I have been learning how to knit this week. And I finally got to finish my pratice part on purl stitching. That was the hardest to do. I also did binding off a purl stitch, but for some reason it looks funny and I think I didn't do it right ; ;
I also got my cross stitch lap stand in the mail today, to find out my piece I am currently working on doesn't fit it. So this weekend, when I go on a shopping spree I guess you could say, at Joann fabrics because of the sales they got, I am going to look for a larger dowel set for my stand. It hurts alot to hold this thing. It's 30+ inches wide and I have majority of it stitched already. So you can imagine with all the floss on it, it probably weighs about 2 lbs or so and holding that in one hand while stitching with the other is quite painful to say the least.
I am hoping the women at Joann's can help me finding a new dowel set and also figuring out how to stich something that is 63 inches wide. No I am not kidding on this. I am actually very serious. I downloaded a pattern of Yuna from Final Fantasy X-2 that is 50 pages long and converting the cms to inches, it ends up being 63 ins.... That is gonna be one long and hard a** thing to make. But pretty though ; ;
I really hope there is an easy way and safe way to stitch that piece ;; It is so huge and that is on 18 ct cloth. eek Ya, if I go any smaller, its gonna hurt my eyes like hell, >.> I'd need a maginify glass to do that thing and I don't wanna waste my money on a stand that I can't even use for 2 huge a** pieces ; ;
But crafting is fun.....
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