our rooms are?' Alison tapped her foot impatiently on the wooded floor of the hall way as she waited for the elevator to come to the top. When it finaly dinged, signaling that it had arrived, Alison climbed into it and pressed the button with the number 17 on it. The doors slowly closed and lowered her down three levels and opened up again to another hallway. Alidon stepped out and made a left down the hall and eventualy came to a large open space that was their kitchen.
There, on the counter, placed at the very end plugged into the wall, was her coffee maker. With a dreamy look in her eyes; she practicly floated over to the small machine and preshed the green button on the side, thankful that her assistant had loaded it with coffee beans before he left last night. Alison went over to the cabinet and opened to small wooden doors to pull out a plastic bag filled with bread. She undid the top and pulled out two pieces and went back to the counter to remove the toaster cover and poped the two slices of bread in. Next; she went into the large fridge and pulled out a tub of butter and left it ut to soften. There was a small mirror on the wall over the toaster and Alison counld't help but notice th faint black lines around here eyes. She had forgotten, yet again, to remove her eyes linner before going to sleep. Alison shruged her shoulds and left to room and went back down to the elevator, this time pressing the star to go down to teh lobby of the building. "Time to get the mail." Alison sang to herself as the elevator went down.
stepped out of the line
like a sheep runs from the herd
marching out of time
to my own beat now
the only way i know
one light, one mind
flashing in the dark
blinded by silence of a thousand broken hearts
"for cryin out loud" I screamed unto them
"a free for all,
******** 'em all !
you are your own sight!"
like a sheep runs from the herd
marching out of time
to my own beat now
the only way i know
one light, one mind
flashing in the dark
blinded by silence of a thousand broken hearts
"for cryin out loud" I screamed unto them
"a free for all,
******** 'em all !
you are your own sight!"