I got back from Metrocon about a week ago and I had such an awesome time ^0^ Everyone there was really fun and friendly and I really appreciate everyone who came to my table!
If you didn't have a chance to make it, I was selling all of my lovingly made anime hats and hoodies that I had been working on for the past few months.

I sold out of nearly everything that I made which is so awesome, so thank you thank you to anyone that bought anything. But next on the agenda is Anime Weekend Atlanta! So for that I'm starting from scratch and making everything all over again >w< to have a fresh batch for AWA. So unfortunately, if you can't make it to AWA I probably won't have time to make a hat for someone who's interested. There's just too much to do X3!
After AWA, I think I might try going to EXPCon this year. I don't know a lot about it, but from the website it looks like it might be fun and being in St. Augustine, the location just seems too beautiful to pass up!
ShoriAmeshiko · Mon Jun 29, 2009 @ 03:07am · 0 Comments |