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Umm a cupple of rants, poems, and maybe more..Dont know, but if you want to look, feel free
A k i h i t o || S o h m a ;; Profile (WIP)
"Be unique and different, say yes."

User Image_____my l a b e l reads;; Akihito Sohma
_____i've blown out this many c a n d l e s 1 0 x 0 2 + 0 5 = 2 5
_____my c a k e day;; Born into this dreadful world D e c e m b e r 20th
_____check the s h i r t or the p a n t s You show me yours and I'll drop my P a n t ' s and show you mine.
_____i'm a f l u f f y Dwarf hamster

_____my r e f l e c t i o n Don't you wish your girlfriend was H O T like me?
_____for my e y e s only;;I may not be some majestic animal, but I’m quite cute and fuzzy.
_____i should take up a c t i n g
F l i r t a t i o u s ;; Akihito is notorious for being an awfully large flirt. One that obviously hasn’t the slightest clue on the idea of monogamy. Then again, who said just because one likes to dabble with the feelings of multiple people, means they are going to just settle down right away? Please, that’s the last thing on Akihito’s mind. In fact, the idea that he could possibly stray is easily able to stick with him by how often he victimize multiple people with such words and sometimes physical contact of affection. Male or female, it doesn’t exactly matter to him for Akihito is quite the firm believer in that old saying, “Love knows no boundaries.” It wouldn’t be surprising if that was his personal life’s philosophy for how flirtatious he can come off as with both the same and opposite sex. However, one should take Akihito’s affection as a sign that he absolutely adores you. For that would be a lie, since well there isn’t exactly one special person in Akihito’s mind (Despite the crush details near the bottom), there’s a large array of people that he interacts with that he flaunts this oh so overly friendly attitude towards. Half the time he does it as a joke, either to make certain people feel extremely uncomfortable or just because he knows the other person will flirt back in the same joking matter as he is. Though with that said, it becomes a potential problem. For if everyone figured he would show affection toward everyone, it would be quite hard to weed though and see if such words are false in meaning and just for the fun of it, or if there really is a hidden meaning etched beneath he kind and sometimes overwhelming words he speaks.

F l a m b o y a n t ;; In this gigantic crayola box we call society, it’s one thing to be the dullest shade imaginable. An unexciting hue that has many turning the other cheek. However its another to be one vibrant color that can attract an array of other hues to blend and or contract with. From such a metaphor one can easily comprehend that Akihito is one who can keep another on their toes. That is if one could put up with this upbeat side of his personality. It’s almost terrifying to know just how naturally this over whelming sense of excitement and excessive amounts of enthusiasm come with a majority of what ever he does. One could almost say its never a dull moment with Akihito around. However the irony is that Akihito is far form optimistic. His willingness may seem unrealistic and may portray him as such, but his sense of possibility is as a matter of fact down to earth. He knows the limit’s to much of his potential and truly doesn’t believe in the fact that once you set your mind to something anything is possible. He may speak such, but un all truth if the first few times you don’t succeed, then why bother trying at all afterwards. This of this as the negative effect this side of his personality tends to smother and conceal from the surface world.

C l u m s y ;; Now here’s a part of Akihito that generally people don’t seem to understand. In fact, it’s common for people to do a double take on what has just happened in order to comprehend that indeed it was Akihito that had just took a great tumble without even realizing he was about to trip over something. It’s insanely ironic for someone such as Akihito, who possess the ability to pose so gracefully before a camera to express what has been desired, to be a complete klutz. Quite frankly it has to do with Akihito’s lack of concentration at times that often reunites this model’s face with the floor. He does possess a nasty way of letting his mind drift for subject to subject rather frequently, causing him to contemplate such mysteries and doing his best to keep his coordination in tact at the same time. Akihito however isn’t the most talented multitasked you’ll ever meet. It shouldn’t be all that surprising to seem him looking as if he’s off in his own little world one minute, then smacked into a wall the next. Oh, but there are an awful lot more scenarios that hardly would be considered beneficial. Akihito’s timing for thinking tends to be horrid, thus it seems like he’s always tripping over his own two feet or walking straight into something with out even having the slightest realization until its far to late.

I n s i g h t f u l ;; Now after just reading through the above half you must be wondering, “How on earth can this ditz be insightful?!” Well, has anyone ever stopped to think about what crosses his mind to make him so clumsy in the first place? Call it a keen eye for what ever detail he tends to pick up on, but it’s those little things that tend to plague him. It could be the fact that someone happens to be doing something completely out of character, or possibly his daily routine is altered just a smidge, which could possibly make him believe that something must be different about the day. From the slightest twinge that feels as if it should be irrelevant to the change in someone’s attitude for what ever reason,! It’s these sorts of things that he cant help but dwell on longer then he should. Well, so what if his mind jumps rather rapidly after it’s been given a moment or two worth contemplating, it doesn’t change the fact that he picks up on the most random things. His observant behavior isn’t exactly something that should be praised, for it’s because of this some rather blunt things tend to end up flying over his head. Remember in all truth, he can be quite the air head. At times who isn’t? Even if its only for a minute and or less, it happens. Rarely in some and quite often in others.

