Ok....I like to rp...I am pretty good at it.....
My rules-
1.No N00b....I won't talk to you then
2.Not big on Godmodding...might happen sometimes just not everytime
3. depending...there may end up being sex between our charcters.
4.I am bi...I rp both guys and girls....I screw both guys and girls
5.have fun with it...it's not like its an actual commitment
Universes I mostly do- A/U Twilight, Harry Potter, FFVll-FFX-2, Gaia towns
I can rp a charcter from a series if you like or I can do a chara of my own.
My Character that I use the most is
Name-Ryoma Hinamori
Hair-Black w/lime green streaks
Eyes-mostly green but turn to red
pm me if you are interested or I'll just send a starter.
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Name: HarleyQuinn
Likes:Jokes, Magic, and Love
Doesn't like:Meanies!
Owner mad XMalice_in_HorrorlandXx
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