Fuzzy Dragon Secrets |
The aincent and mysterious Fuzzy Dragon, totally a mystery... Slowly the secrets are unveiled here! |
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Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 @ 08:08am
Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 @ 06:39pm
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Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 @ 05:03am
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 @ 01:53am
Tempramental Qu!z.
You can steal this quiz al long as you say it was by Koala~Bear. Thanks!
The Tempramental Quiz. 1)You are awating your special letter from Harvard, and your mind is set on beliveing that you got in. When the day finally comes, you open the letter by... a) Ripping the envalope to shreds and tearing the letter in desparation to see their reply. b) Making someone close to you open it and read it for you, your way to freaking nervous to open a letter! c) Slowly open the letter and unfold the paper inside to savor the moment. d) Why open it? You know that you got in, and you'll just wait for them to send the package of your supplies and information. 2)You are at home alone and you feel really hungry, so you order a pizza. When the delivery man comes, you realiase that you don't have any cash. You don't want to make them feel like they did all of that for nothing, so you... a) Go into your brother's room and steal the ten bucks you really need. b) Call your mom and ask her what to do. She must have some stash of cash that you can use or something. c) When the delivery boy comes, don't answer the door to make him think he has the wrong adress. d) Tell the guy a sob-story about how so-and-so did this-and-that, then he'll have to give you the pizza for free. 3)You're surfing the web on a saturday evening and come across an... image. You would probably.. a) Scream your head off and tell your mom that it was an awful accident and you didn't really mean for it to happen. b) Stare in shock for a few seconds before clicking the "x," and never tell a soul what happened. c) Turn off the computer and don't go back on for a month and a half. d) Oooh.. Yum.. *stares* 4)This guy who has always just "been there" comes up to you and asks you out. You've never been asked out before, and it's really wierd. You'd.. 1) Accept immediately, all youre friends have boyfriends and you're gonna pounce on your chance to get one. 2) Ignore him, assuming that his friends were playing the "buzz" game and you were lucky enough to get picked as a victim. 3) Quietly say "No, thanks," and go on with the rest of your day. 4) Scream your head off at him about how you're not supposed to just "ask people out" and you don't even know his name and you think it's all really stupid that he's humiliating you like this, and finish it off with a bitchslap.
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Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 @ 10:02pm
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 @ 02:56am
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Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 @ 09:34pm
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 @ 11:05pm
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Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 @ 07:38am