At first I didn't want to transfer, but after thinking about it for a while it should be an adventure. Right...? I can't wait to see what Tokyo Academy is like. Did you know I'm going to be living in a dorm now, and I'll have three room mates. ^ ^ The train is close to our stop, but I'll tell you more after I settle in.
~Notte Hisho~

(Notte Hisho-16)
Notte closed her journal tucking it safely way in her bag, while looking up at the stations. "Now in Tokyo center" as she stood to exit the train. She stepped off the train and saw a girl wearing the same uniform ran up to her. "Ah! You must be the Tranfer! Notte Hisho" The girl smiled bowing "I'm Hiku Manie, I'm here to help you to the school, and show you around," Notte smiled bowing back, "Um... Its nice to meet you Manie" "Just call me Hiku-Chan." They walked out to a car that was waiting, "The school normally has a van but since it's one student Fuma-Sensie volunteered to drive us." Notte nodded watching as Hiku tried opening the door.
The car was empty, "Maybe he went inside to find us..?" Hiku sighed sitting on a close by bench.

(Hiku Manie-15 )
"Is it normal to pick up students?" she asked looking at Hiku who was cleaning her glasses. "Um.. Not really, but the principal reguested a student body member to come get you. I was happy because today is my gym class.. I was never really good at sports." Notte smiled slightly giggling, "Me too," they laughed. "Hm. Whats so funny?" A mans voice asked, Notte glanced in the direction, Hiku stood "Nothing real funny. Fuma-sensie this is Notte Hisho." He looked at Notte and bowed his head "I'm glad you arrived safely, we should head back to the school." He grabbed her bags placing them in the trunk. The girls sat in the back seat, "Fuma-sensie teaches History," Hiku pointed out, Notte sighed slighlty "Not your strongest subject I guess" Fuma looked back at her, she blushed. "Not.. really..." He smiled "Don't worry as long as you study hard you wont fail." he said kindly.

(Aoi Fuma-25)
Notte watched outside the window and noticed the city was far in the distance, and they where driving into the outer limits of Tokyo. it took a long time before they arrived at the school, as Fuma-sensie pulled up Notte looked to Hiku. "This is Tokyo Academy, It may look big but after a while you'll get used to it." Hiku reassuring Notte. "I've got to go check in on my class will you two be alright?" Hiku nodded, "Thank you Sensei" Notte bowed he smiled handing her her bags. "I'll see you both in class." Hiku wasted no time showing her the school dorms. Each set on different sides of the school, West and East. "I'm in East dorm, but it looks like your in West..." She looked a little distressed, "Whats wrong?" She looked at her, "West is a roudy group, and pick fights with the East dorm.. " "Why?" "Um... Well the dorm heads Kiba Satio of East and Kyota Tangi of West just don't like each other. No one really knows why." They stopped in the hall outside room 13. "I've got to report to the principal, but i'll see you in class tomorrow." Notte waved goodbye as Hiku left down stairs.
Notte turned unlocking the door and walked in to what looked like a small living room, and a kitchen, 'an apartment?' she shut the door and slowly walked down a small hall way to the right was a bath room and to the left was a bed room with four beds in it. She set down her bags by the window smiling. She heard the door open and smiled turning to see her room mates, but a man stood in the door way looking as puzzled as she did.

(Sano Gakuto-18 )
"Um.. my name is... Notte Hisho.. Pleased to meet you.." Notte bowed then looked up at him he still looked confused but he nodded "um.. can you tell me where I can put my things?" He nodded pointing to the bed closest to the window. "That's your bed.. um I'll be right back." he left but when he returned he was with two other guys, "So you where telling the truth.. " "um.." Notte felt uneasy never spent time around guys before let alone sleep in the same room. "Ah, Sorry for being so rude earlier, we're your room mates I'm Sano Gakuto, this is Kazu Umashi, and Kyota Tangi"

(Kazu Umashi-16)

(Kyota Tangi-17)
Notte bowed "um... I'm... pleased to meet you" Sano smiled "Don't worry well be your big brothers from here on out okay?" Sano said hugging her. "I always wanted a little sister" Notte froze her face flushed, Kazu pulled him away, "we'll be in the living room, so you can unpack." Notte nodded as the door closed she collapse onto her bed. After unpacking she pulled out her journal and began to write while the guys slept in there beds.
I arrived safely in my dorm, and my room mates are... They seem like good people but its still uneasy to share a room and one bath room. I made a friend too her name is Hiku Manie, and she's in the other dorm but well see each other in class. I better not stay up to late.
By morning Notte got up and headed to her bath room rubbing her eyes but paused Sano in the bath room stepping out of the shower she turned to run but Kazu walked in only in his boxers.. Her face turned red.. "Um.. Umm.. I'm sorry!" She exclaimed bowing running past them with her eye closed.