spilling my heart on the pages
My heart got Broken into many pieces..Again, I fell Truly in love with only two people.. One Shreaded my heart into Small pieces that took me forever to recover… and then The other one didnt really break it… my parents did . I thought he wouldnt hurt me .. I believed in him … I trusted him… He made me the happiest person alive .. i thought after the first person , I wouldnt be happy ever again, I went through hell for two months, Then one person came to me and cheered me up. He made me happy , something my closest friends couldnt do, I end up falling hard for him , so hard I would die for him , he was my world , its to bad that parents ruin what you have… , ugh my wrist hurts and so does my heart , im sick from walking in the rain all night , and i dont know what to do… </3
spilling my heart on the pages
-sigh- You Really never loved me , you just said it to make me happy, I’m immature , stupid , and a b***h . You break up with me because I was having mood swings. We were never meant for each other after all, And I’m ready to move on, Or at least that’s what I’m telling myself. ; I’m Looking up and staying with my friends :] the people who love me , and the People I love [: <3 ; In my heart i still love you , but im going to keep it inside me , so I don’t hurt anyone; I gave up so much for you , and now I’m just realizing that nothing was worth it. My tears are wasted , my time wasted , 6 months wasted , I just wish i never met you, I wish i can have my life back to way it was before you came into it , I Wish i can leave you . -Shyleen