_____read me like a b o o kHistory. At least five good paragraphs.

_____these are a few of my f a v o r i t e things;;
User ImageUser Image Red apple’s || It’s something about how suggestive one can make them with the mastery of sex appeal, plus the addition of great taste. It’s rather common to see Akihito munching away at such a tasty fruit.
User ImageUser Image His cell phone || “ I cannot, I repeat, CANNOT live without my cell phone! It’s my only connection to the life I have outside the Sohma estate, which mind you I do have a job I’m quite proud of and friends that I do associate with occasionally. I tend to keep it on me everywhere I go, with it either on vibrate or sporting a rather upbeat ring tone. If I were to loose it, all hell would break loose.”
User ImageUser Image Children || “I happen to be a person who love’s kids. Especially babies! Oh my god, they are so cute! Their tiny little fingers and toes, Iee!! It makes me want to squeal like a little school girl--Not that I do…Its just a figure of speech! before I got into Modeling, I use to work part time at a day care. Only I had to quit once I got hugged by one of the little girls I was putting down for a nap... Luckily she was half asleep and no one else saw.”
User ImageUser Image Masochist || “ I know . . . I find it so creepy and unnatural myself, but I have a hard time not finding some form of arousal from pain inflected on me by others or just the sight of blood… Don’t think any different of me! I try my hardest to keep my feelings at those times in check, but sometimes I just can't help my self…”
User ImageUser Image Caramel || “Despite the fact my manager nags at me to eat healthy, which I do! I have a weakness for caramel, oh my god especially caramel apples! Ah, that’s orgasmic! Not really…I wish…I mean, I just like to say it is.”
User ImageUser Image
Reizo Sohma || “ Am I like the only person who actually likes him? Maybe I should restate that . . . Am I the only person who can tolerate him? Not meaning that in a mean way, I mean call me crazy, but I think he’s moderately interesting! I don’t see what everyone’s deal is! (Do you think he’d mind if I called him Rei-kun? Tehe, it has sort of a cute ring to it--OH DON’T TELL HIM I SAID THAT ! ! !) Sure! So maybe he has this god like complex and can be a bit mean…And scary…And abusive…And Compulsive? So what?! We all have our flaws, its not like everyone’s perfect!! Um…But can we keep this between you and me? If he ever found out, I think he’d murder me for the unintentional insults!”
User ImageUser Image Exercising || “Yes, I actually do enjoy exercising. Shocking? Well it shouldn’t be, god { Not Rei-kun -- Oh shoot! I didn’t say that! I meant god! Kami-sama!} forbid that my managers desired figure goes down the drain. Oh well, its just a good thing I like to jog. Though usually during the evening, it sort of lessens the chance to run into someone."

_____these i would g l a d l y do without;;
User ImageUser ImageBeing called ugly || “ I know it’s rather childish, but I can’t seem to shake it. I have such a tremendous fear of looking absolutely distasteful in someone’s eyes, that it even disturbs me with the lengths I take to look appealing.”
User ImageUser Image Anabaptizing || It’s a compulsive habit Akihito has, which drives him up the wall. He can’t stand when he see’s an assortment of the same thing ( Such as CD’s, books, etc.) that are not arranged alphabetically. He takes the liberty to arrange them as such and if he doesn’t, he’ll always be staring at the offending objects with such a deep fixation as if he should do it, but he’s trying to over come the need to.
User ImageUser Image Liquid Medication || If anything, it would be the artificial grape flavoring that he despises with a passion, but Akihito does prefer to take pills rather than the liquid medication any day. It lessens the chance for a nasty aftertaste and is easily bearable.
User ImageUser Image Needles || Akihito is mortally terrified of needles. Just holding one out in front of him can cause him shake uncontrollably, and in extreme situations it can even bring him to tears.
User ImageUser Image Alarm clocks || “Oh my god, I cant not stand those things! The repetitive generic buzzing drives me insane! I prefer to wake up to my cell phone, rather then one of those spawns of Satan!”
User ImageUser Image Rice || Akihito isn’t exactly picky when it comes to food, however he refuses to eat rice. He doesn’t like the texture nor the fact that there isn’t taste. Well that is in white rice, even with flavoring added, he isn’t fond of it.
User ImageUser Image People playing with his hair || “Ugh, alright so its not THAT bad…I mean I wont freak out if someone touches it or runs their hands though it a couple of times. (Not to brag, but I have been told I have extremely soft hair) But once people start tugging it and putting little random barrettes in. Plus! Tiny little braids that are hard to get out and easily knot! Oh no, not going to happen!”

_____i h e a r t you;; “I’m sure if I were to tell you, we’d both end up enrolling in some witness protection program. So let’s just leave it at that and hopefully that’s quite the large enough hint. Ugh, I think I said to much!”
_____it's a l i v i n g Akihito does in fact have a job, which brings his over achievement in beauty to it’s fullest potential. If you guessed that he was into the modeling business, then you would be correct. He’s not insanely famous nor does he do anything for highly renown people, but he does model for two local magazines. Though he has been called to do a few photo shoots for a romance novel or two, which was quite the experience and challenge due to the dilemma of the zodiac curse.
_____i could l i s t e n to this forever;;Time is running out User Image Muse

_____the one pulling my s t r i n g s Lastelle
_____how i love f i n g e r p a i n t i n g Red apple's with a light tint of Forest Green

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