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Mako-chan's Diary!
Diary of Tamako Hoshi,she's the twin of Taito(she goes by Ai)Hoshi and is in love with Ash Ketchum! This is basically Ai and her's journey with Ash and Gary!
[b:bada44d3f3]Yours Truly [/b:bada44d3f3] [/color:bada44d3f3]
- Tamako Mitsukai Hoshi aka Mrs. Ash Ketchum (to be) [/color:bada44d3f3]
[b:bada44d3f3]Yours Truly [/b:bada44d3f3] [/color:bada44d3f3]
- Tamako Mitsukai Hoshi aka Mrs. Ash Ketchum (to be) [/color:bada44d3f3]