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View User's Journal

~ White List ~
over 10k:
2.Grrr Imma Bear x3
5.Xx L0V3_LUBB_S3XY xX

over 20k:

2. Moofina

heart attacks:

1. DISC0 STICKS : holy gauntlets
2.Urikho: Fausto's Bottle (Any)
3.raped by the man: oculus mythica
4. smackin_elayne: coocoon + blood moon + pixie wings
5.Killaaz: snow feather plus 20k
6.Crystal_Nightfall: 27k
7.I Badass I: oh my gumball
8.OosexybunnyoO: winter fox
9.Moofina: 50k
week 2
1.SimpleLady60k + Magical Girl's Blue Uniform
2.-masturbative-eye-patch-: thank you letter nov. 2008
3. forkiie: gift of gods + fire flower
4. I Badass I : feb thank you letter + scarlet sprite
5.Xx L0V3_LUBB_S3XYxX: albus egg + snowfeather
6.Sweet Abusive Revenge: gee boi turbo
week 3:
1.Te Chingo: Purple Tam Beret heart
2.Pyro_Emo_Ninja: The Lusty Scoundrel
3.lxl Carson lxl: 17k + birthday cupcake + techno- mage :]]]]
4. Magnus Lux: oh my gumball
5.Princess Satisfactory: gee boi turbo
6.Xx L0V3_LUBB_S3XYxX: gee boi turbo

la lune de papier: gave 5k when i needed it the most :O
Syntherin: gave 2k when i needed it the most :O

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