I want a memory of my orphans, so i´ll mark now their names and quotes from my fav kiddos smile
Mimi is a little cat girl,she is so gentle smile
Ethel is a little box boy who is little bit melancholy,but he is one of them who i love <3
Barph is blonde, caring and maybe little bit "bitey" little boy. Aww :3 my second fav kiddo.
Tootie is a front-haired girlie, she is gentle too smile
Ethel Quotes:
-I bet if I ran away nobody would miss me.
-I heard of a place where they let you talk about your problems and someone listens. I wonder if it really exists.
-I wonder if that plane will take off *thinks*
-I bet the rats are tired of eating leftover gruel... not me!
-One time, I almost caught the plague. That was an exciting day.
-I don't really feel like existing today, but I might change my mind later on.
-Wow, I haven't cried at all today! Oh wait... here it comes *sob*
-I can't believe my imaginary friend asked me for money. Where am I supposed to get 500 gold?
-I hope this X-Mas goes by fast. I get so depressed during the holidays. *frown*
-Best... X-Mas... Ever! I'm finally ready to get adopted. Yessssss!
Barph quotes:
-Hey, where are you taking me? *twitch* GRAH! A STRANGE PERSON IS LEADING ME AWAY *twitch*
-Hey, what's this page all about? *twitch* ARE YOU LOOKING AT SAFE THINGS!? *twitch* I sure hope you are.
-Ms. Cooper sent me off with you because she says I'm too bitey. *twitch*
-They don't feed us very well at the orphanage... *twitch* THAT'S WHY I BITE BITE BITE!
-TOYS! GRAH! *twitch* Santa's been lazy this year *twitch* LAY OFF THE COOKIES FAT MAN!
-I feel great - not bitey at all! Nobody's ever gotten me an Xmas gift this nice before! Thank you for all your help. I'm ready be adopted, I think!
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